Author Topic: Karidis - crater deformity  (Read 2230 times)

Offline spooon

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I am 12 months post op with Karidis. Unfortunately i am left with a crater deformity that looks particularly bad on flexing the right pec. I think he removed too much gland and my skin is stuck to the muscle. My gyno wasn't that bad to begin with so i am gutted. He is offering to attempt a fat graft. Has anyone suffered a similar fate with Karidis and had a revision done either by him or elsewhere?

Offline hauser99

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Sorry to hear that mate. I am almost two years post op and my results were ok but not as good as I thought they would be. I too have a slight crater deformity on one side when flexing and a little bit of lumpiness on the other side.

After reading a few threads on here about Karidis and revisions he seemed reluctant to do them so I never requested one. I probably should have although after doing some research it appears that fat grafts don't seem to be very successful.

Hope it goes well for you.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2020, 09:03:56 PM by hauser99 »

Offline spooon

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Hi Hauser, sorry to hear your outcome was less than perfect. Karidis seems a little aggressive with gland removal. I was initially happy but as things started to heal, you realise that you actually end up flexing the chest a lot more than you think, and the mirror is a daily reminder the reportedly best in the UK hasn't quite worked out for you. The fat graft doesn't seem like a risk i want to take given the poor success, covid risk, and not able to exercise again for a few weeks. The fat flap technique seems more promising. Have you researched that technique / surgeons?

Offline hauser99

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Hi spooon, I haven't researched the fat flap technique although I did read about it and saw a couple of videos. Not sure on surgeons in the UK sorry. I think Karidis does what he can but, as almost every single piece of paper you have to sign states, perfection is not likely. He is well covered if a patient is unhappy with the results.

To be honest my philosophy was one of accepting the outcome no matter what it was. I thought about the surgery for years and saved up for years so it was either get it sorted or accept my man boobs. Whilst not perfect and I don't look like Mark Wahlberg I am much more content than I was when I had puffy nipples and a painful chest. Gyno ran my life for over 20 years and I was tired of it. Essentially what I am saying is my journey to get it rectified is pretty much over. Dealing with having to research surgeons, book appointments, travel, pay more money, the recovery (in the current climate) and then not knowing what the outcome will be is not for me any more.

Keep us updated on what you decide mate. Good luck and I hope everything works out for you.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2020, 05:55:57 PM by hauser99 »

Offline LondonLadSE8

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If Karidis is offering a revision by a fat graft then it appears, on the surface at least, he agrees with you and acknowledges the crater deformity.

I am not a lawyer but my opinion is, regardless of any waiver or disclaimers in place a surgeon should carry out the operation with reasonable care and skill.

So whilst the outcome of surgeries may not be perfect you’d still expect not to be left with an unreasonable/unusual crater deformity considering you probably also paid a considerable premium to go to a top surgeon like Karidis.

In the first instance, you should consider his offer to perform the revision if he is willing and able to do.


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