Author Topic: Let the healing begin!!!  (Read 3504 times)

Offline Gaz30

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Hi folks,

Had my surgery on the 28.10.09 ( 2 days ago)! at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, sitting here in my compression vest and bandaged scared to move, All went well the surgeon Mr Watson was FANTASTIC, he saw me after i came round and told me he removed roughly  half a pound of fat from each breast and that he weas very pleased it went well, unlike the anestatist who apparently after i drifted off i was violently sick , i fasted from 8 pm the previous night he put this down to being anxious, i had to have an xray to ensure nothing was in my lungs and i was intubated throughout the procedure, i am just taking it easy, slight pain yeah more uncomfortable, am lying on about three pillows at night to higher myself up, is this ok, am bathing daily and keeping the compression vest on night and day, to go back on Thursday for dressings to be changed but i can tell you O.M.F.G  WHAT A DIFFERENCE, i look in the mirror :), as you do, i need to get shot of the hunch walk, a nurse clocked it right away, just findin the new me, early doors but on the whole i pleased and prob still under anestetic, xcuse ramblin!! any suggestions post op care it would be really helpful  Thanks this site and the support i've recived has been amazin Thanks :D

Offline creative

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Hi mate,

Glad it all went well. The feeling is incredible, isn't it? You'll lose the 'hunch' walk quicker than you may think - i think i stopped doing it after 2 weeks! It's just the mind adjusting to the new body ;)

Did you just have lipo done or gland too?

Offline Gaz30

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Hey Creative, the feeling is amazing, i had lipo, half a pound each side removed?

Offline wannabemassive

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Really happy for you mate.

Grab the moisturiser, where i had the lipo i have found the skin to be dry.



Offline Gaz30

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Thanks wbm, i have taken the compression vest off to bathe, still got the padding and the bandages, going to get them changed on Thursday, of what i have seen i am pleased with!, a lot of brusing and i can see a few stretch marks with some loose skin but the moobs have gone!, still got the vest on night and day and by god it's tight!!!!!, just cant wait to shower and put on a t shirt and see the new me!!! ;)

Offline skinnyman

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All the best with your recovery! Please keep us all posted with your progress, i am especially interested in your story as i'm not far from glasgow, although its not my closest hospital but i'm hoping to get a surgeon experienced in gyno. Fingers crossed everything goes well for you 

Offline wannabemassive

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How is your chest healing?

Get some pics up so we can see before and after.



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