Author Topic: Local Anaesthetic?  (Read 3284 times)

Offline rasputin

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Hi all,

It's taken me 4 and a half years to tell my girlfriend that I have this issue. Now that I have and she's got my back I am 99% going for surgery as soon as I f***ing can! I'm going to book a consultation with Dr. Karidis and go from there, but I really just wanted to hear some first hand experiences of local anaesthetic. Any advice from anyone here?

Any comments hugely appreciated.
My Trip Report (Preop & Postop pics).

Offline dexs

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Rasputin, firstly congrats on taking the first step.  I had my surgery with Karidis last Thursday and believe I was absolutely crapping myself about General Anaesthetic (they put you to sleep) not Local Anaesthetic as Karidis does not offer this option.  However now I'm on the other side I really do think to myself how much of a pussy i was.  

This board is here to support and help so feel free to ask any questions you have.

You can read my surgery experience from the link below as I do go into some detail about the operation and GA.

Offline rasputin

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Hey Dexs,

Thanks for the response - I had already read through your thread, really useful information for someone like me. I'll be doing the same I think!

I've only asked about LA because it was mentioned on the website under male chest reduction:

Gynecomastia correction can be performed successfully either with a local anaesthetic alone, local anaesthesia with mild sedation (twilight anaesthesia) or with a General anaesthetic(completely asleep). If you decide to have it done with a local anaesthetic, you will probably feel some vibration and friction during the procedure.

Is that not the case at all? GA does put me off quite a bit as I just want to sit around for a couple of hours and walk straight out feeling completely fresh.

Offline dexs

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GA put me off a few years back and looking back I wish I just took the plunge.  I think everyone will tell you that GA is nothing to worry about.  I went through the same worries and concerns.  The risks are really small but as humans its only natural to feel nervous when you are not in control.

My advice would be to just go for it.  Book the consultation and I guarantee you it will be the best decision you will make in your life.

Take it from a guy who was the biggest pussy when it came to GA. 

Offline ChestMan

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Dexs,  I'm probably being more of pussy than you were....I just don't understand why it can't be done under local. Years ago,  when I had my wisdom teeth taken out, I had it done under local and they pulled out 4 impacted teeth out (meaning they had to cut the gums open to get to the teeth). I remember that the dentist/surgeon was struggling with one of them and had to place is hand on my head as leverage and yank his pliers (I think the tooth snapped). Blood and teeth were everywhere. Not a great experience and it was pretty vigorous surgery. What I didn't know was that most people have them removed under GA - I was only told of this afterwards and the surgeon told at my follow up consult 'you're known as somewhat of a hero around here'. My point is that gyno surgery doesn't look that much worse in terms of the forcefulness (from the videos I've seen on youtube), and I wasn't traumatised by it, so shouldn't it be the patient's choice?

Thanks for helping put my mind at ease (at all the other guys). I'm purposely not searching the internet for any information on GA, as I don't want to soil my pants any further...   

Offline rasputin

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Ok cool, well it won't stop me from doing this - I would just prefer a much more natural and controlled surgery even if it does hurt a ton!

Thanks for letting me know, hopefully I can get a consultation next week to clear up everything. :) I actually woke up at 5am this morning because I couldn't sleep I was so excited!

Offline thetodd

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I dont know what you think surgery is going to be like, but you wont walk out "feeling fresh" with a local you could be walking out a broken man. Have a look on Youtube on how this surgery is performed i cant even imagine sitting through that wide awake.

General wears off in like 12 hours, you get it wake up have a cup of tea and feel a bit groggy. Go home sleep and thats it gone.

Unless there are significant health reasons involved, get general.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline dexs

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Don't get me wrong guys if you had offered me LA last week I would taken it as I was really bricking the whole GA.  However having gone through GA I can understand this would be less traumatic for a patient and probably from a surgeons perspective easier to perform surgery knowing he doesn't have to keep a constant worry of how the patient is feeling, blood pressure, heart rate etc.

Either wayI'm not saying this type of surgery can't be done on LA if it was just gland removal.  Howeve lipo is performed pretty aggressively and personally under LA this would be a traumatic experience.

On YouTube when this type of surgery is performed Under LA and the surgeon stabs the patient several times with a needle to numb the area.  Personally this alone would make me crap my pants.

All im saying guys is I know exactly how you feel and I hope GA does not prevent you from booking surgery.  

Expect a range of emotions between now and surgery.  When I booked  my consultation i was so excited that if he offered me surgery that day I would have taken it.  However as the days when past and it sank in I did go through a range of emotions.  This is when the forum really helped knowing others have been through the same.

Offline chopper

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Don't get me wrong guys if you had offered me LA last week I would taken it as I was really bricking the whole GA.  However having gone through GA I can understand this would be less traumatic for a patient and probably from a surgeons perspective easier to perform surgery knowing he doesn't have to keep a constant worry of how the patient is feeling, blood pressure, heart rate etc.

Either wayI'm not saying this type of surgery can't be done on LA if it was just gland removal.  Howeve lipo is performed pretty aggressively and personally under LA this would be a traumatic experience.

On YouTube when this type of surgery is performed Under LA and the surgeon stabs the patient several times with a needle to numb the area.  Personally this alone would make me crap my pants.

All im saying guys is I know exactly how you feel and I hope GA does not prevent you from booking surgery.  

Expect a range of emotions between now and surgery.  When I booked  my consultation i was so excited that if he offered me surgery that day I would have taken it.  However as the days when past and it sank in I did go through a range of emotions.  This is when the forum really helped knowing others have been through the same.

So true! I tussled with the GA for a while too, my missus was carrying my unborn son and I didn't want to go under and not wake up and not meet him.

I think most of us on here (unless you have been under GA quite a few times) know the emotions you are going through. Not fun and if you decide to go ahead with it, the emotions get stronger as the days loom closer....and then you wake up  after the op and it's all good!!

Offline rasputin

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I read a few people on here had local anaesthetic but maybe they were outside the UK. I know the procedure is pretty brutal but I can't imagine it being much more traumatic than having your mouth injected 6 times and 4 teeth being violently yanked out - I'd just close my eyes and take in the noises...  :o

LA just takes the risk of any complications from anaesthesia down to nothing, rather than GA where the risks are incredibly slight but risks nonetheless! Or maybe I'm being an idiot, and it's more like taking the stairs instead of the elevator because of the 'risks' involved with elevator travel.

But just to confirm, Karidis doesn't perform LA at all?

Offline chopper

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Call Karidis' office and ask them, it might be an option, but one I don't think I could handle.

I had 3 wisdom teeth taken out in one hit under local, and 2 of them broke. The whole experience took about an hour and it was without a doubt FAAAARRR more painful then the gyne op. The next day my jaw ached so much and continued for about a week.

Gyne op over wisdom teeth all day, every day, thank you very much !! lol

Offline kieran_22

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I've had GA more times than I care to remember - never had a problem though, it seems like you are asleep for about 2 mins and you wake up with a bit of a sore throat and feeling quite heavy headed and sleepy. But that's about it.

Surgery with Mr. Levick on Thursday 18th August 2011 - currently recovering!

Offline ChestMan

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Guys, I know that I am stressing about GA and most guys normally experience this feeling pre-op. I just think that it should be the patient's option regarding the use of GA. I'm sure that a lot of guys wouldn't be traumatised being awake during the procedure and more guys would consider surgery if local anaesthetic was option.

My wife had to have an emergency caesarean section for the birth of my son under local anaesthetic. They had to cut her stomach open (abdomen and uterus) to retrieve and pull a baby out of her stomach. I was by her side and we were both scared shitless (primarily due to fact that we were not prepared for it and we had to throw our birth plan out of the window for the safety of our child....). Invariably, for the next child she will have to go through this again (at least we are prepared this time).  Anyway, a c-section is MAJOR surgery in comparison to gyne surgery and it is commonly done under local...I just don't get why this is not the same for gyne surgery? Maybe I should be asking this in the 'Ask a doctor' section of the site....

Offline rasputin

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I'd be surprised if they didn't offer gyne, by the sounds of it no one has actually queried on Karidis on it. I'll ask when I have my consultation but I've decided I'll take GA or LA depending on the costs and what is recommended (I'm pretty sure LA is substantially cheaper)

Offline dexs

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A very good argument breastman

I don't think anyone is saying that it can't be done under LA but some surgeons may not offer this as an option including karidis.  At my consultation when I told him I'm scared about GA his exact words were don't worry about that it's a very small anaesthetic, rather than saying we can do it via LA.

I think if he did offer LA I think he would drum up a lot more business and would probably give him an edge over the completion. That said I don't think Karidis needs the business as his work and results do the selling for him.

Rasputin I doubt surgery cost would be lower just because of LA.  His fee would not change and the hospital fees would still remain the same including anesnatist costs and he might use him to admitted the LA ie stab you in the chest sighs long syringe lol

Either way don't let GA out you off.  Like I said I was in the same boat and a complete pussy when it comes down t this.  If I can do it then anyone can.


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