Author Topic: Looking for non-surgical solutions to GM  (Read 2121 times)

Offline ChrisM6

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I'm new to the forums but judging by some of the pictures and stories here I also have a case of gynecomastia which started from puberty (very sensitive/painful nipples which my GP told me to ignore) and developed into visible breasts in my twenties. I'm now 39 and am quite used to it by now but it does draw some strange looks from people who don't expect it - I'm rather hairy and look "normal" (?) otherwise.
I spend about 5 hours in the gym each week which keeps my body fat down but has had no effect on reducing the size of the man boobs. My nipples are often sensitive and I've had occasional discharges in the past but have not thought much of it. So I was wondering if I could ask a few questions on the condition:
* Do breasts increase with age if untreated? Mine seem to have got significantly larger in the last few years.
* I'd never consider surgery as on the whole I don't have a problem with how I look, but there are times when I don't want my breast tissue to show, so what do people do in this case? Should I just leave them or are there any non-surgical conditions?

Offline ParkedOutside

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* Do breasts increase with age if untreated? Mine seem to have got significantly larger in the last few years.

Not sure if age is the cause, but yes the size can go up and down. Anything from diet or internal hormonal balance can cause it. If you haven't gained weight and they've just got bigger then they could just as easily get smaller at another stage in your life.

* I'd never consider surgery as on the whole I don't have a problem with how I look, but there are times when I don't want my breast tissue to show, so what do people do in this case? Should I just leave them or are there any non-surgical conditions?

A compression vest is the best method. If it's mild you can also try find a top that has a thick logo/pattern stuck on it which will act like a compression vest and flatten it out slightly.

Offline pct2014

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Hi there,

Mine was also sensitive/painful.  Started in my late teens, just had a gyno op now at the age of 39.

Mine grew slowly over the years and would go through cycles of feeling heavy and painful, to feeling un-noticeable at other times.

Aside from a compression vest, the only way to try resolve it is surgery. Don't bother with anything else as it simply doesn't work.  Once you have had it for a length of time the chances are it will never go away.

Offline ChrisM6

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Thanks for the advice both. I've used a compression vest for the past 2 months or so now and it seems like a good solution as opposed to surgery, which I couldn't afford anyhow.
Many thanks! 


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