Author Topic: love handles an gyne surgery  (Read 4885 times)

Offline darrend

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hi guys

merry xmas!

Dr Benito has offered to do my love handles and stomach as well as my gyne surgery, does anyone have a similar experience and how did it work out? the price is unimportant and the gyne is the priority. he said that with both surgeries he would start on my stomach turn me over for the love handles and then do my chest i'm thinking loads of pain.  let me know what you think.


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hi guys

merry xmas!

Dr Benito has offered to do my love handles and stomach as well as my gyne surgery, does anyone have a similar experience and how did it work out? the price is unimportant and the gyne is the priority. he said that with both surgeries he would start on my stomach turn me over for the love handles and then do my chest i'm thinking loads of pain.  let me know what you think.

Liposuction of the Stomach and Love Handles can often be done with Gynecomastia Male Chest Sculpture.

With my techniques, even with chest, stomach, and love handle region, my patients tell me they are comfortable after surgery.  Even though I prescribe a strong pain pill,  most tell me they feel like they just had a heavy work out and only need plain Tylenol.

Such issues are best discussed with your surgeon.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture


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In my humble opinion you should just get the gynecomastia sorted out. I'm inclined to think that if you get the love handles done then they will only come back in time whereas the gynecomastia shouldn't. Generally if you push yourself really hard down the gym on the treadmill along with doing certain stomach exercises and watch what you eat the love handles will go, the gynecomastia won't. I have surgery booked with Dr. Benito next February and I go down the gym quite a lot anyway. I have love handles but they are definitely improving and by February I hope to have worked them off with a dedicated effort. Good luck

Offline manic91m9

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i considered having a touch of lipo there when i went for surgery but decided it wasn't a big enough issue for  the extra discomfort and personally if i can get the results by going to the gym i would be much prouder of myself. sometimes i regret not going for it as its the first place i gain weight even tho im close to my 6pack goal this area will always be a problem area. the fat wont "come back" in that area provided you do not gain weight, the liposuction element of  my chest surgery seemed to be totally painless (had excision as well so hard to tell) as far as recovery goes. depending on your situation liposuction could improve your proportions and provide extra motivation to get in shape with little down side.

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
if you can afford it get as much sucked out from wherever
it will get you motivated to keep it off :)
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity

Offline Johnny Wishbone

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if you can afford it get as much sucked out from wherever
it will get you motivated to keep it off :)


I did have love handles and lower gut done in Poland too.  Honestly it was a waste of time, it cost as much as the gyne surgery, it possibly diverted attention away from the SERIOUS issue, you can work off fat but not gland and most importanty it was exceptionally uncomfortable/hot/irritating being trussed up in a 'girdle' for 1 or 2 months.  It's also very hard to get a smooth finish unless you are already pretty lean.

Stick with what you're there for and then tone up at the gym - you'll get better results and it'll be more rewarding as you'll know you've earned it.

Offline manic91m9

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of course you can tone up at the gym and lose fat however fat distribution is the issue when your considering lipo, for me im starting to get abs and yet still have a small bugle of fat in my lower back area when i wear boardies. while if i cut my fat right down im sure it will go away realistically i probably will gain and lose a little fat from time to time resulting in the same issue. where if i got lipo i would look great as i am agh! anyone wanna buy me lipo? no? ok gym membership it is


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