Author Topic: My day under the knife...  (Read 21175 times)

Offline Johnny Wishbone

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Disclaimer: Completely non medical opinion here, just a suggestion for investigation.

Is there any chance was you are experiencing is cording? i.e when the cannula goes through the fat it leaves it bunched up and tight.  It can be painful to stretch and the common reaction is not to.   Although my gland was removed via the nipple, not an arm incision I had lipo to my love handles and lower gut at the same time and experienced it down my sides.

Basically I stretched gently beyond my pain threshold until it gave way with an audible snapping, very odd but provided movement relief.

Do a search and see if it's possible. As you are almost 3 months past I personally cannot see a problem with you doing stretching.  Aside from minor discomfort I sufferd no real pain whatsoever, even when massaging hard at 8-10 weeks, but that's me so as stated check it out if you are worried about over exerting yourself.

Offline Hustler

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Thats an interesting one, not heard of this before.  think its time for a call to mr levick.  Thanks

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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I have come across the term cording before with another of Mr Levicks patients.  Perhaps run a search on here using that word and see what come up?
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006


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Amazing ... (sorry to sound like im enjoying your suffering! im just shocked) ...

Firstly, in time I hope everything gets better for you and it definitely will, youve just been so unfortunate!

But what im shocked at is the fact I thought I WAS very unlucky with my operation ... I had the nastiest rash in reaction to the surgical glue Levick uses, I removed my bandages 3 days after the operation let alone 2 weeks as I couldn't handle it and took the matter in to my own hands ...

Went back to the gym after 3 weeks to cycle.

Had unfortunate events were mates hit me in the chest (they obviously didn't know about my operation)

But yeah, I still can honestly say im more than chuffed ... about 85% happy. But anything was better than what I had before. My right handside is PERFECT. My left handside has a little more loose skin due to it originally being bigger.

But im what ... 5 months post op, will be going to see Levick next month for a 6 month checkup. But I can stretch etc with no pain at all, I do feel a minute tight pull under the nipple when I stretch etc but its almost unoticeable until I read the post regarding cording.

Offline Hustler

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Well, 14 weeks post op...... still painful to touch, still do not have full movement in left arm, and now for the past week i am getting a lot of pain in my left armpit..... does this ever end????? i am SO fed up with thes..... hind-sight is a wonderful thing

Offline manic91m9

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whats the story with movement in the left arm? this seems odd to me? i had surgery around the same time and  my areola incisions are still a bit uncomfortable and theres a small amount of scar tissue there that i wish would just f* off already but i have gone shirtless on many occasions since surgery and no one has mentioned anything about the scars which obviously aren't too obvious but its a pain in the ass trying to keep the scars from getting sunburnt. one friend did look at my chest the other day and i thought he noticed them. he also had a minor case of puffy nipples so i wondered if he knew straight away what surgery i had had. i wouldn't dream of asking. seems like the best course of action is to accept that healing can take a long time and just forget about it (this way you notice improvement because u aren't checking so frequently)

Offline Hustler

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Update - 4 months

Well, things seem to have improved slightly. have much more movement in my left arm now. Chest still painfull around both nipples tho. Still wearing these Nike vest things, need the support still.  This is long recovery but hopefully things will improve more

Offline manic91m9

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thats good to hear, some of us have harder recovery than others but as long as things are progressing thats a good sign. it seems like there was a great deal of trauma with the multiple drainings of blood for you, continue to treat yourself right diet wise and otherwise and hopefully you will finally be able to feel better than before surgery.

Offline Hustler

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Well i certainly hope so. And thanks again for your kind words

Offline Hustler

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5 Month Update

Well,, 5 months gone and fast approaching my 6 month checkup with Mr Levick (Which i will be booking in in the next week or so).

Nothing has changed, i still have a "sticking" sensation in my chest until i stretch, i still have "Pulling" when i stretch, i still have a lot of scar tissue on my Left side, i still have a band of fat under my left side whioch looks rather strange, and i stll have a deep crease on my Right side which mr levick said was due to the bandages and will go quickly (It never has!), oh, and my left side is still very painful to touch in the nipple area. All-in-all i really am thinking maybe i shouldnt have done this. i really believe that what i have at the moment is as much as i will get...... and to be honest, its not good enough.   I am not picky, and i dont expect too much, and i DO realise that it will never be perfect but i did expect more than this (Will less pain and Discomfort)

Offline gyno-nowgone

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5 Month Update

Well,, 5 months gone and fast approaching my 6 month checkup with Mr Levick (Which i will be booking in in the next week or so).

Nothing has changed, i still have a "sticking" sensation in my chest until i stretch, i still have "Pulling" when i stretch, i still have a lot of scar tissue on my Left side, i still have a band of fat under my left side whioch looks rather strange, and i stll have a deep crease on my Right side which mr levick said was due to the bandages and will go quickly (It never has!), oh, and my left side is still very painful to touch in the nipple area. All-in-all i really am thinking maybe i shouldnt have done this. i really believe that what i have at the moment is as much as i will get...... and to be honest, its not good enough.   I am not picky, and i dont expect too much, and i DO realise that it will never be perfect but i did expect more than this (Will less pain and Discomfort)

Yikes you really have had a bad time of it, I have experienced some poor results from Levicks work , which also include scarring, a crease on my left side (it doesn't go away ) and various other issues but all the pain your experiencing etc, I don't think this is Levicks fault, something is not right at all, 6 months down the line you should not be feeling physical pain in your chest.

I would seperate how you feel about the look of the surgery as I think personally that's a seperate issue from this pain, this is insane at this point, I had no pain to speak of after 6 weeks really and I had tons of fat removed AND a large lump removed from each pec.

I would worry a lot less about some of these aesthethic issues and more about the pain, you should not be feeling pain 6 months down the line, I think you should pop a see a doctor and let them see what they think, something is not right.

Try to keep as positive as you can, the pulling and the sticking btw, do pretty much go, but it takes a lot of time. I still get a very minor weird pulling feeling and it's 5 years ago now , the pulling feeling just sort of fades thankfully, so I wouldn't worry about that to much, it will pass I promise.

Offline Hustler

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for you kind words as always....   i DO still stay active but my mood is not good. the pulling/sticking feeling is bearable but if i so mch as brush my left side it is very sore. i still massage regularly and although things have improved, my left side is still very lumpy. if i raise my left arm my chest looks like there is a bit missing! lol.  as for the crease...... that hasnt improved.

My appointment is booked for the 8th April. Despite all this, i still have faith in Mr Levick. He's a nice guy and seems to care

Offline Hustler

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7 months update

Well, what can i say? 7 months on, and no sign of improvement from the last update i posted. i kinda guess this is what i am left with. I have mixed feelings really.... ican wear the shirts i want to wear, but its still painful to touch, still lumpy etc.

so do i regret it?  Well, to be honest im not sure. if i had known it was going to be like this 7 months later, i wouldnt have had it done.

I am considering an appointment with someone else to get a 2nd opinion

Offline Blue2

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That's a shame mate. I suppose you would expect to be pretty much fully recovered after 7 months, although I have heard of it taking much longer with some people. Can't say I blame you for wanting to get a second opinion though and you may get some peace of mind from it. Best of luck whatever you decide to do.
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK


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