Author Topic: My Diary... Post Op With Alex Karidis *Two Years (almost) Post-Op - Pictures*  (Read 21623 times)

Offline fed-up

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Hello everyone, I cant believe that the day has finally come when i'm posting on the site 'after surgery'.. ha ha.. I've decided to do a diary thread as Blue 2's thread really provided me with excellent information on what to expect, & i hope to help someone else as his thread helped me..

A little about myself : I'm 21 years old, was overweight as a teen, which is what is thought to have caused it in the first place, I started weight training at 15.. then started loosing weight from then onwards really... & have since February been well dedicated to nutrition with Cardio & weight Training and lost around 9% bodyfat, but the chest are remains the same!

I'm currently 13 stone 12 @ 5 foot 10"... with approximatly 15 % Bodyfat,

11/09/08 - Surgery With Alex Karidis:

I woke up at half 5, slept surprisingly well the night before.. I started to get really nervous as expected, anyway i went for a shower to cleanse my body for the operation, & packed all my stuff from the hotel, and put on my comfortable clothing..
I arrived at St John's early... Half 6  ;D & i waited to be sent to my room at 7.. The room was lovely i must say, I immediatly felt comfortable.. i was first on the list for surgery at 8:00 am, therefore the nurse came in to check all the details & to give my all my clothing. She was very nice, and also made me feel quite calm.
Then the anaesthist came in to explain his role - again he was very nice, & made me feel very secure and calm.. & then a few minuites later Dr. Karidis came, He explained exactly what he was going to do, & I cant stress enough how much of a nice person he is, He was very confident that he could give me excellent results, & gave me significant reassurance that i would be fine.
About 10 minuites later i was sent down to theatre, in my lovely gown, socks & slippers  ;D ... I went into the anaesthist room.. could hear music from what i can imagine was the theatre... 'Dancing in the moonlight' ha ha... that songs going to remind me of my sugery for ever!.. & after a few minuites of talking to the anaesthist... he gave me the anaesthetic.. The next thing i can remember after that was waking up in recovery... Amazing! !
I was talking complete jibberish to the nurse that was looking after me in recovery, who again, was very nice, then when i was ready to go.. i was sent up to my room, & into bed.
I had no pain whatsoever... but this was due to the fact that i still had anaesthetic in me.. I talked to my mum & my girlfriend for about & hour, then they left me, But i was so excited that it was over that i couldnt sleep.. So i watched television for most of the day, Top Gear! great! ha ha
Lunch was lovely, i scoffed the lot! !...... even though i didnt feel hungry, i drank plenty of water as advised.. & my blood pressure and heart rate was continually monitored throughout the day.
Around 4:00 pm.. Dr. Karidis's assistant came in to explain all the post-op guidelines, etc.. She provided me with all the information i needed, & my other compression vest.. Again she was lovely, i cant fault the staff at St Johns wood.
Then at around half 4.. i was allowed to leave, i felt well enough to take the tube to Euston station, Then a 3 & 1/2 hour train ride home, then an additional hour car ride! Although i had to take two painkillers before getting on the train as i started to get a sharp pain in my right chest, ( it soon went).

Overall, i must say that i cant stress enough how little pain i was in on the first day, I also cant stress how excellent the staff were at St Johns Wood & Dr. Karidis himself.. Everything was flawless.. & i mean everything! At the moment, i definetly recomment to anyone that is in the UK and are contemplating surgery, to definetly consider going with Alex Karidis, as although its expensive - you can definetly tell where your money's gone, I just hope now, that the results are as excellent as everything else was, & if so, it will turn out to be the best £4000 i've ever spent! !

« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 04:24:53 PM by fed-up »
Surgery performed by Alex Karidis - 11/09/08

Offline fed-up

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12/09/08 - 1 Day Post Op:

I decided to sleep slightly upright last night, slept well with minimal discomfort & woke up 7:00 am this morning. Again i'm surpsised at how little pain i'm currently in, im a little sore though, but i wouldnt say im in any pain. I made myself breakfast without any problems, even though i havent got much of an appetite im going to continue to eat 6 meals a day to help with my weight loss, & have started to drink green tea to boost my metabolism - even though its disgusting  ;D..

I'll post my first set of post-op pictures when i go for a shower later, & have changed the dressings - which im not looking forward to.. I'm very nervous as to what first impression i'm going to be given seeing my chest for the first time after surgery, as i really hope that i have a good result, as im not sure how i'll respond if the results arent what i was hoping for - even though i understand that it takes time to see the final result, at the moment i'd say im more nervous than i was pre-op.

Anyway, i'll post some pre-op pictures, & will hopefully post some post-op pictures later on.

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Here are some Pre-Op Pictures.... However i'm quite leaner now, but the Chest ares was the same..

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13/09/08 - 2 Days Post Op:

Had my first glimpse of what to expect last night whilst changing my dressings... which is an experience in itself - i almost fainted twice & felt very ill.. I regret not shaving my chest before the operation now! ! But atleast its done !

As for my chest.. well im very happy at the moment, it does appear very flat, but its expected at the moment due to the compression vest.. my nipples are perfect at the moment - they look very small compared to what they used to be! which is a good thing! The shape of my chest overall looks very good, when i flex my pectorial muscles i can see the natural pectorial line,

At the moment i dont seem to be very swollen, and im surprised at how little discharge i've had from the incision sites, which im not sure is a good or bad thing.. not really much pain.. only discomfort - & im starting to get very itchy around the chest area - which is a good sign, but frustrating! Another thing i'd like to note also would be at how bloated im feeling.. im not sure whats causing this, but i feel like a whale! ha ha

Anyway here are some of the pictures i took last night... let me know what you think! !

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& one more... Sorry about the quality of pictures

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Offline adamdaddum

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looking good matey. i bet your pleased!

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Flat as a pancake!

Hhhhhhhhhmmmmm pancakes......

Offline Blue2

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Hey Fed Up! Glad to hear you had a good experience with Karidis. I haven't been on here much lately due to a house move and not having any internet connection.  >:( Anyway, your results look great so far and it also seems like you had less discomfort than I did, and mine was minimal!  ;D

Hope the rest of your recovery goes well and look forward to seeing your pics as you go along.  ;)
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK

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18/09/08 - 7 Days Post Op:

Hello.. Well i'm a week post-op now, & i must say im in almost no pain, although still tender to touch as expected & bruised, but i have almost all movement in my arms. Wearing the compression vest i becoming a pain, but it must be done!.. I havent really felt the need to take any pain killers, however i do take them before bed. Another aspect which is bothering me is the itching!.. Especially around my chest.. & my back!.. i'm not sure if anyone else has the same problem.

Anyway.. as for the chest, it is an unbelivable improvement.. however im not sure if i'm just paranoid.. or that i think that it's to good to be true, but i think that the moment i take off my compression vest, they're going to 'spring' back!.. i even had a dream about it last night! - not very nice!. I'm also concerned about what's swelling & what 'might' be fat... it's definetly as one person described on this forum as an 'emotional rollercoaster'.. I just hope my mind's playing tricks on me!

Anyway here are some more pictures.. I'm sorry about having to upload them one by one. Let me know what you think.

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One more... Again - let me know what you think!



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