Author Topic: My NHS Experience (Positive So Far..)  (Read 4710 times)

Offline creative

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Hi all,

I've recently got approved for surgery on the NHS after waiting for about 1 and a half years! I was prepared to wait because i was at uni during this time. I was happy at first to get confirmed after having to appeal! However, looking on these boards, i see some very negative experiences with the NHS.

I think it would be useful if people could say:
  • Where and when they had their surgery.
  • Why it was good/bad?
  • Who performed it?

I'm actually now becoming quite concerned that the results may not be as good as i first thought! I'd like to think i have realistic expectations, but at the same time, i don't exactly want a botch-job or further complications!  ???

« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 01:18:03 PM by creative »

Offline Gaz30

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Hi, i have been seen by the plastic surgeon here in glasgow and had the gyno conirmed as needing surgery, i had to see the cosmetic psycologist on thurs but had to be cancelled, reading you have been waiting for a year and a half and getting somewhere has gave me the kick up the arse to keep going as i was really down, cheers mate :)

Offline kingboob

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Hi all,

I've recently got approved for surgery on the NHS after waiting for about 1 and a half years! I was prepared to wait because i was at uni during this time. I was happy at first to get confirmed after having to appeal! However, looking on these boards, i see some very negative experiences with the NHS.

I think it would be useful if people could say:
  • Where and when they had their surgery.
  • Why it was good/bad?
  • Who performed it?

I'm actually now becoming quite concerned that the results may not be as good as i first thought! I'd like to think i have realistic expectations, but at the same time, i don't exactly want a botch-job or further complications!  ???


I think you will find most people are negative because they didn't get surgery on the NHS........I'm not sure many have actually been and had poor results, although I can remember one guy ages back who was assured gland removal (excision) and woke up to find lipo only and his problem was not corrected. (DJB I think, no longer posts though)......... that was one of the worst experiences I have read.

Anyhow, I hope you have a good result on the NHS (it does happen), but also try not to be disappointed if the result isn't 100% - they tend to be too cautious if anything, which I suppose is better than going OTT and leaving a deformity.

Offline creative

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Hi, i have been seen by the plastic surgeon here in glasgow and had the gyno conirmed as needing surgery, i had to see the cosmetic psycologist on thurs but had to be cancelled, reading you have been waiting for a year and a half and getting somewhere has gave me the kick up the arse to keep going as i was really down, cheers mate :)

Hi there. Well i'm glad my wait has been somewhat of an inspiration to you :) I know it's hard. For some reason, before i was even diagnosed with gyno (i never really took notice of it?) i was pretty much happy the way i was. After doing some exercise and weight training it became more and more noticeable and its only recently its been getting me down! However, keep persevering and remember that good times are yet to come! Think of all the things you will want to do after  ;D

@kingboob: Thanks for the reply. I did a search on the forum earlier and came across DJB's posts. I think i may look at the surgery pictures for a better picture but that kind of puts my mind at ease. Like i said, i have realistic expectations and the way i see it...any improvement is an improvement!. At the moment i have grade 3 and its pretty damn noticeable! I see so many people with gyno which IMO isn't that bad...but then that's a very subjective view on my part. Anyway, if things don't go too well...we have a friend of the family who is in plastics, although don't know his experience level.

Offline postiey

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i feel the same creative! it took me years to have the courage to go to the doctors but i just couldnt take it anymore. after i tried all wights and fitness i just realised this crap isnt goin away. But once i was diagnosed and told that u will need plastic surgery, feels a bit like a curse and cant seem to think of anything else.

im thinking perhaps the drs know how it is torture mentally, so they play it down and make u think u dont have a problem. i even went to see a plastic surgeon and he said that some men think its muscle. wich i once thought if only my mindset could go back to that.

think after findin out this info i will have to go through with the surgery, just to not think of this crap anymore!!

Offline creative

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Yeah, i know what you does start to eat away at you! I found myself spending a good five minutes picking t-shirts in the morning sometimes and going out was a nightmare! I even bought a compression vest but my moobs still showed lol. I think part of the reason i like going to the gym is that i doubt anybody there would care about your body shape, i mean that's the whole reason everyone is there - to improve! That's my mindset anyway.

Out of interest, will you be going on the NHS or private? Also very true @ muscle thing! ::) I didn't even know what gyno was!

Offline postiey

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I tried the nhs route and the drs basically said straight away there is no chance u will get this on the nhs, it is a cosmetic procedure and all this. Ive never had a problem with the nhs and have heard many people moan about them over the years.

For me i just wanted some information, or some understanding of it. they sent me straight for blood test wich were all ok. then basically said we can book u with a ps and that was it. wich charged a bomb for a consultation who told me exactly the same what i knew anyway from the internet.

since then i have found another ps who has previous pics and a good reputation

so wether it is a good or bad thing i will have to go private, to make matters worse i have lost my job recently but have some money coming to me soon,
i do feel sorry for people who just cant afford it tho. so hopefully will then have the courage and get it sorted. anyway good luck

Offline creative

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Just to update: I had the op on the 25th and must say that i was pleasantly surprised with the level of care i received. I was told to fast from 7:30am onwards, thinking i wouldn't have my op until 3 or even 4pm but was wheeled in straight away at 1:30pm. I was also told that the surgeon was only performing this operation all afternoon so felt as though he would take his time - which he did! A full 2 hours! I was quite confident in the surgeon's skill having done some reading and asking him plenty of questions.

I woke up in not too much pain considering they had removed over 110g of tissue and gland. There was no lipo here as they deemed there to be very little fat. Not sure which tissue they removed though? I haven't removed the bandages so i can't comment on the actual contour but from what i see, i'm pretty happy. I only had to stay in overnight and the most painful part was taking the drains out. Bandages should be removed next week and then onto compression vest.

Any questions, please ask. :)

Offline postiey

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well done creative hope it turns out good for u keep us posted.
 one question tho the surgeons i have had a consultation with didnt seem to mention anything about drains or anything? i take it some use them and some dont?

Offline Gaz30

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Thats Fantastic creative, Well done!, i am seeing the psychologist this Thurs, then to meet the p.s again to discuss procedure, reading your posts has really given me a boost with the nhs and that all good thing come to those who wait... even if it is over a year, take care mate and keep us posted. ;)

Offline kingboob

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Thats Fantastic creative, Well done!, i am seeing the psychologist this Thurs, then to meet the p.s again to discuss procedure, reading your posts has really given me a boost with the nhs and that all good thing come to those who wait... even if it is over a year, take care mate and keep us posted. ;)

All good things come to those who wait...... maybe........ those who are very lucky.... more likely!

Offline creative

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well done creative hope it turns out good for u keep us posted.
 one question tho the surgeons i have had a consultation with didnt seem to mention anything about drains or anything? i take it some use them and some dont?


Thanks for the kind words. :) Feeling a lot better with every day that goes by. Not taken any pain meds as the pain only occurs if i over-exert myself. As for the drains...yes i think you're correct. I think drains are also down to a combination of surgeon skill and how much is going to be excised. Like i said, i had 50g from one side and 60g from the other removed, therefore i think drains were going to be inevitable. However, the most painful part of the drains are their annoyance more than anything! Removing them hurt a bit but recovered from the pain about 5 minutes later.

Only issue so far is the itchy-ness of the bandage! Hopefully getting that removed sometime soon next week and then onto the stage I compression garment.

So far just been having A LOT of fruit and veg and pineapple juice. Although going easy on the pineapple because i read too much can cause the blood to thin...

@Gaz30: Thanks dude. Really appreciate it! Hang in there man.  ;)


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