Author Topic: New guy after info about getting started?  (Read 2256 times)

Offline john26

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Hi all,

I believe I have gynencomastia. I'm 27 and exercise very regularly, I'm ex army so I have stayed in good shape over the years but no matter what weight I was or how hard I trained I have always had....well breasts really for want of a better phrase. I’m not talking a pair of 36C boobs or anything but certainly very noticeable protruding nipples and a fatty nipple area like a little pair of small boobs. I have had them for as long as I can remember from when I was younger and they have just become more noticeable as I have got older.
I to suffer all the same problems listed here (Hate going topples, feel self conscious, never played 'skins' or go swimming or on beach holidays etc etc)
I won't go you as you all know the score on that front. But up until now I just assumed I was a bit of a freak, I mean I never knew that it was actually a condition, it had a name, that other people suffered with it or that anything could actually be done about it.
So finding this website was a massive relive to me and I already feel so much better just knowing other people are in the same boat, reading your stories and knowing that something can actually be done about it. So to all the people on here thank you for having the courage to post your pictures, stories and advice it has helped me a great deal and I am fairly sure there will be numerous others out there in the same position.

So having finally found this site and discovered what ‘gynencomastia’ is I have read all the stories, done all of the internet based research I can and have definitely decided that I want to have the surgery. Luckily I am in a position to afford to go private and get this done, which having found all this info out I would like to do sooner rather than later. From reading the posts on this site I notice that the surgeon who is recommended the most is a Dr Levick at the Priory in Birmingham. This is lucky for me as I actually live in Birmingham, so definite bonus on that front.

I am new to this and this is my first post on here so I do have a few questions if anyone can help? I am curious about is how you go about it? Getting started and all, I mean did you just phone up the Priory and say “Hi I want to see Dr L about my boobs” or what?
Also my work keeps me abroad (And before you ask – No it’s not a place where I can get the surgery done  :P ) as a result I only come back to UK for a few weeks every 2/3 months. How long did you have to wait for an appointment or for the surgery after that?
I too will be doing this secretly, as many of you on here already have so I would be very grateful of any info that would help me plan and prepare for this.

Well cheers for your stories and any information that you can give me will be greatly appreciated.



Offline orrible

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Hi Jon

Best thing to do is just to call up Mr Levicks office and say that you would like a consultation for gynecomastia correction. They will then just book you a date and Mr levick will advise you from their. Its real easy. You might wait up to a month for a consult and then another month after that for surgery. However if your working away you could always consult and then have surgery at anypoint in the future when both yours and Mr levicks schedules permit.

Or if your in a real hurray ask about cancellations.

Offline Niall1982

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At the moment I'm working on a new ITV 1 discussion programme that will air daily in an afternoon slot from mid November.

The show will offer a platform to real everyday people to tell their story with the intention that we provoke some thought amongst our audience.

One of the issues we'd like to focus on in the programme is that of the condition Gynecomastia.  We'd like to make a wider audience aware of the huge effect it has on the sufferer’s life.

Should you be interested in discussing the programme further I'd really appreciate the opportunity to have a chat.

Many Thanks

Niall Flanagan
Brighter Pictures Ltd
020 7533 6642


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