Author Topic: Question to ask Dr. Karidis  (Read 2178 times)

Offline Frost7

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Hi Guys,

I have a consultation coming up soon with Karidis and would like to know what questions are good to ask him. I have a few question myself but the more the better.   

Offline postiey

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i would make a list fo questions to ask if i was you, i had a consultation with karidis and due to nerves i kind of forgot alot.

but i think the main thing is you both agree on what needs to be done, what kind of results u can expect to have. also you feel good about the surgeon and have a look at his results on previous people.

as of after care and things there is loads of information on this site.

good luck.

Offline postiey

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does anybody also know do u buy ur own compression vests after surgery? or do u keep the one they give u.

if so how many are needed and how do u know what size to get?

thanks for any replies

Offline thetodd

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you get two, just get what you usually wear a tshirt size in. I had mediums and was fine with um. Hand wash one while you wear the other one and change them daily. There isnt much you need to know apart from blood tests and payment thats all youve got to worry about, how bad is your case?
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline postiey

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thanks thetodd

any good places to get the vests from? how much i thought they fitted you with one after surgery.

 my case isnt that bad mostly puffy nipples i think mostly seems like soft fat/gland. im booked for a few months time. ive got the finances sorted so not worried about that (huge relief) as i been saving like mad.

only had the pack for blood test through the other day on a weekend. so im guessing ring my doctors surgery and ask the to do the blood tests etc. how did u go about getting urs testing thetodd?

i cant seem to think about anything else at the moment since i have booked. thanks for any replies

Offline thetodd

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They give you two, but on the second one they gave me she asked if i wanted a small instead of a medium because some people like them tighter. Definatley dont get a smaller size than your tshirt size or you wont be able to breath.

I had a mobile phlebotomist come out was £20 for all three tests, was a pain in the arse getting the results to karidis (London post is really really slow). So make sure you get them in plenty of time shouldnt be a problem then!

Offline postiey

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cheers thetodd! thanks for the information on the vests. think im goin to try and get the bloods done in the doctors  but if they wont do it for some reason that will be handy to know.

my surgery is a few months off but i just dont want to worry about anything last minute so im trying to sort the bloods soon. thanks again mate


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