Author Topic: Questions about mr Levick  (Read 2822 times)

Offline JackY16

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Hey guys, I've booked for a consultation with mr Levick next month and I've got a few questions..

When you go for your consultation do you need to pay your surgery  money straight up front?

I know he does the incision from the armpit, but from my own knowledge I clearly know I have puffy nipples so would he still get rid of them through my armpit? (Bit confused about the whole thing)

Also how long did it take people to recover? Ie return back to work etc?

I would really appreciate it, if you could help me out!  I've been thinking about surgery for around a year and after getting a job and saving up for a while, with abit of help from my understanding family, I feel this is the perfect opportunity as it would let me take the next step in my life:) I'm not gonna sit and ramble on cause we all know what and how gynecomastia affects our life's, through self esteem and self confidence it's nasty I wouldn't even wish it upon my worst enemy, anyway let me know your experience people, thankyou

Offline Swils29

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Hi. You don't have to pay at consultation but the Priory do like to have payment prior to the operation. I believe they have a 12 month 0% priory card you can apply off to spread the cost, but I never looked into that so another member might be able to advise you better on that.

Levick does the whole lot through the armpit...genius!!!  I'm 3 weeks post op and the scars are healing great.

In terms of returning to work, I had surgery on the Wednesday and went back to work the following Wednesday. Was about right. I have a desk job though, so if you have a manual job you would either want to have more time off, or discuss with your boss the chance of returning to work on light duties for a while.

Well done on deciding to get it without gyno is great!!!

Offline JackY16

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Oh right i see, thank you for letting me know I'm sure things will become clear when I have my consultation but always good to hear from someone who's been through it! &

Also, brilliant news to hear that everything's going well for you.. What's it like after the surgery? I bet you feel like a different person now.  Bet life becomes a whole lot better when you feel like you don't have to look down at your chest, wear certain things to cover your chest, going to the extremities of what we do tbh.

Any advice you could give me will really help, I'm so excited but feeling nervous even tho I'm sure there is nothing to be nervous about with mr Levick. & that's not too bad then! I do heavy duty work to be honest! I'm probably gonna have to be off work 5/6weeks off work depending on my own personal recovery time.

Offline NorthernPhysique

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Hey guys, I've booked for a consultation with mr Levick next month and I've got a few questions..

When you go for your consultation do you need to pay your surgery  money straight up front?

I know he does the incision from the armpit, but from my own knowledge I clearly know I have puffy nipples so would he still get rid of them through my armpit? (Bit confused about the whole thing)

Also how long did it take people to recover? Ie return back to work etc?

I would really appreciate it, if you could help me out!  I've been thinking about surgery for around a year and after getting a job and saving up for a while, with abit of help from my understanding family, I feel this is the perfect opportunity as it would let me take the next step in my life:) I'm not gonna sit and ramble on cause we all know what and how gynecomastia affects our life's, through self esteem and self confidence it's nasty I wouldn't even wish it upon my worst enemy, anyway let me know your experience people, thankyou

As far as I understand it, puffy nipples is still caused by breast gland tissue/fat, so the procedure is still the same, he just has less to remove.

When I met Mr Levick, he told me there are three classifications of gynaecomastia:

1. Mild or Puffy Nipples

2. Marked

3. Severe

All 3 of which are caused by either gland, fat or a combination of both. Like many other surgeons out there, he doesnt believe in the concept of 'pseudogynaecomastia'. Whatever is in there causing woman like breasts, needs to come out.

Offline Swils29

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Oh right i see, thank you for letting me know I'm sure things will become clear when I have my consultation but always good to hear from someone who's been through it! &

Also, brilliant news to hear that everything's going well for you.. What's it like after the surgery? I bet you feel like a different person now.  Bet life becomes a whole lot better when you feel like you don't have to look down at your chest, wear certain things to cover your chest, going to the extremities of what we do tbh.

Any advice you could give me will really help, I'm so excited but feeling nervous even tho I'm sure there is nothing to be nervous about with mr Levick. & that's not too bad then! I do heavy duty work to be honest! I'm probably gonna have to be off work 5/6weeks off work depending on my own personal recovery time.

I've seen a lot of posts and advice from surgeons saying you should be back to pre op levels at 6 weeks, so that MAY be the most time you would need off. 4 weeks is quoted as a time to start back at the gym but avoiding the chest area and lifting things overhead, so if your work doesn't require this, you could POTENTIALLY be back at 4 weeks. But everyone recovers at different rates so difficult to say. I would suggest discussing your job and when you can resume work with Levick, he's dealt with loads of cases and will have operated on many people in the same boat as you!!!

Nerves are natural, but it's exiting at the same time. Just thinking no more gyno in x days/weeks/hours is a bit of a buzz, and even better when you get on the other side.

I'm loving not having to cover up my chest, no clothes are off limits now. Feel more confident as a's great! When you catch a glimpse of reflection it's brilliant seeing flat chest! People think we are mad for going through with the op ("there's nothing wrong with you"), but they don't know the lengths we go to hide it and the embarrassment it causes, but once your done it's definitely worth it! You just have to read these boards to see how happy people are once they've had surgery!!!!

Offline Donut

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It is probably the best money you'll ever spend... certainly has been in my case! - I'm 4.5 months post-op now with Levick, and would gladly have paid double or triple (though would have taken me even longer to save up!!)

Nearly 100 pics in my thread, I guess I was an "average" case looking at others, but I was still amazed at how much came out, and still can't quite work out how he does it through such a tiny little cut that doesn't even need a stitch afterwards!

Offline Squidge

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Totally agree with Donut, it's best money you'll ever spend! I had my surgery in April and I feel so much better - more confident, my posture is better, I can wear what I want, I actually enjoy going clothes shopping for shirts/t-shirts now , and just generally feel a lot happier.  I think the cost put me off having it done sooner, but honestly knowing the difference it makes, I would've paid almost anything!  Considering my student loan is far more than the £4k I paid, but the change to my life feels about the same, I think I got a good bargain :)


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