Author Topic: Questions about POST-OP for Karidis patients?  (Read 2057 times)

Offline Life's too short

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I have surgery with Karidis on June 22nd. I have a few questions for previous Karidis patients: any information based on your experiences would be much appreciated.
Now firstly, I have to say that nobody knows I am having surgery. I have nobody to tell, I live with my dad but cannot tell him as he is a 70 year old old fashioned Irishman and he'd never understand in a million years. So I am alone in this.

1. Do you NEED somebody to pick you up from the hospital? How does it feel after surgery in general? I asked Karidis this and he said no, but I'm reading a lot that you should have somebody pick you up.. how necessary is it. It's not an option for me. I figure an uber would do, it's about a 30 minute drive home.

2. Compression vest: Is it easy enough to put on the compression vest by yourself? Again, I won't be able to get help from anybody on this. If it's not so easy, when does it become easier. I might hold off on showering for several days after if it'lll be too painful 24 hours or so. As dirty as that would be, I'd happily make this one exception given the circumstances.

3. Working 4 days after surgery: My job is an office job and I can work from home for the week after surgery. I can lie on my bed with my laptop and work or just sit down. Is it realistic for me to expect to have surgery on a Thursday and be able to work from home from the following Monday? Again, unlike some people I don't have a physical-intensive job at all so I expect it will be easier for me, is this realistic? Does the anaesthetic affect you mentally still 4 days after?

4. Compression vest: How uncomfortable is this garment? I am a pretty sweaty person, particularly on my back and abs - they sweat especially badly with pressure (for example if I was sitting on a sofa with my back pressed up against it for an amount of time, body temp would create sweat easy enough). That along with the fact that it will be the height of summer - have a feeling it could be pretty tough.

5. What did you do about bed sheets after surgery?

6. How long before you're able to get out and about,ie. walking 1 hour or so? I'm a very active person, gymming up to 6 hours a week recently because I've been really motivated to lose bodyfat PRE-OP. I'm gearing up for a month off, but It's crucial that I don't get down and go back into old binge eating habits that will bring back the weight I fought so hard to lose. Then again I have a feeling the enormity of having surgery and the element of one-off neccesity to improve my life quality will motivate me to be good. Any avice on this period is appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Offline res.Cogitans

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I think your questions can be answered by all post op patients - not only Karidis. They are some general concerns that all post op patients have. It doesnt matter who dr does the surgery.. I ll keep an eye on the thread, if noone will answer you - ill give you all your answers from my experience :)

Offline Mr Man

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Hi Life's Too Short,

You should read all replies in the following thread as I have previously posted some pics and responses to some of your questions in there:

In addition, I can answer each of your points as follows:

1) I didn't tell anyone about my op, because as is mostly the case on here, my family just wouldn't have understood my predicament. I travelled in by train on my own and then got an Uber back afterwards which took about 30 mins. I felt fine but did feel a little sick en-route home possibly due to the cabbie hitting numerous speed bumps as he zipped through the back streets.

2) No. For the first week I really struggled to get the vest on and off unaided. My mum had to help me each time and even after that, I couldn't put t-shirts or tops on that required me lifting my arms above my head, without her assistance for another week or so. Your chest will feel tight and a little painful when you stretch out, so having someone to help you to get the vest and clothes on and off is really helpful. I'm not saying it's impossible on your own, but you will struggle for sure. I think your idea about leaving your vest on for the first few days is a good one. I would do this until you can put an open fronted, short sleeved shirt on alone. Once you can do this, then take the vest off and shower. One thing to know, and this comes from a very clean and non-sweaty guy, is that your vest will really stink after some days! After the first 48 hours, I took the vest off and showered every day and yet it still ended up stinking! The smell of mine under the armpit area was rank after only a few days! Be prepared if your dad asks you to have a wash or put some deodorant on, particularly if you intend to leave the vest on for 1 week and not have a shower! Brutal stuff!

3) I had my op on a Thursday and was fine to work on the Monday. I work from home and I was ok to sit up at my desk and work at my computer.

4) I have answered this above.

5) The hospital supply small, padded covers that you can place on your bed before you lay on it. I didn't experience any discharge or seeping from any of the incisions though so hopefully you won't either. You can of course use them as a precaution though.

6) I see people on here obsessing about hitting the gym really soon after they've had the op. This is crazy to me! I am 8 weeks post op and only in the last 1-2 weeks have I started considering hitting the gym again. I have just been focusing on eating well, living healthy and regularly massaging the scar tissue, which all of us post-op lads will experience to one degree or another. If I could offer any advice for the initial post op period, I would say follow the notes given to you by Dr. Karidis, don't drink for the first 4-6 weeks, give up smoking, don't eat rubbish food, drink lots of water, get lots of sleep and massage your chest as advised. Your chest will still be healing internally for 6-12 months post-op, so enabling this to happen properly should be your priority. Once you feel like you can and you are no longer experiencing tightness or pain, then start back at the gym again. You have the rest of your life to get buff. Just focus on recovering from your op first.

Hope this helps!

Offline Life's too short

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MrMan appreciate the help! Can't wait for June 22nd. 
I'm going to work from home for the week after, and will have a nice little setup or myself so that I can get through it not being able to go out etc. Get the Playstation back up and running and find something to pass the time. 

Offline gregory34

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I had surgery last week. Not with Karidis but with a very good surgeon.
I just want to make a quick point about going in alone. I had an operation before and was with a good friend and this time I was by myself. It really feels better to have someone there. Not only for support but also something could go wrong. Nothing really went wrong for me but I did have a slightly bad reaction to the general anaesthetic and felt nauseous when I woke up. I also felt wobbly when I got to my feet. I was able to get a cab home but it really would have been better to have someone there. You'll be in a bit of pain also and your movement will be a bit constricted. Consider sitting down and explaining it with your dad or even a friend. You might be surprised by their support and understanding.
I understand if you have to go it alone. Having gyno is a personal thing and not a lot of people understand. I can only speak for myself and say that I really wish I had my friend there from before though, would have made a world of difference.
I'm 4 days out and doing really well. I'm able to walk around and go shopping and do whatever so I'm pretty sure you'll be able to work from home. Expect the first 48 hours to be difficult though but as we know it's all worth it to be gyno free


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