Author Topic: Returning to the gym after surgery.  (Read 5742 times)

Offline londoner

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Hi all,

I've got surgery this coming monday (25th/feb) and I'd like to know how long I have to wait to go back to the gym once my surgery has been done? If you could be as detailed as possible. Ideally, I don't want to be idle for weeks on end with no running et cetera. I can fully understand that I may have to wait a while before i continue to do any more upper-body work, but what about simple cardio, like cycling and running?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Offline londoner

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You're right. Ok, based on some of the users here, they said about 3/4. I'll be getting gland excersion and lipo from under my armpit. I'm afraid that probably the best i can do..

A link to some of the pictures are here


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Hi all,

I've got surgery this coming monday (25th/feb) and I'd like to know how long I have to wait to go back to the gym once my surgery has been done? If you could be as detailed as possible. Ideally, I don't want to be idle for weeks on end with no running et cetera. I can fully understand that I may have to wait a while before i continue to do any more upper-body work, but what about simple cardio, like cycling and running?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Return to activities depends on the problem to be treated, surgical techniques, skill of the surgeon, bruising, tissue injury, how a patient heals, and other factors.

My patients typically can go on a keyboard comfortably the day of surgery.  They walk around comfortably, but bouncing can be uncomfortable. I prefer techniques with minimal swelling, bruising, and discomfort. 

Check out early healing for patients here.  Here is a slide show of my typical minimal bruising and swelling during recovery after my gynecomastia surgery.

Lifting arms overhead stresses the surgery site and healing tissues. The more bruising, swelling, and injury that exists, the longer it will take to get back to normal.

Comfort after gynecomastia surgery is also a factor.  My patients usually tell me that just plain Tylenol alone is enough to keep them comfortable.  Using pain medication to get into the gym earlier can hurt healing tissues. 

Although I am not creating a sprain with my techniques, this surgery is like healing a sprain.  Push it too far too fast, and you will hurt or set back healing tissues.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline londoner

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Thank you very m,uch for that info, very very useful. Got some nice reciprocal links going on there aswell for SEO ;)

Offline Blue2

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So I suppose sitting on an exercise bike wouldn't hurt then after a few weeks?  :-\ I don't think I could bear putting those pounds back on that I have just lost!
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK

Offline lexuslexus

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i'd say 14 days after the op you should be able to get back on your stationay bike, but i found as i lean alot with my arms, this became uncomfortable.
as for lifting weights most people say 4-6 weeks, im just 4 weeks post, and have to say any type of chest excercise is still a little daunting, tho i will be starting to do my legs training tomorrow, and then 5 week post op start doing more upper body, and finanlly 6 weeks post op get back to chest work outs slowly.

as for running, i still feel a little bit of pain when i go over a speed bump in a car, so im gonna leave that for a bit lol

Offline Hustler

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You guys cant possible put a time scale on this!!!! it was 3 months before i could go back to the gym, and although i am now 5 months post op, i STILL cant do any serious upper-body workout!

Everyone is different... personally i regret it it, but thats just me

Offline londoner

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you regret what?

I think i'm going to leave all chest exercises for a good few months, after all - the surgery has left it more or less flat.

As far as working on my arms and everything else etc. I'm going to give that 6 weeks.

I'm hoping to start running within 4-6 weeks. I'll keep you lot updated though.

Offline Hustler

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I regret the surgery. I am 5 months post op, still have lot of pain to touch, have a "sticky" feeling when i stretch, and do not have full movement in my left arm. This has effected my mental state, my social life and indeed my fitness (Which is non-existant)

Offline londoner

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I'm truly sorry to hear that. If you wouldn't mind, could you elaborate. Could you let us know the severity of your case pre-op? Also who was your surgeon? How much was removed etc? Was it just fat, or was it just gland or was it both?

I'm intrigued.

Offline another_case

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Hi all, thought I'd respond as I am 15 days post op and used to go to the gym regularly. I had surgery with Dr. Benito in Barcelona and just had my 1st check-up with him since the surgery. He had to syringe some blood out as I had developed a hematoma on my left side (see my earlier posts for more info). Other than the hematoma which was a mild case according to him I have healed quite well, I'll post before and after photos tomorrow. I did bicep/tricep exercises 10 days after surgery with little pain and used the bike down the gym. As for back/chest/shoulders that will be a bit longer, I estimate another 2 weeks although I intend on trying light weights/high reps tomorrow! Dr. Benito said today that I will be fine to go on a treadmill/cross-trainer and I should try and do gentle stretching and light weights now so I intend on giving it a go. All in all everyone heals differently but if you use a surgeon that is recommended on here and are healthy then you should be able to do cardio work and light weights within 3-4 weeks in my opinion. One thing I will say is go on a de-tox 2 weeks before to help your recovery and surgery, lay off the alcohol completely for at least 2 weeks after too as alcohol has a very negative impact on the healing process. Your blood needs to be able to clot after surgery and alcohol can stop this happening. After 2 weeks you should be ok to have maybe 1 glass of alcohol a night if you have to for the next 2 weeks but certainly no binge drinking (Dr. Benito told me this today)! I don't smoke but apparently smokers take a lot longer to heal too. Hope this helps. I was really impressed with Dr. Benito as were a lot of people on this site, his technique is more aggressive than a few other surgeons, hence the more severe bruising, but extremely effective.

Offline Blue2

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That's a great reply another_case. I have read other articles regarding recovery times and what you say seems about right. The one thing I am hoping for most of all is that I have chosen the right surgeon in Alex Karidis. From what I have read on here, it seems his techiques are less brutal than other surgeons and hopefully this will reflect in the recovery time. My only regret is not having found this site last year so I could have got myself sorted for this summer, but at least I am now moving in the right direction!

Offline another_case

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I believe Alex Karidis has a very good reputation so I'm sure you'll be fine and your healing will be good. The 2 most popular names are Dr. Benito and Alex Karidis I think now, Dr. levick seems to have had a few unhappy customers more recently unfortunately. The fact that Dr. Benito worked out about £1500 cheaper was what clinched the deal for me!

Offline darrend

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I'm 17 days post op with Dr Benito, i went down to the gym 10 days after surgery and did a gentle cardio work out, x trainer and bike. It was so tough going especially wearing a compression vest! i have trained 4 times since then and it is getting easier although i have to admit i feel really tired after a workout. The first workout i did post surgery i went home had a shower and got into bed and slept for a few hours something i never do. I don't wear a compression vest at the gym, i have a few tight compression t-shirts that i wear under a top, its great getting the vest off for an hour! I have been wearing it since the op and less than 2 weeks untill i take it off!

I was at the gym this morning for my first work out with weights since the op, did 30 mins on the stairmaster, weights for my legs and arms and 30 mins on the x trainer. I was able to do some front lateral raises with light dumbells and some shoulder shrugs with lightish weights, i still cant raise my arms above my head although i can stretch my arms out fully like i was doing a dumbell flye. I am going to try some gentle dumbell flyes/presses next Saturday.

I did train really hard before the op and got my fitness level pretty high and i think this has deffo helped my recovery.

Offline Blue2

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I believe Alex Karidis has a very good reputation so I'm sure you'll be fine and your healing will be good. The 2 most popular names are Dr. Benito and Alex Karidis I think now, Dr. levick seems to have had a few unhappy customers more recently unfortunately. The fact that Dr. Benito worked out about £1500 cheaper was what clinched the deal for me!

I think you are right about this, however I have also seen a post on here stating that Benito has had a price hike so the cost difference is now much less! I am off the see Karidis a week on Friday so looking forward to getting a date set for the surgery!


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