Author Topic: Sleeping position during recovery  (Read 1874 times)

Offline kilroyrichard

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Quick question. I was sure I read somewhere about supposedly sleeping upright during recovery?

Dr Vik Vijh didn't mention anything. I slept on a pile of pillows that left me between 45-90° the first few nights but would end up slumping to lower and almost flat on my back. Would this make a difference somehow, has anybody had direct advice from their surgeon?
I've stayed flat and not rolled or laid on side.

Offline Getthejobdone

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I had my surgery this week. Since then I have been sleeping in an upright position with lots of pillows for support. My surgeon said it would not be the end of the world if I awoke in a side position, but ideally try stay on flat if my back. So far so good. Not the most comfortable but needs be and all that. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Offline Chief Brody

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I had my surgery with Karidis and was never advised by his team to sleep upright following surgery. You basically do what feels comfortable for you and I found lying on my back initially worked for me, although I did find myself waking up several times during the night having roled onto my side. The first few weeks are the hardest as that damn compression vest makes it so difficult to settle. Once that came of, broken nights sleep became a thing of the past.

Offline robirobi

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The instructions I was given is also to keep your feet up? I assume with a cushion underneath? Is that useful?

Offline hauser99

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I was advised by the Karidis nurse that I should sleep upright for the first couple of weeks to help with the swelling. As others have said she told me if I ended up on my side or flat on my back it wasn't that big of a deal.

Offline robirobi

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I don't think I will be able to sleep upright to be honest! :-(
I can manage maybe with an extra pillow but not completely upright!


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