Author Topic: So I visited my second nhs ps today  (Read 2184 times)

Offline Worrier

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I decided to get a second opinion on my gyne after not being entirely happy with the first ps.

He told me that left hand side was normal. On the right hand side he said I had a borderline surgical case. He said all I would need is a small amount of lipo suction, as it was a bit of stubborn fat. Which he is prepared to do.

That sounded okay. I asked him if it could be gland. He said as far as he could tell it wasn't , and in his opinion a bit of lipo is all that is needed. He said he would not perform an excision due to greater chance of infection and scarring???If I wasn't happy after the lipo then he would consider an excision later on.

Then he said two things that put me off. 1 Because it is only one sided he may need to lipo my 'normal side' to get the best result. To make sure both sides 'match up'

2 He then goes on to say if I decide to have it done I may hardly notice any difference after the op,  . WELL WHATS THE FECKING POINT OF YOU OPERATING ON ME THEN  ???
I did not say this to him but I was itching too....

so am I being unnesscarily fussy or what? I can't have a third opinion as that would be taking the urine I think. I just want a normal chest but going through an op and not noticing any change would be a bit annoying even if it is free.

Offline outertrial

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Well thats the NHS, you dont always get the best surgeon for the job if you even get one at all. If youre not happy with the surgeon then dont go. It doesnt sound too drastic though, just a bit of lipo.

Offline phantom

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Clearly this is of great concern to you (and so it should be!)

In terms of getting it right, why not get an initial consultation with a private surgeon - one with a high caseload of male chest reduction?  They will not and cannot pressure into surgery - all you are seeking is an experienced opinion.  At least this way, based on a private consultants opinion you could form stronger questions to challenge your NHS surgeon.

This might help to put your mind at rest.

Offline Worrier

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Clearly this is of great concern to you (and so it should be!)

In terms of getting it right, why not get an initial consultation with a private surgeon - one with a high caseload of male chest reduction?  They will not and cannot pressure into surgery - all you are seeking is an experienced opinion.  At least this way, based on a private consultants opinion you could form stronger questions to challenge your NHS surgeon.

This might help to put your mind at rest.

I think you are right phantom. At the end of the day I cannot afford private work but getting an experienced ps's opinion could be of use. I just need to know if this one knows his stuff.

Iam being cautious but you only get one chest and I don't fancy having the left side being played about with if according to him it is normal. Unless it is normal practice in unilateral cases.

He is probably right about the fat thing as I went to see a breast surgeon who said the same about what was causing the problem.  Thanks.

Offline phantom

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What I have heard and read about experienced plastic surgeons, they cannot really tell what the ratio of gland and fat is.  Gland us usually harder in texture and fat is usually softer.  But it can be the other way around where the gland is soft and the fat quite firm.

Also, the distribution of gland varies greatly from patient to patient.  For some, it's a harder mass just behind the nipple.  For others (including myself) it more dispersed in layers amongst the fat.

No surgeon can really tell what is going on until you are on the operating table and they can see and feel from the inside.

Go get a private consultation.  My surgeon (Mr Levick, details at foot of my posts) charges £80.  It would be money well spent.  You could explain that you are going NHS but need a medical opinion from a very experienced surgeon to help ensure you get the kind of surgery that is indicated to resolve your gynaecomastia.


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