Author Topic: Surgery done 9/4/11  (Read 4758 times)

Offline MG12

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Hey guys,

I'm just starting out looking into surgery as a way of getting some confidence back.  I've had gynecomastia since puberty and its been pretty tough to live with but finding this site is a revelation.  Its good to know i'm not alone in this and theres so much advice in getting surgery.  

My efforts so far have basically involved a trip to my GP who confirmed my gynecomatia suspicions, and he explained that surgery is the only option to get rid of it, but seemed very reluctant to help me get it.  He explained there would be a lot of psychological assessments which would take a long time (he hinted at years) and even at the end of that i could be told i couldnt have the surgery on the NHS.  I left a bit dejected and didnt do much more for a few months.

Now i've picked it up again and i've just had a consultation with Transform and Harley Medical Group.  Transform was ok (i actually saw the surgeon as he happened to be there) but it was a bit rushed.  Harley was better but double the price (£4500).  I wanted to find at least another company to have a consultation through which is how i found this site.  Anyway, it looks as though everyone is hinting towards Karidis.  what are peoples thoughts?  He seems to be one of the leading surgeons in this field.  Any idea of costs with Karidis (i'm not overly fussed about cost as im so sick of it i'll find any amount of money needed, but it will be interesting to know)?

Any advice given is helpful and thankfully received.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 01:48:17 AM by MG12 »

Offline Celts

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Apparently kardis is the main man!  If i had the 4k i'd be off to London in a shot!

Offline thetodd

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Karidis should be £4300ish

but i dont know how the VAT increase will affect it, drop them an email and ask
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Johnny5

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Hi MG12

I have been reading through this forum for the past 18-24 months now and only ever really seen 2 names pop up consistently. Dr. Karidis in London and Mr Levick nr Birmingham I think. After debating over the past 18-24 months who to visit for a consultation I decided with Dr. Karidis. I felt he was recommended higher than levick through peoples comments on here to which they had first hand experience with Dr. Karidis. Anyway I have just booked surgery with Dr. Karidis today after I had my consultation Thursday last week. Booked in for Saturday 5th feb so only just over 3 weeks to go! Cost is just under £4200 + bloods which I believe will be around £60 from the local GP

Offline MG12

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Hi guys,

Thanks for your replies, they confirm my suspicions.  I'm going to get a consultation sorted out with Karidis for next week and see where we go from there.  My mind is half made up to go with Karidis but i'll try and stay subjective about the consultation.

Told my parents last night which was a bit nerve wrecking but they were great about it and agree i should get it done seeing how much it affects me.  Glad i've got it out in the open now.

Johnny5 - great news you've got it all booked up, it must be a nice mixture of anxiety and excitement knowing its not far away.  Let me know how it all goes.

Offline kingboob

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Hi guys,

Thanks for your replies, they confirm my suspicions.  I'm going to get a consultation sorted out with Karidis for next week and see where we go from there.  My mind is half made up to go with Karidis but i'll try and stay subjective about the consultation.

Told my parents last night which was a bit nerve wrecking but they were great about it and agree i should get it done seeing how much it affects me.  Glad i've got it out in the open now.

Johnny5 - great news you've got it all booked up, it must be a nice mixture of anxiety and excitement knowing its not far away.  Let me know how it all goes.

NHS assessments do take forever....... they will send you for a million and one unnecessary tests and then if you are lucky you might get a bit of lipo....... which more than likely wont remove any gland tissue (all the best surgeons cut it out using one method or another, combined with lipo to remove and fat and smooth out the result).

Whoever you go with make sure they are a fully qualified plastic surgeon and that you have a consult with the person doing the operation,  not some bimbo nurse "advisor" (i.e. a salesperson)....   make sure you are clear about what the expected result is and what the policy on any revision or corrective work is as well.

Don't expect 100% perfection and be realistic in that it can take many months for swelling to go down and scar tissue setlle..... in my experience anyway, but ask thetodd as he is the resident Karidis expert...   

Offline thetodd

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Yeah i agree dont expect perfection, because i did and in some ways i still try to achieve it. My advice would be before the op would be to take a load of unflattering photo's just to make yourself reassured, some days id feel shitty and log into here to check my pics and feel loads better. Phsycologically for me anyway it was a big change i went to years obsessing over it to the uter jubilation when i saw my chest after the op. And then getting swelling and scar tissue and feeling down about the whole thing.

I went to see Karidis a few months ago about scar tissue and really with a mindset of getting revision no matter what he said, and after sitting down with me for 10 mins and reassuring me it changed my whole view. And i think that is the danger of having the surgery in London and not going back to get it checked on. I had the op went back at 4 weeks and never went again and i really wish i went back after 4 months and just got the opinion of a proffesional and not my own biased mindset. All checkups are free and dont cost a penny if you do have it done id reccomend going back a few times just to have it looked at.

But despite that i dont regret the money spent at all and im happy with my chest, but now im obsessed with losing weight and love handles lol, always a harsh critic i suppose

Offline MG12

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So i went to see Dr. Karidis about a month ago and it was a good consultation.  He explained everything and set my mind at ease about a few things around risks and things that could go wrong so i have booked my surgery today for the 9th April.

I was a bit anxious booking it, the word surgery still scares me a little but having booked it and knowing i only have a month left i'm a lot happier now.  I will let you guys know how i get on.

Thanks to everyone on this site (whether they posted on this thread or not), its a great source of information and i feel confident i'm getting it done by the most experienced surgeon.

Offline MG12

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Morning guys,

So I've paid up, had my blood tests done (btw if anyone is undecided, try getting them done onthe NHS, didn't cost me a penny) and I'm in this Saturday to get it done with karidis. Was excited about it all last week but getting a bit nervous now.

Reading the stuff they send through I've kept of the alcohol and the smokes for a few weeks and I'm not taking any pain blood thinning pain killers, but is there anything else you guys would recommend avoiding / doing the week running up to the big day?

Also, I have my arnica tablets ready to go after the surgery, but is there anything else I can do to help the recovery process?

I will put pre and post op pics up if I can work out how idc.


Offline emanresu

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Hey MG12 and well done for finally deciding to get the gyne sorted.

I'm in for surgery with Karidis this week and I know how you're feeling right now! Hlaf my concern is the embarrassment of taking my shirt of in front of the pretty young nurses. I had to do that once before (for a heart checkup) and I was so embarrassed I wanted to die.

That being said, I guess the main thing is to remind yourself that the surgery itself is extremely safe and relatively pain free. Not only that but Karidis offers free revisions if the end result isn't satisfactory.

BTW re pics: I tried uploading some yesterday but they still aren't being displayed correctly in the forum. I think this is a problem caused by admin now prohibiting links to outside websites. Hopefully this will be sorted soon.

Best of luck with the surgery mate!

Offline MG12

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Hi emanresu, are you in on thursday? Good luck, hope it all goes ok.

I'm not too fussed about anyone there seeing me. That's why you're there, they expect it and it's nothing out the norm for them so they probably won't even notice.

I know what you mean though, been for an ECG before and that was massively embarrassing.

Oh one other thing, what are peoples thoughts on shaving your chest for it to make changing the dressing a nicer experience?

Offline chopper

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Exciting times for you guys, I'll be checking back in for updates, pictures etc etc!
Good luck gents

Offline MG12

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I'm getting some cold symptoms and the surgery is being done Saturday, does anyone know if that's a problem? It's nothing crazy, just a bit of a sore throat and a dull headache. Sure I read in the letters they sent that they prefer it if you're fitting fit the two weeks leading up to it. Anyone else had the same?

Offline thetodd

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it's psychological most people feel ill leading up to the operation, it's part worry and stress! Even if you went in with the flu theyd still operate dont worry ;)
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 11:58:15 AM by thetodd »

Offline MG12

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Thanks thetodd. Figured as much.

Any tips for what I can do to help the recovery process? I vaguely remember reading something on here about pineapple.


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