Author Topic: Surgery with dr.karidis yday, discharged a day later  (Read 2404 times)

Offline johnathansmith

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Had surgery with dr.karidis yday and the results look brilliant! There was a slight scare as my heart rate was high (around 130bpm) after surgery so I had aseries of tests2 rule out bleeding, turns out it was anxiety so I had an overnight stay! The nurses were absolutely brilliant, both the anaesthesist and Dr. Karidis came and visited me 2 make sure everythings fine. I wS told I had 23g of gland tissue in my right and 24 in my left which is surprisingly high considering I'm 5'9 and weight 69kg! My chest is certainly flat and almost feels deflated, almost feels as if I had absolutely no muscle underneath! Just wondering ifthis is normal? Also if any1 has had gyne surgery what's it like hitting the gym after, results wise e.g pectorial tone, shape etc.    Thanks!

Offline Prolactinoma

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Hi Jon,

I went in for surgery on the 17th so can't tell you what it's like hitting the gym after but i did hit it for 6 months solid before getting the op and feel my chest has shrunk but in a good way :) You can see from my pics a topic or two down from you but hopefully my chest looks a little like someone that works out now.

Congrats on getting it done and good to hear all's well after your scare. Hope your recovery goes well. Feel free to ask anything about recovery as I have not a lot else to do other than potter on internet at the moment as i am still in hiding :)

Offline johnathansmith

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Congrats mate! Just saw your
pictures and they look excellent! Karidis really does have the magic touch! I'll try get some pix up at some point but my chest is completely flat, no shape etc. I'm just hopin when I hit the gym in a month or so I can really start2 getsome bulk and shape!

Offline Prolactinoma

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Post some pics. Would be good to see.

I am starting to go stir crazy sitting around. Today is day 4 for me and I wish I could go and show off my new chest!

How long do you think you'll wear the compression top for? 2 weeks as stated by Chantelle (Karidis Nurse in case yours was different) or 10 days like it says on the web? I was thinking of 6 full time then a night off then another 6.

Offline johnathansmith

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That's a good question. To be honest I think
I'm quite lucky with my garment it's definately tight but
it doesn't dig in2 me, but there's definately the slight fold along it which worries me. Chantelle told
me 2 wear it for 2 weeks but I'm gna settle for 10 days, ad then just in the daytime
or nightime after that. I think the impression I got was 10 days is sufficient enough, but any less ad it could effect both visible results and
bruising. I'm day 2 atm and I'm quite sore it must be said!

Offline johnathansmith

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Also althought I'm only 2days post op I'm walking around te house quite a bit as oppose 2 just lying down upright. I kno it helps with the circulation I just hope it's not
too early 2 be walking around

Offline phantom51red

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Hi j smith,welcome to the other side  :),im 5 days post op too ,i wouldnt worry too much about walking ,cant remember being told not too  ;D.Every day ive went for a walk for light exercise so im sure its alright ,yesterday i walked about 3 mile.Regarding the vest time limit for wearing it ,2 weeks full,then 1-2 weeks either night or day i was told,a small price too pay i reckon.


Offline johnathansmith

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Yh ur right! I might givE myself a little break on Xmas day but besides that 2 weeks it is! How did ur results go? I'm still so shocked I had 23g of gland tissue, I think even Dr. Karidis was a little surprised as I'm hardly overweight and it certaintly didn't look like I was packing that much gland tissue underneath!

Offline Prolactinoma

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Hi Jon,

It's good to know that much gland was taken out as you now know no matter of exercise would have sorted it. That's how I think about it. Everyone who knows me that knew i was getting an op was like you dont need it blah blah blah. Exercise and diet yadda yadda yadda. I eat better than anyone i know and my exercise regime is punishing. I get up at 545 every morning down gym at 630am pumping weights. Diet and exercise - sure right!

Having that much gland taken out must justify it a little to you? It's kind of reassuring? For me know they took out 16grams from each side was :)

I am also going to give myself a break from the compression top on xmas eve when i go out with my mates.

Post some pics if you can - would be good to see some more Karidis magic.

Offline johnathansmith

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just showered for the first time since the surgery on saturday. there doesnt appear 2 be any visible bruising, however my left side is ever so slightly more swollen than the right, paticulary just below the armpit/side. Just hoping this is swelling and not infact a build up of fluid!

Offline johnathansmith

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jusT an update! 8 days post op now! Everythings going brilliantly so far, no visible bruising thus far, however the left side is ever so slightly bigger than the right...not a problem considering what it use to be, but just wondering if this could be dwn to swelling of some sort because theirs certainly no indication of bruising etc? Also does any1 know when I can take the plasters over the nipples off? I remember chantelle saying somethnng abt 7 days? But all in all everythings going gd so far, and no visible bruising considering the amount of gland removed!


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