Author Topic: Surgery With Karadis Complete (27/09/12) - Pre+Post Pics  (Read 9293 times)

Offline adamj

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Doesn't help that the hospital keep sending letters to me (with the hospital name on the front of the envelope). What's more annoying is that the letters (had 2 in as many days) say:

'Payment is now overdue on your account. Amount to pay: £0.00' and in another bit 'MALE LIPOSUCTION OF THE CHEST'

I mean, what fucking idiot sends that out? Not only is it useless, it's quite embarrassing if it gets into the wrong hands. I specifically asked them not to do that too. I phoned them up right away but was put through to a really dry jobsworth woman who was useless so am going to phone in to Nicola tomorrow to see if she can speak to the right person. Rant over.

In other news, I'm 2 weeks 4 days post op now, healing is getting a bit better. Looks particularly good after massage. Still bumpy, bruised and swollen though. Things are going as expected. Healing seems to be dragging a bit, seems like months since I had the op.

Offline Nipper

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Haha, chill mate, nowt you can do about it now.  They do that all the time, sending letters out that you need to intercept.  Luckily I never had to instruct them for any of this, I'm sure if they knew they wouldn't have sent them.  I just think it's a totally different dept from Karidis' anyway ie the hospital itself.

As for your housemate, just don't say anything, I'm sure you're just being a bit para. Sounds like you're a bit down anyway chief, get out or somink, go for a walk and clear your noggin.   

Offline sjwsjw

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Your on you way to a body you'll be far more happy about. I'd be more embarrassed if my house mate saw me topless pre-op then I would them finding anything that might get them wondering what I've had done after. Sounds annoying what's happened but that's the chance we take trying to keep it to ourselves

Offline Nipper

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Whenever I think about the look of my chest or the healing, I just read Choppers log, it's probably about as good an account as you're going to get on here. Every stage is detailed and it always puts my mind at ease after I skim through a relevant section.  

Offline kniveshurt

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How's thing going mate? Can you believe it's been 3 weeks already?! Looking forward to hearing your update.

Offline adamj

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Hi all, thanks for your messages. Yeh Chopper's log really helped thanks. Fortunately nothing came of the letters or anything, but reading your comments made me realise - why should I even care if they saw it? It was an issue that bothered me and I got it fixed. You're right, I'm not going to shout it on the streets but I think I'll be much more open about it.

Update on healing 24 Days Post:

* There hasn't been too much of a change from last time in all honesty, healing is a very slow process indeed.

* My right nipple is being pushed out by something making it look a bit moobish, think it's scar tissue.

* I have a lot of scar tissue actually, small hard lumps here and there around my chest.

* I have done a few steady jogs this week and all was well.

* It still is raw though, went to a football game yesterday. People were going mental when my team scored and someone smacked into my chest, hurt a bit ha. Bruising is almost gone now, just a small patch on my left that doesn't seem to want to budge.

* Having the vest off has been nice, it's quite tingly but feels good. Half a week more and the compression garment will be a thing of the past.


« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 08:17:55 PM by adamj »

Offline Nipper

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Mate you are looking like a normal bloke, all that stuff you described is purely incidental and only you can see most of it which is what you have to tell yourself when you get a bit low or think you've regressed.  I still have slight moob on one side after 5 weeks but then again 5 weeks is nothing in the grand scheme of healing, just to impatient ex gyne sufferers ;)

Offline adamj

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Thanks pal. Yeah, it doesn't really bother me if in honesty, I know it's part of the process. Yeh, impatient ex-gyne sufferers, relate with you there!

Day 26 Post Op

This update is only two days following my previous but I thought I'd post a few comments:

* I played 5-a-side football tonight, big mistake - I thought I would be ok since it's mainly jogging and work below the torso, and I've done a few jogs now. My game plan was to not go heavily into challenges and lay of the ball as soon as I was in possession. That was all good, playing fine, no pain. It was my turn to go in goal and things changed, someone had a shot and it was above my head, I (stupidly) semi-forgot in the moment and reached up to save it - got a big twinge. I played the rest of the game in some pain. So, to anyone under 4 weeks post op reading this - don't play football, even with a game plan of not getting too involved.

* Scar tissue still prominent (only 2 days since last so no worries), but I thought I'd share my photos for anyone for future reference. There's one pic where you can see it pulling the nip.

* 2 more official days of wearing the vest, but in all honesty I might miss it. I look forward to the support at night in a weird way.

(I shaved my chest ha, I used to be reluctant to do this because hair made me look less feminine)

Offline Nipper

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OOh, was making my chest tingle just thinking about that.  I had the same thought about the vest too, trust me...after a couple of days with it won't miss it.  Get a nike compression one if possible, much more comfortable or if you can bear it and keep using the old ones, it won't do any harm I guess.  But they say in the literature, a month max.  I was getting loads of zits everywhere, fawk that, I followed it to the letter for a month.

Offline adamj

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Yeah, I'm enjoying my last hours with the vest now!

Got paid today so going to go clothes shopping weekend! Going to be awesome going to the changing rooms and not worrying about the mirror.

Offline Nipper

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I am skint due to buying new threads, lovin it! :)

Offline adamj

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I have been quiet on the forums of late, for reasons previosuly mentioned - healing's a slow process and you run out of things to talk about! Congratulations to all those going in for surgery in the near future, there seems to be a lot of you! You have all done the right thing, I have never looked back! You are all in safe hands too. Just let me warn you that you're in for a ride after surgery with healing too - so be prepared!

Week 5.5 Post Op

Time for some updates, pics taken a few days ago but never got posted.

Bullets because (as always) I'm late for work!

* Healing going as expected, slowly the scar tissue seems to be subsiding.
* Right still slightly mooby but seems to become more alert on massage suggesting it's just fluid.
* Was meant to see Karadis for my follow up 2 days ago but fell ill so had to reschedule for next week.
* I'm a little fat now ha, but couldn't care because I can actually control my belly.
* Can't wait to get into the gym and do some weights, going to wait another 2 or so weeks.
* Nipples kind of caved in on themselves, see what I mean in the pics. (sorry it's pretty horrible!)


Offline Nipper

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My nipples were doing that when I tensed up, they fill out after a good massage, it'll just be temporary dude, other than that, looking great, I still have folds of tight skin on my flanks when I first tense until I literally "rub them out"  The skin must take a while to snap back.  Had my follow up 2 weeks ago and Karidis said everything looked fine.

Offline sjwsjw

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You've got a good amount of time to heal before the 1 week of warm weather comes back around (summer) :p

Your chest looks good tho, just a case of more time for the nipple area to go back to normal

Offline adamj

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Week 14 Post Op

Hi all, and happy new year to you. To those that have had surgery, let's make this a good first year without gyne! To those that haven't yet, good luck!

It's been ages since I've posted on here, looks like there's a new batch of people on the other side, congrats.

I am now 14 weeks post Karidis operation and things are looking pretty similar to how they did in my last picture in all honesty. Healing is a painfully slow procedure and I'm just praying my nipples flatten out rather than stay creased. The actual shape of my chest is great though - disregarding the small patches of swelling I'm still experiencing. In my follow up Karidis said that they would eventually flatten and I should expect to experience the shape of my chest changing over the next few months. I'll post some pictures in a few weeks or so.

As per, I've gone fat over Christmas but this year is all about getting into the shape of my life for summer - bring it on!


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