Author Topic: Surgery with Levick on 1st July.  (Read 9105 times)

Offline mart356

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Hello all, I'm 21 years old, typical sob story with my moobs, I consider myself to have a pretty bad case compared to quite a few here and I've decided to take action. Consultation with Levick is booked on the 19th may.

2 things:

After the consultation, how long have you a had to wait to be able to have the surgery,I.e when could you book it for?

I'm terrified of surgery and anaesthesia, so please someone come and reassure me  ??? :)
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 07:42:52 AM by mart356 »

Offline textilemerchant

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The lad from northern ireland on here got his consulation booked and surgery booked both together so tuesday/wednesday.
I think for most people its about 2 weeks.  I went for 1 month as I had a holiday in between or it would have been as soon as they could have had me.

Surgery is nothing to worry about as you dont know anything about it :)
The worst bit about anesthesia is the little pinch you feel when he sticks the needle in and that's not even remotely sore.  Stubbing your toe is much worse :)

I have my surgery next wednesday and am not remotely worried about the surgery, they are all going to be proper professionals.  I am more worried about things like having to pick my bag up at the airport or how do i hold on to the bus rails at the airport, or what happens if I get stopped going through security will they get angry with me as I wont be able to lift my arms out straight and will I be feeling alright to go and get some food the day after when I am staying in a hotel before flying back home.  All stupid things like that :)

Offline mart356

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The lad from northern ireland on here got his consulation booked and surgery booked both together so tuesday/wednesday.
I think for most people its about 2 weeks.  I went for 1 month as I had a holiday in between or it would have been as soon as they could have had me.

Surgery is nothing to worry about as you dont know anything about it :)
The worst bit about anesthesia is the little pinch you feel when he sticks the needle in and that's not even remotely sore.  Stubbing your toe is much worse :)

I have my surgery next wednesday and am not remotely worried about the surgery, they are all going to be proper professionals.  I am more worried about things like having to pick my bag up at the airport or how do i hold on to the bus rails at the airport, or what happens if I get stopped going through security will they get angry with me as I wont be able to lift my arms out straight and will I be feeling alright to go and get some food the day after when I am staying in a hotel before flying back home.  All stupid things like that :)

2 weeks is pretty good and ideal really. True, I know I shouldnt worry and im doing this voluntarily, but still it wont stop me haha. Thanks for the reply.

Offline mr_m101

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It was about 4 weeks for me, but that was more due to a wedding I was attending and didn't want to be in the binder or vest.

However, I went to see Mr Levick yesterday to get some fluid drained and I mentioned the discussion of his retirement on here. He said that he's had a bit of a rush of consultation bookings over the last few weeks, so the lead time might be getting longer!

The surgery is really nothing to worry about. I was quite nervous about the anaesthetic too, but it's so regimented and professional once you're in there that you don't have time for nerves. Honestly, the worst part is not showering for a week :)

Offline BossManG

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Agree with Mr m lol the showering is deff the worse for me too hahaha


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« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 12:17:06 PM by rotors »

Offline mr_m101

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You won't believe how friendly and supportive all the staff are, to be honest I think your main worry will be how to manage the expanding and bursting balloons that are attached to your calves through the night ! ;D 

I didn't have that 3 weeks ago, just the chest water cooling machine. Any idea what it was for?

Offline mart356

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It'll be fine !
You won't believe how friendly and supportive all the staff are, to be honest I think your main worry will be how to manage the expanding and bursting balloons that are attached to your calves through the night ! ;D  I tried various leg positions and knees in the air was best for me, I got plenty of sleep after that.
If you're paying for this and you're that bad then nothing will really be an issue.
When Mr Levick came in the next morning I had tears of joy rolling down, I felt a right male thingy but he knows how much it means to us all to have rid of the 'burgers' and so wtf.
Look forward to seeing your before and afters perhaps ?

Thanks for the replies guys! I think i'll cry afterwards aswell haha, having a normal chest would change pretty much everything about my life. 

I actually tried uploading some photos in my original post on my mobile but the files were too large? I'll try figure something out. 


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« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 12:17:26 PM by rotors »


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« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 12:17:39 PM by rotors »

Offline mart356

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Just fully told my mum, feeling very tense and anxious so just thought id come in here to share, havnt got her thoughts back yet

edit: she seems generally supportive, invited her to the consultancy but she cant make it.

Offline wbay21

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Hi Mart
Just to echo what the other chaps are saying, you'll be fine! At the end of it you'll be wondering what all the fuss was about - and at 21 you are at the brink of a new life. Well done for deciding on it and good luck!

Offline mart356

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Had my consultation today, Dr.Levick is the nicest guy! I was very nervous but he put me right at ease, and we talked about his Gyne. He was a little worse than me but waited until he was 45 to get the surgery. Will be booking the surgery in the coming days with hopefully a June date.

Offline textilemerchant

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Hi mate,  I'm posting from my hospital bed.   You have nothing to worry about honestly.  Everything so far has been so straightforward with no pain. 

Offline 8008LESS

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The worst part is deffo the Deep vein thrombosis bags attached to your legs through the night the rest is a nice experience. 
The Anasthetic was fine too. The chap will poke your hand and you'll feel relaxed .. Next thing BAM your awake without breasts. Everyone's happy 


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