Author Topic: Surgery with Levick > 2 years ago. Slightly concerned about scar tissue ridge  (Read 3039 times)

Offline bob1234

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I had surgery with Levick over 2 years ago. I feel like that's long enough for a permanent result to settle, but I'm somewhat concerned about the ridge (possibly scar tissue?) in the upper pec area. My right pec, which had the most gland removed, also looks somewhat hollow, pitted and darkened, to the point that a friend who didn't know about the surgery actually commented.

What could this be caused by and what are my options? (it's been there for quite a while, but I always kept hoping it would eventually settle down).

Here are some pics:

Offline CRAIG9

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ive had similar experience i had surgery over two years ago i have ridge in my chest which you can tell i have had surgery . The only option i was given to get rid of this was to put fat in it at a cost £2500. Im going down the route of trying to add muscle mass to my chest in the hope it will even everything out .Un fortunatly the people who had surgery with levick towards the end  dont have any after care.  


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