Author Topic: What other cosmetic surgery would you consider / have you had?  (Read 3769 times)

Offline Donut

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This question is for everyone, but particularly interested to hear from the post-op gyne guys if the experience and hopefully great results have got them thinking about any other procedures?

You hear quite often that the ladies have one thing done, then decide to get something else done, just wondering if the same applies to guys?

As for me (long way to save up for gyne job yet) - it would be nice to have more hair on my head and less everywhere else! - but doesn't really bother me enough to contemplate having anything done about it, BUT maybe that might change when chest is sorted out as hopefully like everyone else it will result in a massive confidence boost, and that might change my outlook about how I look in general?

I could do with losing a little weight too - 34" waist and I ought to be 30 or 32... Being just that bit heavier, though I don't really like it, kinda evens the torso out a bit and throws the eye off the chest a bit if you know what I mean? - I got down to 28" waist a few years ago in desperate bid to sort the chest problem, which as we all know now is futile; was just very skinny with pointy nipples... Being that little bit overweight rounds things off so its not quite so obvious with careful choice of shirts! - still never go out in just a T of course.

Anyway, digressed slightly from my original question!

Interested in people's thoughts and experiences.

Offline improving

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Interesting topic.

As for further surgery, I won't be having anything done. For me personally I can achieve my desired look by hard work in the gym and dieting.

I may have a small tattoo removed in the near future. I think if i won the lottory i'd have my teeth done, but more for function over look, i have soft teeth. They are fine to look at but have caused me problems in the past. I think surgery should always be a last resort option rather than a quick fix.

I read that Wayne Rooney's hair transplant was £30k, if i go bald i'm afraid that's it lol :)

Offline Donut

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Well I'm certainly not paying £30k for new hair!

Offline wingman

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I've often thought of this actually, would one surgery lead me onto the next?

Maybe a nose job.

Lest I end up looking like Jocelyn Wildenstein or Hang Mioku. Not that I would ever let that happen.

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Offline darkstar

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I think the majority of people who find themselves getting gyno surgery would not usually consider themselves to be the type to have cosmetic surgery. I certainly never even considered any form of surgery before I realised what my issue was. I won't say I'd never have any surgery in the future, because I don't know what the future will bring. It could get to the stage where the treatment of hair loss is discovered and takes a couple of hours to sort. If that were the case and I lose my hair in the future, you bet I'd go for it. As it is though, I would not go for another treatment. I can't justify the money on pure vanity and I'm content and comfortable with my appearance now.

Offline Ricardo7

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If I ever did have the money for a hair transplant I wouldn't be going to Rooney's surgeon... Looks like an anorexic hamster has curled up and died on his head!

Offline farao_101

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Penis shortening maybe.. høhø. No really, i don't think i will do anything more. At least not with how my body is today. Only thing is if something should ever happen to my teeth...

Offline thetodd

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Gyne surgery can give you a boost in confidence, but if you have underlying body issues then it can spur on the need to strive for perfection. This is im not keen on people getting flank lipo at the same time as the gyne op, i can see why they want it but i think it could be bad idea in the long term.

As for hair loss surgery. I know people who've had it done and it hasnt done them any favor's, in fact Wayne Rooneys is actually one of the berter ones ive seen. if you feel the hair on the back of your neck, thats whats took out and crafted to form a hairline around the front in my mates case it left him with pretty horrible scaring and he has to go to a specialist barber to have it cut and hair weaved into it. And it bothers him more than it ever had done originally.

Plastic surgery can be addictive, in my eyes i see gyne surgery as a legitimate use for it and id recommend it to anyone. But beyond that i think it can cause more harm than good.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Donut

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I agree. Like I say, I'm a little heavier than ideal, but only by a trouser size or so, and I know that is easy enough to lose as done it several times before... But results in highlighting the chest more in my case at least! ... If your belly sticks out slightly more than your chest, well, frankly you blend in with a good proportion of the male population! - but having your chest stick out more than your belly just doesn't look right on a bloke?!

I wouldn't consider lipo generally... And when I can see a date that ill have the money to sort gyne out, I'll lose the extra bit of weight to reduce the amount of lipo required on chest too - hopefully meaning less surgery trauma and scar tissue as a result from all I've read on here.

As for Rooney, I'm not a fan of footy so don't take much notice other than general news items, but I'm guessing he had the best possible treatment regardless of cost, so should get the best result

Offline Pez2

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Interestingly I visited the superhuman exhibition in London recently. There's a video you can watch there showing a surgeon 'drawing' lines on a women's body. Outlining where he could do work and improvements in sculpting her body. The amount of possible procedures he outlines is quite shocking and even disturbing. For me, gynecomastia surgery is a last resort. It's the 'I give in' to wasting hours in the gym trying to sweat off something I simply can't.. I'd like to be slimmer, more toned, I'm sure many others would be too but I'm sure this surgery is going to give me the confidence to get out there and be healthier and become slimmer naturally. Can't wait to get back into swimming :) I think many people are possibly by tempted my multiple procedures in order to save on hospital, anaesthetic fees aswell as combining recovery but I think it should always be considered a last resort. Just my opinion.
Gyno free :)

Offline Donut

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Just thought I'd give this topic a little bump as some of you guys might have read it before surgery, and if perhaps you're now a few months post, wonder if your feelings had changed any?

Oh, and I've lost a stone since above posts, so quite chuffed!

Offline mike93

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Interesting question. I also considered this before my surgery. Not a cosmetic surgery but I'm going to get my teeth whitened soon. I think the only think I would consider is removing some loose skin from my weight loss.

Offline Era

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I'm considering penis reduction....i'm putting the ladies through too much pain. Seriously though i know it technically is but i dont consider this is cosmetic surgery myself and maybe in a few more years people will see it differently.

The only other thing i'm interested in is having my teeth done but i probably would never do it. Would definitely have them whitened though.

Offline KSS24

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Unlike women I think that man are a lot more relaxed and laid back. And in terms of appearance there is a lot more pressure on women to look good rather than men, although over the past decade men and how they look have become more and more of a common thing, but the pressure is still a lot higher for women and I feel that's why quite a lot go into surgery and continue to get it.

Me myself, I only see surgery as a option to fix something that is not normal and can't be fixed through diet and exercise. Men having breasts (Gyne) and not being able to get rid of is is worthy in my eyes because I know exactly how it feels and it's not something you can actually hide without it ruining your life in a certain way, like t-shirts in the summer, topless on holiday etc. I don't care if I don't have cut ripped up chest I just don't big puffy nipples and breasts that are very oddly shaped!!

So me personally I wouldn't ever get surgery for anything else, just Gyne for me which hopefully will be next week after my consultation tomorrow morning!! ;D If I had the money to spend like someone else said through being rich or winning the lottery then I'd get my teeth done, not that they are bad I'd just like to have perfect teeth. But I'd never waste money on something that is fine and I just want to change to make look better or something I can fix through a bit of hard work and dedication.


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