Author Topic: What should I do?  (Read 1432 times)

Offline thisonehere

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I am 16, living near Liverpool
I have had the dreaded gynecomastia for 5 years and want it to be gone before I start college/uni so I can make the most of my teenage years.
I currently have two options...

A private surgery with my family's health insurance potentially covering costs. This could mean I end up in the hands of a general cosmetic surgeon without much experience (I'll probably come out with breast implants!)
Or I could follow the rest of you and go for the trusted Paul Levick. I see it costs around £4000. Does he do the operation on 16 year olds? I saw on his website that the patient must be 'fully grown'. I am just over 6ft now and believe I am fully grown, would I qualify for surgery? I would desperately like the surgery to be done in the next 6 months, and waiting until I am 18 would be a nightmare.
Any advice? I am glad I have found this website, you guys are really helping with my decisions.

Offline Ricardo7

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I would have a consultation with the potential surgeon before you make any decisions. That way you can decide if you're satisfied in his/her ability.

If not, you can look at going to another surgeon. You say Levick but Dr. Karidis in London is supposed to be just as good at gynecomastia correction so he could be another option.

I'm unsure what Levick's policy is re age. It may be you need to wait a year or two before having surgery. You could maybe email to find out. Good luck!

EDIT: I'm sure you'd rather wait until you're 18 to get surgery than get it done now for it to go wrong - the surgeon will know best whoever it is you choose.


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