Author Topic: Are you hot?  (Read 2553 times)

Offline stevey

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Hey!  Slow down there, I'm not asking if you're good looking :-)

I've had an issue with temperature regulation for some time.  It started as being too hot in bed.  After being in bed for 10 minutes I was cooking.  We messed around with opening windows and we even bought 2 separate single quilts in the winter, a winter one for my wife and a summer one for me, but I was still waking up cooking.  It wasn't really night sweats, but a couple occasion, I did wake up soaked.

Also I can't seem to get the right temperature during the day.  It's summer here and my wife likes to open the back door to fully to air the place.  After a while, I start to feel cold.  We have a thermometer on the coffee table and it shows it's 21C, which is not cold by any standards.

If I pop a hoodie on, 15 minutes later, I'm cooking.

I was wondering if it was 'fun with hormones' and I'm interested to hear if anyone's the same?  One possibility is I had a stroke 4 years ago in my Thalamus, which manages sensory input.  But then again, I'm  not medically qualified, so who knows? :-)

I've seen the doc a couple of times and had a blood test and all was fine.  She asked me to check my temperature when I wake up hot which was normal.  Then I had another blood test for inflammatory markers, to see if there was an infection brewing somewhere, but nothing.

In short I'm stumped, so anyone with the same experiences, do let me know.

Gosh it's hot in here! lol.



Offline Evolver

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Hi Stevey,

Hot flashes have been talked about here before. You might find some of the content useful: 

Are you at that age where you might be going through man-o-pause?

Offline Justagirl💃

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Hot flashes! 
Such a hot subject that some of us would love to not talk about. 

Yes, it is a daily occurrence in my world and visited by my doctor several times. They really have nothing substantial to add other than simply a "hormone reduction". 
It seems our bodies crave those hormones even as we produce less, the end result may result in hot flashes and night sweats. 

Since the "depths of hell feelings" are a result of hormone deficiency, I have elected to use flax seed as a remedy with varying levels of success. I can most definitely say that it has helped considerably. 

Flax seed is high in natural estrogen, so if advancing your gynecomastia is not your objective I wouldn't suggest it in your case. 
My doctor also recommended low dose hormone treatment to thwart symptoms, they can go either way with hormones I'm assuming. 

In my case I told my doctor I would only go estrogen, I have yet to receive my script but it is being considered. 

A good friend of mine takes testosterone in the form of a cream that is applied to his upper arms. It has all but stopped his gyno, so it apparently works. 

I think in most cases they leave people to sort through it by themselves. 
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flaunt them! 💃

Offline stevey

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Hi @Evolver

Thanks for the reply and the link which I read with interest.  I don't think I'm having hot flashes as from what others have described, they seem to be sudden onset, high intensity and short-lived.  Mine is more of a slow burn.

I've been dossing all day in my chair, getting some Internet stuff done.  I'm wearing shorts, no socks and a T shirt, but as the day's gone on, I'm getting warmer and now feel like I'm starting to cook.  It's 21C in here and has been about the same all day so it's not hot or cold. It's the same in bed, it's a gradual increase in perceived temperature until I feel uncomfortably hot.

Yes, I'm about the right age.  At 64, I'm a fully qualified coffin dodger :-).  I had my testosterone checked a couple of months ago and it came back normal, although at the lower end of normal, so inferred from that that I must have high estrogen, otherwise, why the breasty dumplings?

Well, I have no idea.  It's a bit irritating as I'm so hot, I have to have extra showers.  I have no sense of smell, so don't know if I'm getting ponky!

My desire to get a full endocrine test has kind of fallen off the radar, but I might see my doc and see if they will play ball.  It would be nice to know!

Hi @Justagirl

Thanks for the info on flax seeds, I think I'll be avoiding those!  If you manage to get some estrogen, let us know how you get on.



Offline WPW717

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Stevey ,
I have been like Birdie and others here. Wracked by hot flashes some so intense they swamp my hearing aids and necessitate a battery change and a change of clothes. Endo seems to think that they are no big thing. Would love to hear what she thinks about them in a few years.
  Birdie revived an old idea here for me when the mention of flaxseed came up, so I tried that and had no success. Originally thought that with gynecomastia some herbal remedies that menopausal women use would help but to no avail. I think I got the idea of organizing the phytoestrogens in increasing order of strength and found I had gone through the list already with no relief. So I just had to bite the bullet and consider estrogen low dose to help ( I am a poor candidate for testosterone replacement at 73) plus other factors that the makers of testosterone state eliminate me as high risk for this Rx.
   Then I looked at traditional Chinese medicine as a possibility an tried Kwao krua herbal supplement, and behold… no more hot flashes after 2 days. I also had the same issue with the hot sensation all the time between flashes , and after 2 weeks of no flashes the hot sensation is abated. It’s summer here too ( PNW eastern WA and we have many triple digit days )  T he only time I get that feeling now is if I spend too much time in a leather chair. As for the gynecomastia I have the opinion that from NIH  and other research is that the estrogen level of 20 pg/ dl is what some in the medical field shoot for to relieve the women of the hot flashes. My levels center on about 16 at the moment The labs will be repeated this fall. The low dose estrogen I was going to ask for would have an impact on growth but then so does the phytoestrogens but I think the low dose estrogen would be stronger. The T levels that I have went from normal low for older males 300 to low 50s in just a few months. That was a fast drop and the start of the temperature problems… not the norm. Don’t have high estrogen but the T/E ratio flipped to E dominating so gynecomastia onset was rapid

That’s the long and short of my tale so perhaps an exploratory adventure is in order for phytoestrogens for your benefit is in order.
Added bonus is estrogen helps prevent bone loss and so does this herb that I am trying out says the literature. Important to me right now as I am to have surgery on a parathyroid adenoma once it’s located by nuclear medicine scan in September.
This adenoma causes bone loss with poor Calcium regulation

I hope all goes well with you in fixing this problem.
Regards, Bob

Offline Justagirl💃

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Yes, flax seed does help but not eliminate the hot flashes. I still get mild ones daily. 

I'm hoping low dose estrogen does the trick. 

Offline stevey

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Hi @WPW717

Thanks for the tip on Kwao krua.  I'll give it a try and report back.  I seem to have an issue with temperature regulation and hope it will help with that.  At this point, I'm happy to stand on one leg and face north if I thought it would help.

I'm sitting here on the sofa and my hands and feet are cold, but my trunk is cooking lol.



Offline stevey

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Offline Justagirl💃

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Hi all

Just a quick update on this.  I'm at my sister's house and she has a neck fan.  It's like a pair of headphones that you hang around your neck and it blows cool air which is nice.  After around 10 mins, I'm feeling cooler.

It's rechargeable and has a USB port so no messing around with batteries.

It looks like this:

I'm getting one!


Hello Stevey, 

Thanks for the reminder, I need to charge mine.
The neck fans are quite invaluable I have found. I carry mine with me daily. 

Sorry I haven't replied sooner, things have been a bit strange here lately. I really have meant to get at it.
It seems your gyno has subsided for now, and judging from what you have stated it's what you desired. Hopefully it will remain at bay for you. 

Ah, but the hot flashes. It's quite odd that the gyno is only one of the many symptoms we shall experience with estrogen dominance. Hot flashes are just one of the many more. Keeping my home a bit on the cool side as well as fans have been my best defense. 

I see you are about traveling again, I sure do envy your ability to travel about at will. I did think I would be doing the likes in my old age, but it didn't quite workout in my case. Do enjoy yourself, and keep us posted. A few snapshots of the wonderful UK would be greatly appreciated as you scurry about as well. 

Keep in touch my friend

Offline stevey

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Hi Justagirl

Thanks for your reply and don't worry if life takes over, I'll be here checking in as things allow.  In future, if you could keep your laptop with you at all times, checking the forum, just in case I post up, then you can answer within 30 seconds.  Of course, I'm joking lol.  I appreciate people have different lives, and sometimes leave forums if they have done their jobs, but I'll stick around like a bad smell ;D

So, you have a neck fan too.  They are good aren't they?  It's the first thing I've found that helps lol.

Yes I have been travelling a lot.  Some were fun, but some not so.  Sadly my brother-in-law passed away just over a week ago, so I'm in Birmingham with my sister, looking after her.  There is so much to do on both the emotional and practical front.  At times like this, I'm glad I'm retired and could offer her my time without restriction.

You mentioned in another post you use a wheelchair.  That must be challenging while travelling.  At 64, I'm not hoping to climb any mountains, but am generally healthy and able to move about, so consider myself very lucky for that.

Here in the UK, there's been quite a bit of news about wheelchair users and travelling on planes.  People are complaining that they are asked to leave last, which makes some practical sense, but they had to wait in their seats for 2 hours to be assisted.  Some progress needed there, I think.

Yes, of course I can post up some photos.  My sister and I are going on lots of walks, so I'll take some and send them up.

You mentioned things have been strange - is it something you can post up here?  If it's personal, no worries, just hoping you're OK.


Keep Smilin'



Offline stevey

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Oh, yes, I forgot to mention.  On the gyne front, there's no pain at all and my boobs haven't grown any more, sometimes in the mornings, my nipples are larger and quite hard and protruding, bit overall I'm not too worried.  I mentioned in the past that I thought I might be estrogen dominant, but now this might have changed.  I no longer cry at absolutely everything and a bit personal (sorry) but my stomach is growing new hair at a rate of knots.  I look like my chest wig has slipped :-)

So.... I think my T/E ratio might have changed.  I've not got the urge to hunt and gather, or dominate the world, but there it is.  I did look in the mirror and saw I quite looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but that could have been a dream :-)

OK I'm rambling.

Chat soon


Steve X

Offline Justagirl💃

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You mentioned things have been strange - is it something you can post up here?  If it's personal, no worries, just hoping you're OK.
I have had a bit in the way of medical lately, and I'm not too happy with the medical attention, or lack thereof, I have received over some of it.
Sometimes when you have pain that won't stop you wish to talk to a doctor's about it rather than a nurse and dietitian.
Especially when they say my problems are all "salt consumption" related (I don't eat salt).
I have devised my own spices (salt free) to add to all my cooking and only break my diet once a week on Chinese food whilst shopping. The nurse is convinced that it cannot be the case as my painful edema in one leg continues. I have thrown out ketchup, sauces, salad dressings, etc...
I'm almost down to ZERO salt, but my medical professionals don't believe me. 🤔

Asking for the doctor to have a peek at my leg is worthless since they immediately tell me to just "stop eating salt" and send me away.

Coupled with a minor stroke again several months ago and a minor cardiac event last month, life has been a bit strange. 
Nevertheless, I'm keeping my chin up and continue to move forward as always. 

Offline stevey

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Hi Justagirl

Good to hear from you.  It sounds like you have been let down by the medical profession in different ways all your life.  From your gender to other physical issues.  That really would make my blood boil.

As I'm sure you know, here in the UK we have the NHS and in your position, I would certainly change my doctor.  I know in the US it's all mostly private and done through insurance, but is that an option for you?  They've asked you to cut out salt, and you have.  The problem persists and rather than investigate further, they tell you you're a liar.  This shows incompetence on their part, and possibly even worse, arrogance.  They seem to think the only possible cause is your salt intake. But as we all know, some conditions can be caused by other conditions.  You don't need a medical degree to know and understand that.

I think I mentioned on another thread that I was offered Tamoxifen for the gyne.  Being a bit obsessive, I researched it and found that a very common symptom is blood clots.  As a stroke survivor myself, I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.  I could take it and die.  Generally speaking, I don't take things on face value, even by a professional with qualifications/experience etc.  This is something that many find irritating about me lol, but there I am.

I wish you luck with this.  It's very serious and important, of course.  If possible, I'd suggest you drop them like a hot stone and get someone with a brain.

OK rant over ;D.  On  a lighter note, I haven't forgotten you asked for some pics.  It's raining here today, as is often the case so hopefully I can get some tomorrow or this week.

I used to work in partnership with a Taiwanese guy.  I asked him the same question and he obliged and sent me some pics of the streets etc.  It was really interesting to see what the houses looked like there with the people milling about the streets.

Anyway, that's all for now, but I really do wish you well with the docs.



Offline Justagirl💃

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As I'm sure you know, here in the UK we have the NHS and in your position, I would certainly change my doctor.  I know in the US it's all mostly private and done through insurance, but is that an option for you?  
Yes it's an option, but would require that I move to a different area and possibly a different state. 
The program I attend is the only program in my area that provides all the services I required to stay independent at home. 
I do see a cardiologist tomorrow and my plan is to mention my leg swelling to him. At least a doctor might actually get a peek at the problem that way. 

Offline WPW717

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Just undress in the exam room before the doctor comes. Then he will have to see the edema


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