Author Topic: Dr. Delgado timeframes  (Read 2274 times)

Offline Vrocker

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Dr. Delgado timeframes
Hey I was just wondering a few things about the actual time it takes to get surgery. Firstly how far, roughly, in advance do you have to make your first appointment. And after that how many more appointments are needed and how spaced apart are they? (Including the surgery itself)

I'm sure it varies on how much business the doctor has and whatnot so I am talking about Dr. Delgado in San Francisco.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 04:16:48 AM by Vrocker »

Offline Vrocker

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anyone's expriences would be helpfull even if it isn't this specific doctor

Offline jimyd77

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Re: Dr. Delgado timeframes
I had my surgery with Delgado and highly recommend him.  When I went to see him in August, I think he didn't have an opening for about 3-4 weeks, but I planned on having my surgery in November, so it wasn't a problem...pretty much got to pick my day.

As for recovery, he likes you to take it easy for the first nothing except sit around and rest...which is fine because you've got drains in and don't really feel like going out in the world.  After that, when the drains come out, you're ready for light walking, work, etc.  Nothing strenuous though for 6 weeks...and you've got to wear a compression vest of course for the same period.

Hope this helps...good luck!

Offline Vrocker

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Re: Dr. Delgado timeframes
awesome thanks for the info


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