I paid $5000 for my first surgery back in 2002. I had the equivalent of a c cup removed. When my gyne came back, I went to the exact same doctor for another quote. I figured since the case I have now isn't anywhere near what I had the first time, (not even close) the price wouldn't be as steep. Well, I was quoted the same price I paid to have a much more severe case fixed. When I questioned the doctor about it, he said " The price is based on operating room time, surgeons fee, and anethesia." I guess by that he meant it takes just as much time to operate on a severe case as it does a mild one? Or is this guy bulls**itting me? Just doesn't seem to make sense to me. Does this sound right to any of you guys? I almost wish my case was worse now, seems hard to justify another $5000 to fix a much smaller problem.