Author Topic: Sick of these d$$$ YouTube doctors!  (Read 3556 times)

Offline Na0001

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This is probably more of a vent than anything.
I am 29, I have had this issue since I was 13. Most of it is fat, but I was once 190 and still had this issue. I am 253 lbs, with 180 lbs of lean body mass. I am down 20ish lbs so far in the last 6 months. Still fighting to get to my "before I turn 30" weight of 230. I want to do this surgery no later than this fall. Give the diet more time as I am having success for the first time since college. But also being realistic to the point that I've fought this my whole life. I just want to be able to buy a shirt and not have the purchase depend on how it makes my chest look.
I had picked a doctor.. After a year of emails, offering to fly down. I had to really force him to do a consolation.

I was impressed by his youtube videos. He seemed to know his stuff. But my in person consultation was very different than his youtube videos. First I hear him talking with the nurse, not even trying to hide it, about how I was still fat. Sorry I am overwight, I'm down 20 lbs doc. I am ultra active, biking, crossfit, olympic lifting.. He more or less comes in, honks my breast and starts some spiel about how I can have lose skin or a scar, and that he would do lose skin and figure out the rest later. All the while he can't even make eye contact with me. So, there goes a year of research picking out this dude. I will not hire a surgeon that cannot look me in the eye. He didn't tell me jack squat about my procedure and was out faster than an ER doctor. At the least he had a reasonable price. Though still cannot hire him.

So.. On to the next doc. Find one that is great, also on youtube. I have tried to find doctors off youtube but I swear half of them are showing me samples I've seen on realself, and on 5 other doctors pages. Not to mention none seem to specialize in this. So the doctor tells me everything I want to hear. He is very nice. He is real with me, better results if I lost the weight but he will do it now if I want. It's my life and its not his place to fat shame me. Sweet. Does go into over promise of no sag, no issues, even said I could do crossfit 3 days later (uh huh).. Then we get to the kicker, This dude wants DOUBLE!! I could buy a new car for that amount! His price has gone up steadily like 3k a year according to his youtube videos. Now my procedure is no longer "easy piece of cake" its now a lot of work. Right. Well I look him up and I see on this site doctors talking about how he isn't even board certified. That he has been jacking up his price. (well he did master the marketing game, so supply and demand). Not cool.
So yeah. Back to square one. I just want to find a doctor that isn't rude to me, can do a harder case (not just easy cookie cutter 10% BF job) like me. Give me a result I can live with without lots of weird "sag". I mean I didn't sag at 190? A doc that wont over promise and will be real. Also one that isn't there to fat shame me. Trust me I do enough of that to myself on my own. I live in Austin, but I'm more or less open to anything in the US.


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so basically , your overweight, the doctors told you that you would have a better result if you lose a couple of pounds before surgery? Sounds like some healthy advice man

Offline Na0001

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Right. So. You read my post. Looked at the root cause... Oh he's Fat and is on a diet. Lets tell him he should lose weight! I mean. wow dude. You posting to troll me mate?

That said no the issue isn't the doctors said I am too fat. Both of them would take my money. Its the lack of professionalism, the insane prices, and the deception of generic surgeons that is the topic. The first doctor didn't care to set a target weight, which was the whole point of the consultation. That and the fact is if I was at 200 lbs today I would not hire either. Will not hire a doctor that cannot look me in the eye. Will not pay double for someone with charm.


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so, whats your next step?

Offline joe7

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Sorry to hear you went through all this. Amazing how he couldn't even look you in the eye despite having a good youtube channel. Both these doctors sound unprofessional and I would avoid them, or anyone like them in the future.

Congrats on the weight loss so far. I would actually continue with the weight loss and put the gyno to the back of your mind for the time being. Are you doing anything in particular with your diet? Sounds like a you're doing a lot of activity at the moment, possibly even too much.

Offline bluestrudels

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OP, first off congrats on your weight loss journey. It's no easy feat to shred those pounds, and even harder to maintain it! So hope you can keep it up.
I'm sure everyone here means well, and no one is here to troll you.
I believe at this day of instant gratification, we expect magic pills for weight loss or surgeons to magically remove all our excess fat, but the bottom line is, there are multiple layers to get to where we want ourselves to achieve and it all takes time. So if the doctor suggest more weight loss, you might want to set yourself another goal in the timeline to meet certain of body fat %.
I suggest posting pics of your before and after, so the issue isn't about a perceptive thing, as we all know, pics don't lie. 

Best of luck. B

Offline Na0001

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Hmmm. How to word this. While I have not given up, being an ultra goal focused person. I do also have to be a tad pragmatic. The lowest weight I've gotten to was ~245 post college. The medium weight of 260, top weight of 275. The college weight of ~200 took a very unhealthy mindset to get to. I have dedicated my lifestyle to getting better, having spent an arm and a leg moving to a town that I can be ultra active in. That even meant taking a job that will allow an active lifestyle verses the very well paying job I had before. I believe I can hit and maintain 240. I will aim for 230 etc. But at age 29, having been dieting for over a decade. Well, I will keep going but I do not plan on waiting forever. Just been too many next years. Now is the time.

So I guess I will look for a doctor that I am on the level with. I am not expecting perfection. I just want to wear a damn shirt without my chest being the deciding factor. All I want is a reshape. To not have these things popping out at me. If I need a second procedure in 5 years, I am okay with that. 
To me it seems like there is a lot of fat shaming with the doctors. As fore mentioned. Is this about me, living the best life I can live; Or is this the continued fat shaming that has brought so many people to eating disorders all in the attempt to look like the models we see all day long? I do not think waiting for years and years at this point is the answer.


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Offline Alchemist

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Hmmm. How to word this. While I have not given up, being an ultra goal focused person. I do also have to be a tad pragmatic. The lowest weight I've gotten to was ~245 post college. The medium weight of 260, top weight of 275. The college weight of ~200 took a very unhealthy mindset to get to. I have dedicated my lifestyle to getting better, having spent an arm and a leg moving to a town that I can be ultra active in. That even meant taking a job that will allow an active lifestyle verses the very well paying job I had before. I believe I can hit and maintain 240. I will aim for 230 etc. But at age 29, having been dieting for over a decade. Well, I will keep going but I do not plan on waiting forever. Just been too many next years. Now is the time.

So I guess I will look for a doctor that I am on the level with. I am not expecting perfection. I just want to wear a damn shirt without my chest being the deciding factor. All I want is a reshape. To not have these things popping out at me. If I need a second procedure in 5 years, I am okay with that.
To me it seems like there is a lot of fat shaming with the doctors. As fore mentioned. Is this about me, living the best life I can live; Or is this the continued fat shaming that has brought so many people to eating disorders all in the attempt to look like the models we see all day long? I do not think waiting for years and years at this point is the answer.

Hi Na,

I was 6'1"  235 pounds, as a ski instructor at local areas and a professional ski patrolman on a major mountain.  My story gives some details.  I became a naturist/nudist.  From autopsy studies 50% to 70% of men develop mammary gland growth between puberty and death.  Then there are the 10-20% of men with basic ungrown mammary gland, muscle and fat shaping "breasts".  As it is quite normal visually and as we can also see that mature men rarely have the chest of a slender 10 year old boy, it's so very strange that there is so much body shame.  I was there, malignant body shame helped along by the coaches and junior high bullies.[

At 170 they were sticking out even more above the base and that increased after rebuilding my muscles after a prolonged illness. 

The cultural body shame is notable.  Dr Ellis in his book, THE AMERICAN SEXUAL TRAGEDY, included how many non-accepted body features and details the women had.  The more non-accepting of their body the unhappier they were.

If you are going to get surgery, use a specialist in MALE breast reduction.  Even so the specialist mention a 10% dissatisfaction rate including some who wished they had never had the surgery. Some still find they have the fear and shame transferred to the scars, they still can't take off their shirts because then ":they will know about the breasts".  My father had a small elective surgery that was botched by the surgeon and it almost killed him, leaving him with brain damage.  A friend of mine died from the anesthesia before they started the reconstruction surgery after cancer.

Do what makes you happy.  Hiding for your whole life in fear of your body being seen is a miserable way to live life.  Go to a nudist resort and have some fun.  Get used to your body in context of ordinary people, not photochopped models.  Learn to accept your body.


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