Author Topic: surgeons in Chicago area?  (Read 4976 times)

Offline mos513

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Hi! I'm pretty new to this forum. I am the mother of a 16 year old boy who has been silently (until recently) suffering with this for 3 years. I am trying to find out info on surgeons in the Chicago area. The only one that seems to be mentioned here is Dr. Pensler. I would appreciate any comments on him or any other docs in this area. Thanks!

Offline subuwrx

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I do not have the knowledge to answer the question but I would like to tell you that I think it is awesome that you are supporting your son and infact going about doing your own research.

I would however like to add that I personally think that if he is going to have the surgery done he should get it done RIGHT the first time. There are many surgeons who claim to be good at this surgery but infact are not and leave patients with horror stories. There are also those surgeons who go about the surgery differently than those "well known" surgeons and therefore leave the patient needed revisions and such.

I am from MI and decided to make the trip to VA for surgery with Dr. Bermant. If you do some research around this site you will discover that the 3 big names on the site are Dr. Bermant, and Dr. Delgado. Dr. Bermants website is I do not know any of the other Dr's websites.

I dont want it to sound like I am selling for them but I just feel its a personal mission for those of us who have had surgery to make sure that others know what they are getting into before they get into it. Like I said, I feel its better to get it right the first time!
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 07:26:01 AM by cleanup »

Offline mos513

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Thanks for your kind words and support! I will definitely consider your advice. We're going to set up a consult with Pensler and then we'll go from there. It can't hurt, as we live pretty far fron VA to go to Bermant. Will let you know how we make out.
Thanks again!

Offline subuwrx

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paul77pl Post some pictures!

Offline mos513

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Thanks, paul77pl!  I feel much better about Dr. Pensler after hearing about your experience so far. I made an appt. with him for my son yesterday. We will go for the consult on April 3. Hopefully, if all goes well, my son can have his surgery asap. He is very anxious to get it done now, after having this problem for about 4 years.(I had no clue until about 3 weeks ago!) We are seeing an endocrinologist, too, just to make sure his hormones are not to blame. I have done some research also, and was pretty dissappointed that there were not too many docs in the Chicago area. But, Dr. Pensler seems like a good choice for us, as it would be very difficult to travel to NY or VA.
I will keep you posted and I hope you will do the same. I wish you the best of luck with your results and I look forward to hearing from you!

Offline paul77pl

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Hi again,

I've lived with gyne for 15 years. At first I didn't even know what this was and 15 years ago it wasn't anything anyone talked about (at least in Poland where I grew up). I went to see doctors and they said that it was normal for a boy my age and it will go away once puberty is over. Well, as you can imagine it didn't. The impact it had on my life was tremendous. I don't really remember the last time I went to a beach, swimming pool or even wore a thin-fabric t-shirt without front pockets. Practically zero self-confidence for years.
Prior to seeing Dr. Pensler I asked my primary physician for hormone tests and they all came out fine. I think it's a good idea in case of your son to see an endocrynologist considering he's just 16.
Anyway, as I said the consulation took about an hour. He examined my breasts (1 minute) and showed me pictures of some of his patients. They all looked fine to me although in my opinion some of these men didn't even need it. But I guess it's an individual issue.
Every once in a while I would go, work out like crazy for months getting my body to a decent shape but the problem persisted. As a matter of fact, I think as my chest muscle was growing the problem was becoming even more visible, pushing the extra fat and glands outwards.
It didn't matter whether I weight 120 pounds (I used to be really, really thin) or 160 (currently). I'm 5'10". So everytime, I quit gym thinking it wasn't even worth the effort because it wasn't going away.
As mentioned, I just had my surgery on Wednesday, March 14 at his office. You can opt to have in the hospital across the street but the fee increases by 40% should you choose to do so (I'm guessing surgery room fees etc). I felt comfortable to have this done in his office.
I showed up wearing just old sweatpants and a hoodie and buttoned-up shirt underneath. They asked me to sign release forms etc. then they weigh you so that proper dosage of anesthetic is used. I was allowed to keep my sweatpants on but make sure they are old (but clean) because they will get stained in the back during surgery. They hooked me up to IV and gave me a relaxant and something to stop saliva production. As I understood it it was done under local anesthesia with heavy sedation. To me it seemed like general because I slept through the entire procedure and really didn't fully come to until my friend drove me back home. It took about 1.5 hrs. As I was told they removed over 1 liter (over 2 pounds) of fat and glandular tissue. More from my right side. I guess everyone reacts to this procedure differently. Some patients can work the next day without experiencing much pain or bruising.
That certainly wasn't the case with me. All Wednesday and Thursday I was so sore that I needed help with getting dressed or getting out of bed. As long as I didn't move I was ok but as soon as I started walking the pain was just too much. Today is Saturday and I feel much better, I'm not sure whether I will be able to drive myself to work on Monday (30 miles) though.  They do want you to move around as much as you can. Go shopping or go for a walk. Once you're moving it's much better because when I just laid there for hours it was difficult for me to get up and get going again. They give you prescription for an antibiotic (1 pill taken the night prior to surgery), an anti-nausea medication (which I didn't need at all) and tylenol with codeine. Frankly, the pain medication doesn't really work too well but it relaxes you and basically knocks you out for a few hours.

Anyway, as I said yesterday (Friday, 48 hours after surgery) I got to remove my compression vest and shower for the first time. I am so bruised I look as if someone beat me with a baseball bat all over my chest (I bruise easily anyway). There is a lot of swelling all over my chest and my sides, but hardly any blood. Ice packs sure come in handy. I have 4 incisions. Two right near my armpits (not under, so they are visible) from the lipo and two right underneath the areola for the excision (you can hardly see them). I'm sure once I heal neither one will be visible, they're super small that i actually had to point them out to my friend.
The results - even though I am bruised and swollen I am absolutely thrilled. I cannot believe the difference. I've lived with this for so long that now it actually feels weird, as if my arm was taken off :) (in a good way). I have to say that my expectations were surpassed and it's only been 3 days!
Honestly, I can't wait for summer becuase they're just gone. Totally gone.
I was too scared to be taking pictures last night SUBUWRX. I will do so tonight and post them tonight or tomorrow. Unfortunately, I don't have my pre-op pictures. I have my follow up with Dr. Pensler on Wednesay so I'll ask him if he can email those to me for comparison. Good luck and I'll keep you posted.

Offline paul77pl

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Here are my post-op pictures. This is Saturday, day 4. A lot of swelling has gone down since Friday. I had more on my right side which is swollen more.
I bruise easily but I guess that's obvious. Again, they removed over 2 pounds of fat and tissue (over 1 liter, Dr. Pensler said).
I don't have the before pics just yet.

Offline rzavala75

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I really appreciate your openness about the subject. I like, like you suffer from the same symptoms. I work out and work out and it only makes things worst.  I'm about 5 11' and 175 and have been as low as 135lbs. and at the weight I think it my chest even worse.  The bad part is that I'm in good shape but I'm embarrassed to take off my shirt. Once, I was laying on the beach and a young girl commented on my breast/nipples to her mom????  Since then, I've been very self conscience.  I had a few questions as I'm looking to get the procedure done.  Does Dr. Pensler offer financing? and do you know if the symptoms ever return and finally.  When you get back the before pictures. Can you put the link on the board?  Your story is very similar to mine and I really all the help.


Offline paul77pl

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Hi Rick,

I totally understand where you're coming from. It was the same with me with the exception of actually NOT going to the beach. It is to my understanding that they can help with financing but I don't know the details. I saved money and paid with a credit card that I will pay off in full.
To me, the procedure was worth every penny and I would do it all over again in an instant. It's been 9 days and every day is better than the one before. I am still a little sore in spots but there is only minimal swelling left.
As far as I know and according to Dr. Pensler the results are permanent.
To the best of my knowledge, it can return, especially if you use steroids and/or marijuana or other drugs. Also, if you gain a lot of weight I guess it can come back. But I am not concerned about it at all since I use neither and certainly have no plans to become obese! If I remember, correctly, Dr. Pensler does offer a touch-up procedure within a year if you are not satisfied with the results. Well, that won't be the case with me because I can't wait for summer.
Good luck and keep us posted.


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