Author Topic: Surgery with Dr. Delgado  (Read 4607 times)

Offline chansam

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I finally did it.  I scheduled myself for surgery with Dr. Delgado in March.  I'm nervous about going under the knife, but at the same time can't wait for the result.  I went to him about 3.5 years ago but had to cancel the surgery because of a problem discovered with my blood.  I had the surgery cleared with my hematologist 2 months later but then got sidetracked with other things and put the surgery on hold.  Went to see Dr. Delgado last week and while the surgery is now more money, Dr. Delgado also said that methods and even his own skills have improved significantly in the last 3 years.  Its $7900 for my surgery.  This is damn expensive, but its my body.  Whatever it takes to get this done right, I'm ok with.  I haven't asked him if he takes credit cards yet (anyone know?) but I'm hoping they do so I can pay for it slowly.

The downside of this is that I am getting a divorce and my ex (who lives in our old house) got a call from Dr. Delgado's office confirming the appointment.  Stupid me forgot to change the number in Dr. Delgado's database.  She, being the insecure woman that she is, went and told everyone that I am getting a "boob job".  Fortunately, I am old enough and secure enough with myself to be able to blow it off and just be happy that these damn boobs will be gone. 

I have a question for some people out there with B-C size cups who had surgery.  Can I go back to working at a desk 2 days after surgery?  I may need to do some work on a computer.


Offline manzeer

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Dude, congrats on taking the plunge. Don't back out again. Sorry about the divorce situation but you will get through that too. And what better time to create a "new" you? Right? I had my surgery on 12-11-06 with Delgado. He is the man and worth the money. My results have been dramatic for me. There is nothing like wearing just a t-shirt of the normal size then put a sweater of the normal size on top of that. AMAZING. Have not done the dago-t (don't like the term wife beater) thing yet but could pull it off. Delgado takes credit cards. His anesthisiologist(sp?)[gas man] takes only cash or check for some reason. That runs about $900(+-) based on O.R. time. So budget for that. In Delgado's office I saw a pamphlet for financing so ask about that option as well. Budget an extra $100 for an extra compression vest as well. That way you can rotate a clean one into the wardrobe. Ask for the zipper up the front version he sells ($100). You get the one right after surgery that velcros in the front included in the price of surgery. It's good too but the other compresses differently which I felt helped with the healing because the compression was not always the same. Does that make sense? As far as working, will it be a full 8+hour day? If so don't take any painkillers. I'm self employed and do my own thing so other guys should answer this better. Everyone heals differently so you will know if you can do it. Yes you will be able to sit and work at a computer. Just know the less motion you have for the first few days helps keep swelling down. Will you have drains? I did and they were removed on day 2. When you get out of surgery you will have the vest on over foam padding. With just a dress shirt on it will be kinda noticable. With a warm-up jacket on on day 2 my wife thought I had removed the vest and foam, meaning she could not tell. Foam was used for the first week post-op. Are you in good physical/medical shape? If so, you probably will do fine. Get in as good of condition as possible before surgery. START NOW. Eat well, no fast food, no alcohol, quit smoking, etc. You don't have to do those things but they can only help. For at least a month you won't be able to work out with cardio so try not to pack on lbs(kilos for you metric guys) pre or post-op. Being in good physical condition totally helps recovery. If I forgot anything, ask, or anyone else please add/subtract to/from what I have said. Dude, HAVE FUN......

Offline ddaavviiddd

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Yes u can do computer work but keep im mind that u will have drains for about 4 days so unless u r doing this work  at home or at a hotel then it will be almost impossible to cover the vest and drains with any shirt for jacket .  So as long as u don't have to go to an office to do your work then YES u can do computer work the next day.   Just a lil hint, have a shirt on with buttons in the front because it is easier to put on so  when u get up from your commputer desk u will not get your drains caught on the knob of the desk.  It happened to me and i almost pulled the dayaaaaam thing out on the second

Offline reaper33

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some surgeons dont use drains after surgery, whats up with that? is it good or bad?

Offline chansam

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Manzeer and ddaavviiddd....

Thanks for all the advice.  Manzeer, I am also self employed so a little worried about how long I will be out of commission.  Trying to train my employees now on some of my responsibilities, but I'm sure it won't be that easy. I'll still need to be in the office a little.  Fortunately, I've scheduled my surgery for Thursday so I have the weekend to recover some.  Dr. Delgado said I will have to come to his office on Monday as well to do drains so I won't be getting back to the office until Tuesday (5 days after surgery).  However, I do plan to login to work from home as I recover and do some work/client communications.

I have been working out for the last three months and have dropped 20lbs.  I'm 185lbs and 6'2 so I'm happy with the weight just not the boobs (although they are less noticeable now).  Thanks for the advice on cutting out the alcohol and smoking.  I don't smoke regularly but when I party on the weekends I end up boozing and have a few smokes.  That stops now!  No more alcohol or smoking.  I eat pretty healthy anyways so I'm not worried about the diet.  You guys have gotten me excited about this now!  Thanks.

Do you guys have pre-op and post-op pics to share?


Offline manzeer

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Check in the photos section for before/after. The Thurs.-Tues. off should work. You should be able to log on to your computer right when you get home post-op.

Offline neato

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Good choice on surgeons and it's funny because I had a little bit of a bleeding "problem" too.

I had surgery with Dr. Delgado at the end of Oct and it went well.  My results are what I expected with what there was to work with, there's still a bit of loose skin on one side due to one being larger and hanging, while the other was just kind of a pyramid with no hanging.  It looks ok with a shirt on, but with no shirt there's a couple permanent creases and leaves a little bit to be desired (but still within the realm of what I expected).  I plan on going in for a  "touch up" in the next six months once my schedule settles down;  I guess he'll remove the hanging loose skin and kind of just tighten up the whole picture for a "shirt off" chest.

I was in surgery for about six hours or so but the recovery was fine.  I work from home most of the time anyway and it's funny that I got more work done while I was recovering than I do normally do... I just sat in bed with the laptop.  As far as pain,  I think I took one vicodin and no other pain killers, the only true discomfort was the sleeping situation.   I take a couple night classes for fun and I was at them four days after surgery (even once while the drains were still in) and it went fine for me, so unless you're really fragile I think you'll probably be ok.

break a leg.

Offline reaper33

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hey neato, six hours is a huge amount of time for a gyno surgery, what procedure did you get, was it really severe case, and do you have any before and after pics on this site?

Offline neato

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Sorry Chansam, don't mean to hijack your thread...

reaper33, No I don't.  After everything is finished up I think I'll put some up though.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not dissatisfied, I just want to portray the work Delgado does in a "better" light, which I'm sure (and he says) we can achieve.  Right now my chest is symmetrical, both pecs are the same size etc (just a tiny bit of skin at the bottom didn't shrink). There was just a lot going on from the start and he wasn't sure how my body would react and didn't want to do too much (cut off too much skin etc), which is understandable and in an uncertain situation would rather have the surgeon err on the side of caution.  I'm no surgeon, but I'd assume it's easier to cut off more, later, than to try and reattach more six months down the line.  Even though I paid considerably more than the prices people have posted here for his work, I don't feel bad about it whatsoever.

Yeah the surgery was long.  I had excision, lipo on the chest and under the arms (since it kinda of wrapped around) and mastopexy (lift).  I've seen worse on this site by far... but I guess mine was "high medium to severe."  Like I said, one was bigger and hung down and the other was kind of a pyramid but still big.  They weren't HUGE like some of the stuff I've seen, but big.  I think the main issue was the a asymmetry and all the loose skin that went along with the one side that was hanging, but, like I mentioned, he says he can take cart of it and make it look reasonably natural, which I don't doubt.  What he's done so far has improved my quality of life greatly.

Offline KV2000

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I had surgery with Dr. Delgado at the end of June and it went well.  My results are what I expected. It looks perfect with/without a shirt on. I was in surgery for about 3 hours or so but the recovery was perfect. As far as pain, I didnot take any pain killers, the only true discomfort was the sleeping situation.

Dr. Delgado himself is one down-to-Earth type of guy. He'll talk to you like you are a person and a friend, not just another money making opportunity. Was all good! No pain! I had a wisdom tooth pulled.

Dr. Delgado is the man and worth the money. My results have been dramatic for I'm very pleased with the results.

I would HIGHLY recommend Dr. Delgado.


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