Author Topic: Andractim diary  (Read 12598 times)

Offline python2004

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Hello everyone!

I am 29 years old and was "suffering" from pubertal gynecomastia since I was 15 or 16 years old.

When I was 20 it has almost subsided, but then I started to use anabolic steroids and I could not
look as fast as I had it again and even stronger than before!

In 1997 I had surgery - it was fully covered by insurance.

I can only tell you that this was the best decision I ever made - it was a full success!

In spite of further heavy use of anabolic steroids, it didn't come back for several years.

In August of 2003 I decided to stop taking any steroids at all, but  what I forgot was a profound
"post cycle therapy".

It actually last about a little bit longer than 1 year that my testosterone levels reached a normal level.
I never had them analysed, but I recognized it because my sex drive went back to normal.

The problem was, that during this period, during wich my testosterone levels were that pretty low,
my gyno reappeared!!!

But unfortunately I didn't realize it that early, because this time my nipples didn't start to point out.

So with a t-shirt you don't see anything unusual, but when I flex my pecs they are not "in shape" on the
lower side. Also with pretty low body fat.

There have also grown some hard lumps under my nipples, especially under my left one.

So I started to take nolvadex at 20mg a day 2 months ago now, but it didn't really work until now :-(

This week I am awaiting two tubes of ANDRACTIM from AllSaintsClinic an I want to report you of any progress
I (hopefully) make when using it.

I also want to supply you with "before and after"-pictures.

Best regards,


P.S. Do you think it is better to discontinue the novladex-usage or should it be combined with andractim?

Offline python2004

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So here are the promosed photos:  ;)

The first picture shows me about 4 years after surgery at pretty low body fat.

The second one shows me another 5 years later.

I am on day 6 now of my andractim treatment.

My lumps have become a little bit more sensitive I think.

But I know it is too early to exspect wonders  :-/

You will hear from me again soon  8)


Offline python2004

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Today is day #9 of my andractim treatment.

It is the first day that I can feel a slight difference concerning the hard lumps around my nips.

I think they are getting softer and a little bit less pronounced!  :D

I hope it isn't just wishful thinking ....... the following days will show.  ;)

It is said that the effects of andractim start to show up around day #10 so I am looking forward to bringing you more good news in a few days!

Offline python2004

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day #12 now - no noticeable changes.... :-/

Offline Testing_Andractim

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Hello python.  I am suffering from a mild case of gyne as well (puffy nipples, hard lump underneath).  I ordered 2 tubes of andractim and used it for about 2.5 weeks and saw no results.  I am going to keep using it so we will see how it goes.  

Keep doing daily updates, i am doing them as well.

Offline python2004

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Day #17:

I am almost finished with my first tube.

The lumps have become a little softer if I squeeze them.  :)

Until now no remarkable change in look  :-/

I hope now that the lumps are starting to get softer further progress will take place during the next days / weeks so that there will also be a change in look!

I think if there was an improvement while using the second tube I will order two more tubes.

Offline Testing_Andractim

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Your progress seems to be going exactly the same as mine.  Little tip someone told me, rub the gel in very thoroughly (3-5 min).  Lift up your arm to stretch out the muscle so you can really feel the gland in your chest.  Keep updating.

Offline Chaves

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Keep reporting, man! How long does the andractin taked to get on ur home? From what hp did u ordered it?

Seeing ur pic´s i didn´t have noticed something unusual... There is a diference between before/after but ur nipples are ok... Do you feel the glands under your skin?

Good luck!

Offline python2004

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Day #22 of my andractim treatment:

The lumps are getting softer and softer  :D
It seems like they are turning into fat and I hope that I can metabolize this fat with cardio training.

Sometimes I have the feeling that they get bigger again, but I think this is because I
squeeze them too much so that they are getting puffy because of that.

Now I try not to touch them except for applying andractim gel in the morning.

I have also increased the dosage of nolvadex to 40mg daily.


I ordered the andractim at:

I ordered it on a Wednesday evening and it arrived the following Monday. I ordered from Austria.

Yes I know I have luck, so my nipples look quite normal, they don't stick out so in a t-shirt
you can't see anything.
But I have hard glands especially around my left nipple and when I flex my pecs they have a fatty
look at the lower side.

I am now on the third day of the second tube and I think I will order another two tubes.

I really want to get rid of the glandular lumps!

Best regards!


Offline python2004

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Day #24 of my andractim treatment:

The lumps are not only getting softer, but also SMALLER!!!  :D

Hope things will continue going like this!

Offline Chaves

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I feel happy about you man... Have you searched about yohibine? Take a look...

Offline python2004

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Yes, i Have already bought one bottle of "YOHIMBURN".

I have tried it before the andractim.

But it doesn't seem to do anything against the hard lumps.

Now I am going to save it for the time after the andractim treatment to get rid of the fat that may be will remain when the lumps are (hopefully) completely gone.

Yesterday I ordered two more tubes of andractim!
best regards,


Offline Chaves

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You had problems with puffled nipples? When the weather is hot mainly mines get puffed, I hate that thing! To them get "normal" I need to squeeze... They kind of get harder.

Offline python2004

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day #29 of andractim treatment:

the lumps are shrinking slowly but steadily....  ;)

Offline python2004

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day #33 of andractim treatment:

The lumps around my nipples have shrunken drastically  8)

Yesterday I received two more tubes of andractim, but I have not finished my second tube yet (I think it will last another 3-4 days).

Until now it was a great progress - the lumps don't hurt anymore and I don't have this strange feeling that there is "something inside"...  ;)

But I can still feel little lumps - I hope after the whole 4 tubes they will be completely gone!

Have a nice weekend!



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