Author Topic: Andractim log (doctor prescribed)  (Read 9529 times)

Offline nibbbble

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Hey guys, I've suffered from puffy nipples since puberty and told my doctor about it last week. He told me it is gynecomastia, even though there are not "hard lumps" inside, but it definitely isn't just fat. He talked to a endrocrinologist and prescribed me a topical DHT gel called Andractim.
My expectations aren't very high for it, but lets give it a try!

Please tell me if you're interested and I'll post pictures and reports of how it works.

I'm applying the gel on my nipples, 2.5 grams for each once a day. That amount is quite big and to me it would make more sense to put half in the morning and other half in the evening, what do you think?

Now it's Day 3 and no effects yet.


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Hey guys, I've suffered from puffy nipples since puberty and told my doctor about it last week. He told me it is gynecomastia, even though there are not "hard lumps" inside, but it definitely isn't just fat. He talked to a endrocrinologist and prescribed me a topical DHT gel called Andractim.
My expectations aren't very high for it, but lets give it a try!

Please tell me if you're interested and I'll post pictures and reports of how it works.

I'm applying the gel on my nipples, 2.5 grams for each once a day. That amount is quite big and to me it would make more sense to put half in the morning and other half in the evening, what do you think?

Now it's Day 3 and no effects yet.

When medication is used to counteract the swelling component of hormone stimulated gland, the effects are slow. Give it time to understand what will happen.

Before and after pictures are a great way to document any form of gynecomastia treatment, both surgical and medical. I find it intriguing that over the years of searching for it, I just have never  seen such documentation for Andractim DHT gel. The trick is to standardize the images so that the before and after differences are only from the treatment method. The views should especially include flexing, arms up over head the obliques and the other conditions discussed on this post:;topicseen#msg146259

To further refine the different types of gynecomastia male chest contour issues I have found that additional views can be more critical so there are different sets for gynecomastia, after gynecomastia surgery, and loose skin issues of the male chest. It would be too confusing to make all patients coming to me to have all views that are useful for the most extreme issues with scar issues from prior surgery or loose skin problems. Videos are even more revealing but harder to make and standardize. Over the past few years however, some patients coming to me have actually also sent my standard video views. That additional information was awesome in understanding the contour and how tissue move issues.

But back to the original question, to better understand if a method works look for examples, documentation, and proof. Be wary when none are offered or other excuses given.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.
Board Certified
American Board of Plastic Surgery
Member: American Society of Plastic Surgeons and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
Specializing in Gynecomastia and Surgical Sculpture of the Male Chest
(804) 748-7737

Offline nibbbble

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Yeah I haven't seen any real proof of it working either, but since the endocrinologist prescribed it to me I'll try it with pleasure.
I've heard it's more common here in Europe to prescribe Andractim for gynecomastia patients.
Here it only costs less than 20$/tube in the pharmacy.

These are some "before" pictures, they're 1 year old and my gyno has actually gotten a little worse since as I've built muscle under them.
The quality isn't very good but since I don't think this product is going to work I'm not taking this too seriously.

Its now Day 6 and no effects yet. The only thing I've noticed is that after applying the gel my nipples stay hard and look good for +- 1 hour.
I'm going to see the endocrinologist next week and he's going to tell me the results of my bloodwork. He will probably prescribe me another tube as 1 only lasts for 16 days.
I think that's a too short period to see if a hormonal product really works in a case like this.

Offline nibbbble

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Day 11 and no effect yet. I'm seeing the endocrinologist in 2 days to get my blood results and some info.

If anyone reading this has questions or experiences with Andractim, please share them and comment, so I don't feel like talking to my self  ;D

Offline nibbbble

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Day 30 and NO effects. I still have nearly 1,5 tubes left of the stuff and I guess I'm going to keep applying it.
Going under the knife is starting to feel like the only option.
Only thing giving me the last bits of hope in this is that someone here said it started working after 1 months use. I hope it will, but don't believe.

Offline Wanted

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What did the doctor say about how long it will take?

Offline nibbbble

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3 tubes used and no effects. It's been a total waste of time for me.

The doctor said that it should start working in a few weeks normally, but apparently the gel only works for 1/4 of men who have gyno.

Offline Picky

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3 tubes used and no effects. It's been a total waste of time for me.

The doctor said that it should start working in a few weeks normally, but apparently the gel only works for 1/4 of men who have gyno.

If 1 of 4 men show improvement, maybe it's worth a go?
I mean, considering what surgery costs.

Offline xelnaga13

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When I was 16 I sent away for a few tubes. Used them all with no results. It did make my hair fall out like crazy.

Offline hatemymoobs

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When I was 16 I sent away for a few tubes. Used them all with no results. It did make my hair fall out like crazy.

After you stopped applying the DHT gel did your hair grow back as normal?


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