Author Topic: Boobnoob's diary  (Read 5319 times)

Offline boobnoob

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I'm going to document my experience with this whole process for others that are in the same situation. I've had gynecomastia since middle school and it's always been a huge embarrassment. It is such an embarrassment for me that I failed the swimming component of gym class in 8th grade because I simply would not take my shirt off and get in the pool -- not once.

Sports always bothered me because kids were so damn excited to differentiate teams by "shirts and skins." You can imagine my horror when somebody would make that suggestion. I always had an excuse handy so that I didn't have to play.

I decided to do something about this when I was 19, and had the lipo/excision procedure done. I'm not sure exactly what happened but over time I'm back to where I was before. All throughout college I had a caring and wonderful girlfriend that made the condition easier to deal with, so the results didn't bother me too much.

Now I'm 23 and have been single for a couple months. My biggest problems in life right now, quite honestly, are not being able to wear T-shirts or take my shirt off in public, and not being able to bring girls back because I'm too self-conscious.

I scheduled an operation with Dr. Delgado for mid-July, and I'm looking forward to it. I almost wish I could fast-forward my life. I'm paying for the operation out-of-pocket -- I knew I'd need that summer internship money for something. I'll keep you guys posted.

Offline helloHELLO

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i feel u wit the sports man. i was real good in basketball. i got mvp on my team 5 years and mvp in the league 3 years in a row.  when i tried out for the team my freshman yr of high school i remember i had to be on the "skins" team. i was so embarassed wit myself but thought i could manage....until the jokes started gettin thrown my way. even from people i was close friends with. after that i didnt go to anymore of the tryouts. the coaches couldnt even persuade me to join. i would just come up wit bogus excuses

Offline boobnoob

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So I had surgery today. It was early in the morning, didn't really feel really. I didn't have any acceptable mode of transportation, so I took a cab out to Novato (hell of a fare, about $110 -- not ridiculous considering it to be part of the total cost)

I walked into the office, changed into the robe, socks, and hat, and waited while they set everything up.

Got to meet the anesthesiologist Dr. Gaynor who's a very nice guy, got hooked up to an IV and placed in a chair to keep me warm.

After some waiting Dr. Delgado drew a few marks on me, then they gave me a small dose of sedative and sent me off to the bathroom to try to urinate. The next thing I remember is waking up in the recovery room bed wondering when they were going to start surgery, but soon catching on to the fact that it was already over. I was bandaged up, still on IV, asked for more painkiller, and slept comfortably for the next hour.

When I woke up I felt great, and after a little while was sent home. I'm really surprised at how painless and pleasant the whole experience has been. I haven't had to take a painkiller since coming back yet.

I'll report back with more details as they come.

Offline PhillyPUFF

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Congrats man. Isn't anesthesia amazing? I was in the same boat as you. I woke up in recovery wondering when they were gonna start. It felt like I was in the hospital for only like an hour, and it was more like 4 hours total.

Happy healing

Offline boobnoob

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Ya dude... drains are a little uncomfortable table but the Vicodin keeps me going. Getting the drains out tomorrow, we'll see how it goes.

Lots of vitamin C and rest today. Draining is pretty slow right now, only had to empty them twice since coming home.

Happy healing to you too!

Offline boobnoob

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Got the drains out this morning. That was the most painful part of the process, kind of a burning sensation. However I'm back home now and it doesn't hurt at all. Glad those cumbersome things are out, I feel a lot better.

Feeling a little out of it still from the painkillers, but I'm excited to shower later today, lol.

Offline boobnoob

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Four days post-op. Feeling pretty good. The vest is a little uncomfortable but I'm still getting used to it. Rationing my vicodin -- don't really need it, but it's nice. ;-)

Shower today was relatively comfortable. Still have some marker on my chest. Gauze pads were almost dry.

Stitches are going to come out next Wednesday.

I'm beginning to feel like this was one of the best decisions I've made in my entire life. I can stand straight up without feeling like I need to hide something. Although I'm still healing, I already feel like I look better.

Taking it easy this weekend, probably just going to sit around and read. Walking around is slightly uncomfortable but not enough to keep me inside all day.


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