Author Topic: I WILL DESTROY THESE MOOBS  (Read 8327 times)

Offline burntoast

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I've decided I'd like to chronicle my journey to a flatter chest so that I can see where I've come from. I figured this might be a good place to do it since others might be able to learn from my experience.

Posts to follow..

Offline burntoast

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It's been over 2 months since my original post. I've been going to a personal trainer and working out steadily. I have also tuned my diet even futher into what I would now classify as a "Paleo" style of eating (look it up, seriously).

The most notable changed are as follows:

  • Strength has increased in my arms, legs, back, core, etc. All over.
  • I am at 233 lbs, that's roughly a 10 lb loss.
  • Best still, my body fat percentage (BF%) has gone from ~24% to ~18% (tested using calipers by my trainer)

I'm very happy with how things are progressing so far. My man boobs are changing shape and seem to be getting "smaller," but the decrease in their size is being offset by a more muscular chest so it's really unnoticeable.

While losing weight, I've been thinking about Dr. Bermant's suggestion of getting a tummy tuck prior to gyne surgery. I'm not thrilled with the idea due to extra recovery time (out of commission for 4 weeks?), extra cost (~$5000?), and the large scar that will be left on my body. I'm hoping that as I lower my BF%, my midsection will shrink further (as my back has already), and the skin will become tighter... but I really don't know what to expect.

If anyone has any input on this, I'm all ears! I would really like to avoid the tummy tuck if possible, but still get a "toned" look... but I'll do it if I have to

I am going to keep pressing forward. I have been moisturizing daily with cocoa butter, I eat fantastically, and I workout regularly in an effort to keep my skin healthy and elastic so that I will get great results when I have my surgery.

Offline burntoast

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Well, there is where I'm at today. My User Photos post from Sept has my first round of photos.

I'm just going to link to them rather than embed for the sake of being able to write in this thread at work :P

Nov 21, 2010:
Myspace Angle:
Other side-boob:


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It's been over 2 months since my original post. I've been going to a personal trainer and working out steadily. I have also tuned my diet even futher into what I would now classify as a "Paleo" style of eating (look it up, seriously).

The most notable changed are as follows:

  • Strength has increased in my arms, legs, back, core, etc. All over.
  • I am at 233 lbs, that's roughly a 10 lb loss.
  • Best still, my body fat percentage (BF%) has gone from ~24% to ~18% (tested using calipers by my trainer)

I'm very happy with how things are progressing so far. My man boobs are changing shape and seem to be getting "smaller," but the decrease in their size is being offset by a more muscular chest so it's really unnoticeable.

While losing weight, I've been thinking about Dr. Bermant's suggestion of getting a tummy tuck prior to gyne surgery. I'm not thrilled with the idea due to extra recovery time (out of commission for 4 weeks?), extra cost (~$5000?), and the large scar that will be left on my body. I'm hoping that as I lower my BF%, my midsection will shrink further (as my back has already), and the skin will become tighter... but I really don't know what to expect.

If anyone has any input on this, I'm all ears! I would really like to avoid the tummy tuck if possible, but still get a "toned" look... but I'll do it if I have to

I am going to keep pressing forward. I have been moisturizing daily with cocoa butter, I eat fantastically, and I workout regularly in an effort to keep my skin healthy and elastic so that I will get great results when I have my surgery.

During my patient consultations I explain in greater detail the issues of order of surgery and weight loss. It is an issue of coming up with the best result with the least number of surgeries. As a surgical sculptor, I rather pick the coarse tool first. You cannot control where weight loss comes from. That is why weight loss before surgery is better than after. Why have surgery, lose weight and then get loose skin issues to deal with. Lose the weight, let the skin stabilize, and then see what needs to be done. If there are loose tissues both in abdomen and chest, doing the chest first can be a mistake. Tummy Tucks can lower the chest tissues. So why would you want to lift the chest, lower it again with a tuck just so you can go back to revise the chest with a repeat lift? Yet, after weight loss not all patients need surgery. Some chose to compromise leaving loose tissues behind. It is an art of just what to compromises to make with loose skin After Weight Loss. Yet others feel that the scars of skin tightening are a valuable trade off for getting rid of that loose bouncing tissue.

The universal experience for my weight loss patients is that they feel better after losing weight. That is something you seem to indicate you are already on the path to achieve so far. Good luck on your continued progress.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia of Male Chest Ptosis - Sagging and Male Mastopexy Chest Lift Sculpture

Offline burntoast

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During my patient consultations I explain in greater detail the issues of order of surgery and weight loss. It is an issue of coming up with the best result with the least number of surgeries. As a surgical sculptor, I rather pick the coarse tool first. You cannot control where weight loss comes from. That is why weight loss before surgery is better than after....

Thank you Dr Bermant!

Over the last few months I've been thinking about what you had originally said and was searching for my own answer. I'm glad I found this follow-up post to help reconfirm everything for me. I should absolutely get a tummy tuck first.. as much as I don't want the extra expense or recovery time, it makes the most sense long-term for me.

I had hoped that my skin would be more elastic than it is. It has been over a year since my first large chunk of weight loss ended (from ~310lbs to 265lbs), and in the last year I've gone from 265lbs to the 236lbs that I'm at now (gained a couple pounds over Xmas.. oops). I've improved my health drastically in the last 6 months with a superior (primal-style) diet and working out 3-4 times a week. I also stay well-hydrated and moisturize my skin with cocoa butter often to try to keep it healthy.. I know I should give my body more time, and in that time my skin may improve.. but I am at the point that my ideals, plans for life (and ego) are outgrowing this body and I need a change soon!

Here are some photos I've taken to help me reconfirm that fact.


Offline burntoast

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Photos from January 21, 2011

Left Arms Up:

The Back photo (wich shows off my two birthmarks really well.. :P) helps confirm for me that I will need to do something beyond simply burning away the fat, but I'm hoping that lipo may take care of it? I'm not really sure.

My buttocks and thighs are still chubby, but at 234lbs and 6'1" I'm not too certain just how much more weight I can lose! I plan to book a consult with a local plastic surgeon soon to get some more professional advice. Until then, if you have any thoughts shoot them this way!

Offline burntoast

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Spoke with a local plastic surgeon's office via email today regarding Lipo/tummy tuck procedures. They advised me that they don't complete the procedure on people with a BMI above 30, which is fair I suppose. My BMI is currently 31.4. Once I reach the arbitrary "goal weight" that I set last year (220lbs) I'll be at a BMI of 29.

It really does make a lot of sense, though; burn as much fat as you can, then tighten the skin... kinda like getting a suit fitted.. haha. I think I overestimated how much bulk properly toned muscle had.. I was hoping that the extra muscle would help compensate for whatever skin didn't tighten. I suppose it does to a point, but it's not 100%. Darn.

I'm committing to get this taken care of ASAP. I plan to do a bunch of travel in the next 2 years and I want to get this taken care of before I start any major tours... I don't want to feel held back by anything.


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During my patient consultations I explain in greater detail the issues of order of surgery and weight loss. It is an issue of coming up with the best result with the least number of surgeries. As a surgical sculptor, I rather pick the coarse tool first. You cannot control where weight loss comes from. That is why weight loss before surgery is better than after....

Thank you Dr Bermant!

Over the last few months I've been thinking about what you had originally said and was searching for my own answer. I'm glad I found this follow-up post to help reconfirm everything for me. I should absolutely get a tummy tuck first.. as much as I don't want the extra expense or recovery time, it makes the most sense long-term for me.

I had hoped that my skin would be more elastic than it is. It has been over a year since my first large chunk of weight loss ended (from ~310lbs to 265lbs), and in the last year I've gone from 265lbs to the 236lbs that I'm at now (gained a couple pounds over Xmas.. oops). I've improved my health drastically in the last 6 months with a superior (primal-style) diet and working out 3-4 times a week. I also stay well-hydrated and moisturize my skin with cocoa butter often to try to keep it healthy.. I know I should give my body more time, and in that time my skin may improve.. but I am at the point that my ideals, plans for life (and ego) are outgrowing this body and I need a change soon!

Here are some photos I've taken to help me reconfirm that fact.


Photos from January 21, 2011

Left Arms Up:

The Back photo (wich shows off my two birthmarks really well.. :P) helps confirm for me that I will need to do something beyond simply burning away the fat, but I'm hoping that lipo may take care of it? I'm not really sure.

My buttocks and thighs are still chubby, but at 234lbs and 6'1" I'm not too certain just how much more weight I can lose! I plan to book a consult with a local plastic surgeon soon to get some more professional advice. Until then, if you have any thoughts shoot them this way!

These photos just do not demonstrate the loose skin component. That is why I evolved

standard photographs for tummy tuck


standard photographs for male chest after major weight loss

that use gravity to pull the excess tissues demonstrating the problem. If you are looking to document progress, then that is the best way I have developed to do that along with numbers like body mass index and body fat percentage my patients learn about during our consultations.

Good luck on your efforts.

Michael Bermant, M.D.


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