Author Topic: JackD - fight again gyne - keeping track.  (Read 10302 times)

Offline Jackd

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Decided to make this thread to keep track of my fight against gyne and general fitness etc..


Gyne + puffy nips since about 11, I am very self-conscious, keep myself to myself, depressed and generally unhappy. Unfit, have insomnia as well due to all the above... life sucks, but I'm not suicidal, I want to make this work.

Current BMI = 26.2 (overweight)
Current BF% = 21.1%

Target BMI =  18
Target BF% = 15%

To date;

I've been to see my GP, had a blood test, the results came back today and he said there isn't anything startlingly obvious, I have low testosterone hormones etc. but he said that was to be expected and it's not shockingly bad. I have been referred to an endocrinologist, which I have to wait for.

My Plan;

See the endo and see what he thinks, I'm not just seeing him about the gyne, but because I don't look my age (i look about 14.... )

I plan to spend the summer training and trying to get to my target BF % and BMI by the end of January 2008, I am not "fat" as such, I do have a smallish body frame so although I don't look that fat, I am.. if that makes any sense.

Whilst doing the above I am sorting my finances and saving weekly aiming for about £2500 by January. I am hoping for surgery in Feb/march so I should be healed enough to wear a t-shirt by summer.

I have tried and failed with exercise and fitness before, but something feels a bit different after today? I started rock climbing today and its very very good exercise, good fun too, I did feel very self-conscious but once you're on the walls its hard to tell ... well recommended to gyne sufferers who are looking for some good fun exercise...

My intended routine;

Mon: Rock climbing 30 mins/1hr
Tues: Gym (15 min interval running, 15 min interval cross trainer, 30 min weights)
Weds: Rest
Thurs: Gym (15 min interval running, 15 min interval cross trainer, 30 min weights)
Fri: Running
Sat: Whatever... any exercise that seems fun.. mountain biking, running, rock climbing, whatever really..
Sun: Same as above.

Does this sound any good? I was a bit reluctant to post it all on here, but I thought it might give me some motivation to keep this thread updated with my BMI/BF% and progress on savings etc. I am going to aim to stick to this for the next 2 weeks whilst eating as I normally do, then after the 2 weeks I am going to start phasing in healthier eating ( I don't mean that im not going to eat healthy now, I am eating a lot better than I used to, but trying to make gradual changes rather than all at once)

Anyway, thanks for reading, I'll try to update weekly and hopefully I will stay motivated.

Offline KeepFighting

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Nice. Its really important to do things that are fun for you. Keep up the fight and remember its not going to be easy but that is going to make it all the more better when you win, which is what must happen if you dont stop trying. We can all keep each other motivated and get more out of life.

Offline Jackd

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Week ish on.. BMI is still 26.2 and BF has only gone down by 0.1% so barely worth noting...


I have sort of gotten back into my gym routine, I went tuesday, was meant to go Thursday but didn't... normally I'd leave it but it played on my mind a lot so I went saturday!! Thats a first for me.. normally Id just leave it for a few more weeks complaining about not being motivated.

So although my stats haven't changed, I feel a lot better having had some exercise this week. It's funny cos one week getting back into exercise has made me feel a bit better in general and today at work I was doing about 50% better... all in all I feel more motivated to keep up the exercise.

Offline KeepFighting

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Awesome. Looks like you meet a challenge this week. I will remember that tomorrow before i train. Personally i find it nice to not look at changing stats till the end of the month. But it doesnt work for everyone. Lets do this!

Offline wildman

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Sounds like you are on the right track Jackd.  Keep this up and it's not a matter of if you will be rid of your gyne.  Its a matter of when.  Keep up the good work!

Offline KeepFighting

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Post again man, let us know how your doing even if its not great.

Offline Jackd

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Ok, well here goes..

I have deliberately avoided this website for a bit, as I got myself into a bit of a mess worrying over too much and just got fed up with having to think about it all.

The training only lasted a week before I was knackered and un-motivated again. But it seems this has now been explained....

I had my endo appointment today. I was concerned that I may have Klinefelters syndrome, the endo has said that basically its highly unlikely, as my blood test results prove otherwise but I do have a problem with my pituarity gland which controls hormone release in your bodies. Mine "doesn't work" so I have been low on testosterone, this has caused delayed puberty for many years, it also causes lethargy etc. I've been prescribed testogel which should sort me out. and from what I've read it will increase my energy/strength back to a normal level if I didn't have low testosterone. Hopefully now I will be able to stick to a training plan without being knackered after a week.

From what I've read on the net, most patients benefit from more energy, strength, waking up easily in the mornings, sleeping better, depression and anxiety problems improved/completely gone. so I am very hopeful.

My BF% is down to 20.1 though, not sure how though cos I haven't really done any exercise.

Anyway, my main problem has been diagnosed, have more tests lined up and have treatment to start off with. Which is great news as now things should change for the positive. I also have £900 saved up towards the surgery so I am on target for my February surgery target.

I will try to update here weekly from now on... I am hoping to get back on the previous routine I posted. As well as a bit of mountain biking and stretching etc etc etc.

I am hoping to be up to about £2000 or more by christmas to afford the surgery in feb... I am aiming to have a brilliant 2008 summer and year in general!

Offline KeepFighting

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 That is some good news! My friend had the same problem and said his life changed in 2 weeks after getting on meds. I wish you the same result. I am going to get my hormone profile done as well. Hopefully it will sort some things out for me too. Glad to hear from you again. Looking forward to hearing from you next week!

Offline Jackd

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It is great news in a weird kinda way huh?  ;D

Just thought I'd post again, because I've just bought..

an ipod nano;
nike plus sport kit
switch easy any shoes adaptor
arm band

I'm going to try this running lark out, it's the main thing that really kills me! Going to use the site to log my workouts and compete with some mates etc. Should provide some good motivation.

Offline KeepFighting

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Offline Jackd

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Good so far, feel a bit better but it's only been a week, so too early to say too much yet. Haven't ran every day, but I did play tennis and go to the gym, so not too bad this week! Got a mate to join at my gym so got someone to go with now, should make me go more often. Will update again next week, cheers for the PM keepfighting, I'll keep updated here :) cheers.

Offline Jackd

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Updating a bit earlier than expected here, but almost 2 weeks into this testogel treatment now, man I suddenly feel loads better.. noticed today that I have far more energy after working like a mad man all day. I am a fair bit happier, feel less depressed than before.. still not sleeping too great and still struggling to wake up in the morning though. This is kinda weird, but I also find I am not day-dreaming nearly as much as I used to.. I'm much more awake/alert. I have more motivation/drive... I haven't really done much in way of exercise.. but I'm finding myself on the computer a lot less,  I'm out working on one of my projects that has been neglected for 10 months, now all of a sudden I'm motivated to finish it and have seen loads of progress this week.

I don't feel quite as stressed/nervous as before, I used to be pretty clumsy too but now i'm a bit more relaxed and not so bad... I feel a lot more positive too.

I'm only 2 weeks in, so still a long long way to go, but at work today it just hit me how much better I feel at the minute, I just really need to get a diet plan and stick to it and train more.. but one thing at a time I guess... least I am seeing progress at the minute.

Currently awaiting a CT scan, a second blood test and then the next endo appointment.. will update soon.

Offline KeepFighting

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I am glad its going well. Post again soon!

Offline Jackd

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Haven't posted in a while... lately I've become seriously depressed, I just, don't know why.. I am quite tired and just run down. I think its because the weather has started getting hot over here now, and along with numerous non-gyne related problems as well.. work is pretty hard, I'm just not interested at the minute. But when I don't feel ill, I do have a lot lot more energy and feel physically better.. it just seems a lot lately I feel so ill, maybe I just have a cold that isn't bad enough to put me in bed for a few days, but bad enough just to make me feel run down? I don't know..

I haven't lost any weight, haven't been to the gym, haven't really done anything to be honest. By the time I get home from work I just feel crap and I've lost interest in most of my projects/past times. I also can't make my mind up on anything!! becoming really annoying when you can't decide between a bottle of coke, dr pepper, fanta or sprite!!!!! and thats just the least of the decisions I've had trouble making lately, finding myself having to ask mates to decide for me and tell me what to do.

Had a MRI scan, will get the results from that in early September. I think my treatment is working well, I don't have any real problems with the treatment..

I just feel really down for some reason. I have noticed that I seem to be sleeping better, but despite falling asleep quicker, I don't feel refreshed in the mornings, just feel tired and have had blood-shot eyes for the past week.

Will post up again in a few weeks, hopefully things will go back up again.. seem to be a bit of a rollercoaster at the minute, one minute I feel great and have tonnes of energy and enthusiasm, next minute I'm almost suicidal! (and no I'm not /that/ suicidal don't worry).

Offline KeepFighting

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Sorry to hear that man. I hope it is just a cold, it could be a reaction to the changes in blood chemistry. Did you ask your doctor about that possibility? I am glad that some areas are much better and hang in there, my prayers will be with you. Post again as soon as you can.


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