Author Topic: My dairy on Gynecomastia surgery experience (Bangalore)  (Read 16340 times)


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DAIRY PART 1 : Weighing my options

Hello guys,
            I am 28 years old now and live in Bangalore India. I've had gynecomastia since puberty.  When I was in high school doctor told me that there is chance that it might go away naturally as I grow up and hormones are balanced. But it still remains.
            I could never take off my shirt or go swimming because of this and I always felt like a mutant. In fact I still haven't learn swimming.
            I found out about surgical options a couple of years ago, but was too scared to go ahead with it. But after reading several stories and seeing hundreds of  pre and post op pictures I was  encouraged and decided to see a surgeon.

            I searched for surgeons in Bangalore and found a few names that were talked about on various forums.

1. Anatheshwar (MANIPAL hospital)
2. Naveen Rao (APPOLO hospital)
3. Mysore Venkatesh (has his own cosmetic clinic)

After  a lot of research I decided to go with doctor Dr. Naveen Rao as has impressive training and background in breast reduction and gynecomastia surgeries.

FIRST consultation
       On my first visit Dr Naveen Rao explained to me the various category of gynecomastia (which is based on severity of the condition)
- He then explained the causes of this condition and the various types of surgical treatments (excision ,liposuction, lipo + excision etc)
- He also explained that gynecomastia is not detrimantal to physical health but rather could cause socio-psychological issues due to shyness, inhibition or sometimes depression.
-He clearly outlined the risks involved and possible side effects of surgery if not done correctly
   1. scarring
   2. crater deformity
   3. uneven chest

I was diagnosed with type 2 B gynecomastia requiring lipo+excision.

He has asked me to think over it and get back to him if I decide to go ahead (provided I pass medical tests)

Dr. Naveen had deep insights into gynecomastia surgery who has undergone trainings in Germany, and also a registered surgeon with SAPS[USA]membership.

I am convinced to go ahead with him as he seems to understand what the final outcome should look like. I feel he understands what can go wrong in the surgery and will take appropriate measures to avoid those side effects. So I have decided to go with Dr. Naveen.

In the coming weeks I will post follow-up details and also pics later when I go for surgery.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 11:53:10 AM by MUTANT_CHEST »


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DAIRY PART 2 : The fear within
Hey guys,
         I did a lot of thinking after my first consultation I am still nervous and scared.
I keep asking myself:
What if I get a ugly scar?
What if I get a crater deformity or uneven chest ?
what if .....

          But I would never know, If I don't go for the surgery. I certainly cant live with it, as it inhibits my confidence. So I decided to go for the surgery and informed the doctor about the same. He asked me to come-in for some blood test and said that he would perform surgery only if the test results are OK.

I submitted the samples and the results are due tomorrow.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 01:01:28 AM by MUTANT_CHEST »

Offline srnd2012

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Those thoughts are normal. I had them too but in the end I decided I would much rather live with a small scar than to continue living with gyne. and before my surgery my chest was not symmetrical anyway, so the thought of it being slightly uneven post-op didn't change my mind.  It was well worth the risk. I'm almost 4 weeks post op and I can barely see where they made the incisions.

Best of luck with your surgery. 


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Thanks for the support srnd2012 !


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DAIRY PART 3 : The final Journey (The  surgery)
Hey guys,
         I would like to continue my story further. After my pre-surgery tests were done the Dr. gave clearance for surgery. The ball was in my court. I had to decide on the surgery date.
         After a few deliberations I decided that it was time! I have lived with this thing for almost 14 years now and it was about time to get rid of it. So I decided that getting rid of the gynecomastia would be the ultimate Christmas gift I could ask this year (after all it had taken away my freedom to go swimming and wear tight Tees for 14 years).

         I decided to go for it and booked for surgery on 17th December. I was asked to come-in early at 5 AM to the hospital. I was admitted to the general ward and soon the nurses came in to prepare for surgery. I was asked to wear the patient's gown and my chest was shaved with a razor. After about half an hour the nurse told me that the Operation Theater was ready and I was wheeled in to the OT.

          I was nervous and shaky as this was the first time I had seen an OT.I was waiting outside to be wheeled-in to the room. Soon a lady greeted me outside the OT introducing herself as the anesthesiologist and I was more scared now wondering what she was about to do to me.  My surgeon was waiting for me inside the OT and he sensed that I was scared. He calmed my nerves and marked the areas to be operated with a marker. He helped me while I was given anesthesia. No sooner did anesthesiologist say  "your are going to get dizzy", I was out cold. That was the last thing I remember at the OT.

          I woke up around 4 hours later with bandages on my chest. I remember the nurses trying to wake me up, asking me if I wanted to see the tissue that was removed. I said yes and they showed me a glass jar with gland tissue in it (looked sort of like chicken meat with fat). I was wheeled back into the general ward for recovery.It took about 6 hours to recover and become ambulatory. The doctor then approved my discharge once I was able to walk without nausea or giddiness.

          So I am glad to announce that I underwent the surgery successfully yesterday (17th December) with Dr. Naveen Rao as my surgeon at Apollo Hospital Bangalore. I will soon upload the pre-op and post-op pictures as the healing process will take about a month. I am required to wear a compression vest during this time to help prevent fluid formation and even out the skin excess after surgery.

Thank you guys ! All of you who have posted your comments and experiences here at . If it wasn't for the encouragement from your experiences I never would have made up mind to go for surgery.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 09:56:55 AM by MUTANT_CHEST »


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Post-op : WEEK 1

- Mild pain and irritation in operated area.
- Visited my surgeon for follow-up after 48 hours after surgery. No fluid build-up or any other complications so far.
- Compression vest worn at all times after surgery (removed vest to take picture).
« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 07:09:47 AM by MUTANT_CHEST »

Offline Delivered

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Thanks for sharing. Wish you a speedy recovery.


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Post-op : WEEK 2
- Pain has subsided with-in a week of surgery
- Mild swelling in operated area (around nipple region)
- Nipples are numb and will probably remain that way for a month

Happy to see that after surgery the nipples are no longer puffy .
« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 11:58:55 AM by MUTANT_CHEST »


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Front view comparison of pre-op and post-op week 2

Top    : is Pre-op pic

Bottom : post-op week 2


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Right view comparison of pre-op and post-op week 2

Top    : is Pre-op pic

Bottom : post-op week 2


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Left view comparison of pre-op and post-op week 2

Top    : is Pre-op pic

Bottom : post-op week 2

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Preliminary results look good to me too. But the final result will only show after a few months.

I am really happy that the nipples are no longer puffy . Its like a wish come true.

I am glad that I decided to go for surgery.


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