Author Topic: Oddmuscles surgery experience - Comments please!!  (Read 6178 times)

Offline OddMuscles

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Hi guys, well as per this topic:;action=display;num=1134692685;start=0#0

I am having surgery tomorrow, 6th march. Admission time in the hospital is 12am, so I guess surgery is scheduled for a couple of hours after.

To be honest I am really shitting myself. I did not manage to give up smoking, which I would imagine puts me at a higher risk. Also my liver reads slightly higher. I'm actually a strong person on the outside, but on the inside I'm about to cancel the surgery because general anasthetic scares the pants off me.

So I guess this will be my diary if I manage to survive the anasthetic. Feel free to post any comments or words of advice or comfort, because I guess dying is better than living with what I have been.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2006, 02:04:53 PM by OddMuscles »

Offline markashleigh1979

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  • I've had my final operation :)
Good luck mate.
Discuss having local with your surgeon instead of general :)

Offline OddMuscles

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Well I made it guys. Here we go!

I'll try my best to be brief. I will also post a single picture that was taken the morning after my op.

Smoked 3 packets of cigarettes the day before my op. Stressed as a *********! Went to bed at about 3:30am that morning, but didn't manage to get to sleep until 5:30 or 6. Woke up at 9:30, the realisation hit me, then went back to bed until 10:30. Woke up, packed my overnight gear - pyjamas, slippers, magazine, toothbrush and toothpaste, then finalized everything. Got a lift to the hospital and arrived a little late, probably at about 12:15.

After filling in all the required forms and confirming all the scary stuff life emergency contacts and next-of-kin, I took the lift up to the third floor, where the nurses showed me my room. Here's a photo of my bed:

and out the window:

Anyway. So it was about 12:30pm, and I was absoloutely Sh!tting myself. Got into the bed, and had a nurse, accompanied by a trainee nurse, come and check who I was, why I was there, and ask me about all my medical history and all that stuff. As I am generally a really confident person, I laughed at most things, but I'm sure it showed that I was really not quite as confident as I could have been. Anyway, after plenty of pre-op checks they told me that I was scheduled to go into theatre at about 2:30, so I should get into my operation clothes a bit earlier. I had about an hour of nervously watching TV and learning to call the nurse. Ha!

Then I went into the bathroom, had a realisation of self and almost skipped town, but decided that it was best to just get into my Gown (open at the back, sexy!) complete with shower cap and see through single-use underwear. Anyway, that was at 1:50. At 2:06 a nurse came in, and he told me it was time to go into theatre. He basically locked me into the bed, and wheeled me backwards through the 3rd floor to the lift. We went up the lift, and went up the the 4th floor. We stopped next to a desk, where he covered me with a pre-heated blanket. Surgeons were running around everywhere, and assistants etc. were helping people out. He then wheeled me into a room where I could sort of see through the doors, to part of the surgical equipment. After doing patient checks, and having someone else do them too, a couple of light jokes, he left me lying there. I read pretty much every sign in the room, and looked at all the connections for surgical gasses, all the equipment etc.

At about 2:45, the surgeon came in, and drew on me. Told me a couple of vital things, and said it shouldn't be too long til the procedure. I was surprised how calm I managed to make myself. At about 5 to 3, they said "it's time!". The nurse wheeled me in, where there was the anaethetist, the surgeon, and another supporting nurse and a supervisor. Then everything went nuts. Everyone started rushing around preparing me. Hooking me up to machines, and they told me to get onto the operating table. I was Looking around, then the anasthetic needle went into my veins. Being a bit of a bodybuilder, I could feel the needle scraping along the sides of the huge vein in the top of my arm. I said "just put me to sleep already!" and everything still was going nuts. People were just rushing around fixing me into place and wheeling surgical equipment around. After the needle had been taped down I asked how long it would be until I was asleep, and the Anaethetist said to me "you tell me" with a dry smile. I said "it reminds me of this time when my dog was going under and after 2 hours he still wouldn't go down for an operation.

Then I woke up, in my bed, drugged up as all hell. No pain whatsoever. A huge bandage around my chest that made it look like I had implants!!! Apparently I was awake at 4:45 however I didn't really realise it until 5:45. Dinner came at 6, and it was the best meal ever. I ate every last bit. I felt normal then, but recalling it, I realise that I was still completely drugged up as anything.

Friends came to visit at about 6:30, and various people came to visit me, until about 9. To be honest I don't really remember it really well. Sent the most random text message on earth to one of my mates, she said it was the strangest thing she'd ever read. But that's ok, because I don't remember a thing!

Painkillers came every 4 hours during the night, because after about 11pm I started to really feel it. To go to the bathroom right next to me, I had to pick up the drains attached to me, and carry my IV in with me.

(Warning-Not for squeamish people):

I drank a lot of water through the night. And not a wink of sleep, because the pain kept getting worse and worse!!

Anyway. After a horrible night with unbelievable pain, and not a wink of sleep, at 6am the surgeon came in an unwrapped me to take out my drains and put my compression vest on. Here is the first thing I saw, to make it all worth it. (Comparison photo is the 1st) - and this is all only 12 hours after my op!:

(With drain still in)
(With compression vest on, and shirt over it)

Anyway, I'm going to cut it short cos the rest is history. Had a sh!tty breakfast, still no sleep. Caught a taxi home at 10, went to bed at 10:30, woke up at 12:30pm. Went into town, Can barely move but tried to live a semi-normal life... Taking massive painkillers, went to bed at 8:30pm last night, and just woke up now (4am - Writing this now!) after my first good sleep. I actually feel ok now. Haven't taken painkillers but. Did smoke a bit yesterday.

Add some comments because I'm way too tired to keep typing. Take care everyone! And good luck with your experiences. I'll post once every couple of days but everyone should comment on it. To be honest I feel unbelievable, because despite the feeling my chest will rip open all the time, and the horrible sleeps, I realise that for the 1st time in 12 years I have a flat chest. Didn't get any lyposuction for those interested, he just pulled away ALL gland. A huge amount too, sort of the size of an average person's clasped hands from each side.  Post your feedback if you want everyone, I'm going to get some water. And a ciggie.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2006, 07:17:01 AM by OddMuscles »

Offline Vanatu

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I can't see the pix

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Offline OddMuscles

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3rd day of recovery. Not much bruising, but everything is extremely sore. Compression vest is itchy as all hell, and sleeping sucks.

Just walking around to maintain my physique all of the days. Still scared to have a shower even though the surgeon said it was ok. It's getting disgusting, but I feel like my chest will fall apart if I take the vest off and get it wet.

Offline NewLifeStartsMay4th

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holy shit that pic is crazy looking. congrats bro i look forward to surgery hopefully in the next six months, i wish i was you.
Surgery may 4th Dr. Metzner New Orleans

Offline OddMuscles

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Thanks spencerr. Now 1 week post op, only had 4 showers since the op. I feel like my chest is going to tear apart when I take the vest off! Just used to it I guess.

I also have some hard lumps under my nipples. They are quite painful, and seem to be the site of bruising. Could this be scar tissue? I had no liposuction done, however I think there are stitches there too. Ideas?

Just in case anyone has forgotten, here are some photos from before:


L side of chest:

Attempts at fixing the problem with bodybuilding:

So here we go, pictures (from today, 1 week post op) of how it's going:


Front, profile view:

Now I feel pain only sometimes. Very tired. Itchy quite a bit as well! I can move my arms almost to a full range of motion, and sometimes I have a tingly feeling where my stiches are. Stopped popping painkillers about 2 days ago, just dealing with it now. My first appointment after the op is on wednesday.

Have also lost a bit of muscle mass and definition in the 3 weeks since I stopped working out. Will make sure to hit my pecs hard once I can work out again.

Please keep commenting! I like to hear other people's opinions. It feels really really strange to have no gyne after many many years with it, and bodybuilding and living a "normal" life with it. What are everyone else's experiences?



Offline tonysoprano

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amazing difference- really really amazing..

you must be stoked ?

do you know how much you will be getting back from medicare/private health ?

... and the saga continues

Offline OddMuscles

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Day... umm... well 2 weeks later anyways.

Can sleep normally now. Still a bit of pain and hard-ish lumps on either side of my nipples, and of course no feeling there yet. Or is there? Can't tell. Stopped taking painkillers a few days ago, it's just itchy and the pain is much reduced so I can function without them.

Almost have a full range of motion now too. The surgeon cut my stitches last wednesday (the rest of them are dissolvable - I think?)

Started working on my abs again, mildly. Lost a lot of definition in the time. I can't wait until it's ok to work my pecs! Well I lie, maybe I've had a small shot at it. But not much. Still have this damn compression vest on, it's irritating as hell, but I can take it off at night now.

>amazing difference- really really amazing..

>you must be stoked ?

Thanks tonysoprano, well I guess I am. Maybe since I've had this for so long it won't really hammer home until I actually can just randomly take my shirt off, when my vest is gone. But the surgeon did an amazing job, I can barely even see any scars. Mind you, there is tape over them? I'll get everyone more pictures a little further into recovery.

Meanwhile, I think in total I'll get back about 1600 from medicare and private health combined.

Offline tonysoprano

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np mate

how you doing now?
you'd have to be about 6/7 weeks post-op now?

are you going better now than you were at 2 weeks or are things a little worse?

be keen to see more pics

Offline OddMuscles

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Well, a lot has been going on in my life since surgery. Just a quick update, started working out about 5 weeks after (I think?) and really got back into it completely after about 2 months in, and am back on my way to being ripped again, so I guess I'm happy with that.

I'll put up a recent photo of my progress if anyone is interested.

Anyways, as for the results of the surgery, the right side is concave which I've been working to fix, whereas the left is not so much. It doesn't really bother me too much because working out hard is what I do best. The scar tissue hasn't quite sorted itself out yet, but who knows how long that might be.

Also, for some reason quite a bit of feeling has returned to my nipples. More the right than the left, mind you.

Anyway, as a result, you can see my nipple is starting to get "sucked into" my pec. Which I'm getting used to. I also am starting to stretch the loose skin around the bottom of my chest around to my back, so I think it's starting to look great. Anyways, tell me what people think. If you want more photos I have plenty.


« Last Edit: August 20, 2006, 07:23:35 PM by OddMuscles »

Offline ddaavviidd

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Who was your doctor ? because i would not be satisfied with with my nipple so concave.   It seems to me that they should had removed your nipple and cut out all the excess fat and reattached it to make your chest tight and not concave

Offline OddMuscles

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If you read my previous posts linked in my original post up the top, there was no fat below :)


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