Author Topic: 2 Months Post-op; Feedback and questions  (Read 2491 times)

Offline ddhh

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I am 2 months post surgery, the degree of my  gynecomastia was  2-3.
Unfortunatly, I did a mistake and forgot to take a pre-photo of my gynecomastia. This is the result of 2 months after. What do you think?
The Doctor told me he suctioned about 250 cc from each side, and took a 40-50 gram of fat tissue.
The surgury was combined from both suction and open cut.
I feel that one nipple has a different shape and texture, like it a bit more swell/puffy ( my left niple) and also it is a bit more pale than the other. My right nipple is also more flat  
Also, i feel that  there is a dent in my breast, when touching it or raise my hands. Is it because the chest muscles are not developed or is a bad outcome of the surgery? ( last picture)

Offline ddhh

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Offline ddhh

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Offline dresta

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Maybe losing some weight would give you a better result


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chest is fine, now start to take care of your body and exercise.

Offline ddhh

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Hi guys, of course! 
I ran into that forum after my surgery and it is very helpful and informative, wish i knew it before!
I am always had gaining weight and than loss it, since about 2 years, i noticed that even after im lossing weight, my breast stays the same! Fortunatly and because of my medical insurance the surgery only cost me about 500USD.
In short, am i just being paranoid or the entire surgery succeed?  It will look better after more recovering time? My Doctor says it is.

Offline Cristalis

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Yeah you could look better after more time passes and you heal more. You maybe have puffiness in one of your areola because of scar tissue build up. Scar tissue can resorb in time but often can persist and remain there.
In this case your doc could inject some Kenalog (a corsticosteroid) that helps breaking down the scar tissue.

In no way that dent is because an undeveloped pectoral muscle!! Who was your doc? You live in the US? Can this surgery be covered by medical insurance over there?

Offline ddhh

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Yeah you could look better after more time passes and you heal more. You maybe have puffiness in one of your areola because of scar tissue build up. Scar tissue can resorb in time but often can persist and remain there.
In this case your doc could inject some Kenalog (a corsticosteroid) that helps breaking down the scar tissue.

In no way that dent is because an undeveloped pectoral muscle!! Who was your doc? You live in the US? Can this surgery be covered by medical insurance over there?

Hi, thx for your message. so you says the doc did a scar not like he should on the left nipple? if i get the Kenalog, both nip will be the same?
As for the dent, what cause that dent, from your experience? Is it a fat that makes the breast look like that? (ALSO I will appriciate if one of the doc over the forums will give his opinion)
In general, does my doc did a good job?

I am not living in the US. This is an extension of the regular medical insurance, cost like 25 bucks a month. I only needed to have Breast US, Medical indication from District Doc, Endocrinologist, Breast surgeon, and plastic surgery - thats all. I got the surgery within two weeks after i had all the results..

Offline Cristalis

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No, your doc didnt made a scar that he should not, your body did and its not a scar, its scar tissue thats forming under your skin, scar tissue normally forms as with the healing processes.

The dent its probably because of that. Did you had that dent right the first days after the surgery? If not, yeah probably thats because of scar tissue. Do you feel some harder tissue in the breast that has the dent?

As i said, scar tissue can resorb by itself, two month its to fast to judge your final results, somewhere at 6 months if you still have that and if you feel hard tissue there Kenalog could help or maybe fat grafts, im no doc. I havent seen you pre op photos of you but in general i would say the doc made a good job, maybe your doc have pre op photos taken and you can ask for them.

Offline ddhh

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thank you very much for your knowledge and assitance.
Does it could be developed from gaining weight?
I mean, from the begining, i felt that nipple is more puffy then the other,and only after uploading the photos i noticed for an extreme scar tissue, it is indeed not nice.
What are the chances for the gynecomastia to come back? My doc says it won't and it will only alter it size to the rest of my body and be proportional to it. Is he right, or in fact it could come back (how much weight is still "ok" to avoid gynecomastia?) unfortunatly i gained like 2-3 kg since the op and im afraid from that. My mouth is close, but still gaining weight.
He says that there is not limitation on going to the beach and exposed the area to the sun but to put sun screen on the nipples. Does larg scar tissue makes it difficult? Is it recommonded to be exposed to the sun in that case?
I will see my doc only in 2 months, is it dangerouse to leave the scar tissue in its position/ or while exacerbating? When sleeping on the stomach it hurts.
Do I need to let my doc know about that?
I am very sorry for all the question.

Offline Cristalis

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Dont be sorry for all the questions. First i want to underline again that im no doc and no expert in gyno, all i can give you is some info that i gathered this years through reading. I have gyno too(from the ages of puberty) and for long time now im contemplating with surgery that i should do it as son as possible, im aging(40 now) and i need to get rid of this nightmare.

Usually all doctors leave some gland tissue behind the nipple to sustain the areola so it wont dent and form a crater.
Again two month is to early to judge your final outcome, you should wait more and see how healing is progressing.

There are so many possibilities for that dent that i can tell for sure what it is. It could be because of too much glandular tissue cut out or it could be too much glandular tissue left above the areola so you got a dent lower. It could be scar tissue or some still remaining swelling. If you say the first days post op you felt your nipple puffier probably its not scar tissue because scar tissue is forming later after a few weeks into the healing process.

Your gyno and here i mean for the glandular tissue not fat, probably wont come back. It could come back with the use of anabolic steroids and some hormonal imbalance but i doubt is your situation.

If you expose your self to the sun yeah, you should put a powerfull(50+ factor) sun screen on the scar under your areola(is that where you had the open cut right? can not tell from the pics). First imagine that where you have the scar is newly formed and very sensitive skin  that could be easily burned by the sun. You can google about this subject but i think the scar to take the color of the skin and fade out faster its good to avoid sun exposure or dont stay too much and like your doc said, wear sun screem and apply often.

My toughts would be to relax and wait till the next apointment with your doc, see how you heal, see how the look of the chest is changing, diet, do pectoral exercises and some cardio and if nothing changes at your next apointment talk to your doc about what bothers you and how can be fixed. He knows the best what you had, what he done there.


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