Author Topic: Another “Does this look like Gyno?” Post.  (Read 3022 times)

Offline Newby

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Hi everyone.  New guy here.

Tell me what you see. 

I was dealing with a medical condition a year or so ago, and I was on some cortisol steroids for several months.  That is when I noticed my breasts starting to grow.

After reading some of your posts I am actually considering a bra.  I believe it would help provide support and comfort for my growing breasts.

What do you guys think?

Thank you for your time.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2021, 10:46:29 PM by Newby »

Online blad

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Definitely breast development. Reminds me of when I first started to grow breasts when I was still in elementary school.

I think it is certainly worth trying a bra and get some initial impressions how you feel wearing one. Your breasts may continue to grow and you may find that a bra is increasingly helpful in many ways.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline Traveler

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Yeah, looks like stage 2 gyno to me. (not a doctor) Definitely at the cusp of needing a bra. Really depends on your comfort. If the jiggle is getting to you, you should experiment with at least a pullover.

Offline Dale Warnio

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Oh, yes, without a doubt, significant gynecomastia.  So good you are planning to start wearing a bra.

You clearly have developed breasts and they are definitely female in appearance, with feminine nipples even.  And, as you said, you are still growing.:)

When you first put on a bra, you will notice how much better it feels with everything nicely supported and held in place.  And I bet you will instantly feel better about having breasts, probably even a bit proud of how well you can fill the cups of your bra.

You will notice how a bra improves your appearance, more polished and put-together, no more jiggling and nipping out, and your tops will look better over your rounded, lifted bust.

Offline Newby

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Thank you Dale, blad and Traveler for your quick responses. 

Oddly enough the idea of wearing a bra does not bother me.  The jiggle is irritating, especially when I do any physical activity.  Also when I am sitting (I work in the office) the fold under my breasts bugs me. 

Online taxmapper

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That is where I am at now. 
And i too am still growing. 

though it fluxuates, i have a band size of 44. (Actually 43-1/2) 

Bust size is now fluctuating between 47-48 inches. I was at 46 5 months ago. 

My breasts have been sore lately and at times feel them actually moving in the bra while sitting at work. 

Yours are well defined and the thing to remember is that if you were to remove the tissue from your chest and put it onto an average female, they would probably hit a C or D cup in proportion. 

Mens chests are wider so they don't appear as large in comparison, but the weight is definitely there and can be quite painful. 

Offline Newby

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Taxmapper, thank you for your comments. 

I’ve done some initial measurements on myself.   My band measurement is 39.5 and my bust measures at 43. 

I am guessing I’d be a 40B or 40C??

Offline Newby

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Dudewithboobs, thank you for your comments.  

I realize I could loose some weight, but I don’t think it’ll help much.  I am 6’4” and 225 lbs.  My waist measures 36” so I don’t feel like I am not too out of shape.  

Offline Dale Warnio

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Your nipples look a bit puffy/conical to me. Can you feel glandular tissue behind them?   That puffy/clinical look is consistent with female breast development.  Do your nipples ever get itchy?   

Offline Newby

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Dale, my nipples do itch sometimes, and they feel a little sensitive when rubbed against my undershirts. 

Often they look much more puffy then they look in my picture. 

Offline Dale Warnio

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From what you described, it seems you are developing just like females do. As your breasts continue to grow, your nipples will get bigger, flatter as opposed to puffy, and even more feminine and you will need a padded bra or nipple petals to keep your nipples from always showing through your  tops. 

Offline Newby

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Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts and experiences.

I think I’ll try a bra sometime soon to see if it helps. 

If my gyno gets worse I’d rather support my breasts than to go under the knife.  

Offline Dale Warnio

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Newby, I see your posts have transitioned to the "Acceptance" section.  BTW, that bra you are wearing there looks great on you.


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