Author Topic: Do I have Gynecomastia??? Need help :( holiday soon  (Read 4206 times)

Offline alexharr24

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OK so I used to be really skinny as a kid and had a flat chest. I started eating a lot though because of depression. I was the fat tubby kid when i was like 10/12 and one day someone gave me the nickname moobs :(. Since then on I hardly ever take my shirt off in public because I'm afraid I will be laughed at. I am 18 and have started trying to get active within the last 2-3 years but can't seem to lose all the weight. Im not too sure if my chest is a bit fat or I have gynecomastia. I am a bit flabby on the stomach though but I'm unsure.
Ill post a picture from a few months back and one i took 10 mins ago.
Few months ago:


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Offline Paa_Paw

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I did not see your photos, but actually I do not need to. Gynecomastia is, at least initially, self diagnosed. Which is to say that if you think you have it, you do.

It is not a disease, so there is no cure. The condition can be a source of embarrassment, but it is not abnormal. Actual pathology is possible, but not common.

People sell all sorts of exercise gizmos and patent medicines to get rid of the condition, but none of them actually are of any real value. If it troubles you, the only way to get rid of it is surgery. You would want a certified cosmetic surgeon who has a special interest, and experience, in sculpting the male chest. Yes, I said sculpting, Your surgeon is a much an artist as a doctor.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Z31T

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I agree, alot of people don't seem to understand that finding a surgeon in not like shopping around for a TV. You won't get the same thing everywhere you go just with different price tags. You might be surprised just how much the surgeon really does when you're asleep. he doesn't simply cut you open and pop out the tissue and sew you back up. Its an exacting art of using existing tissue to sculpt a normal looking chest in the absence of the breast tissue. Search "crater deformities" on the forum and you will see what I mean.

That aside, from looking at your pictures it is hard to tell but you may have a mild case of gyne. as Paa_Paw said it can more or less be self diagnosed. If it has a significant effect on your life and you are willing to take measures to get rid of it, surgery is the only way to remove the glandular tissue. Do not just jump into that boat however, its a big decision and a long road to follow. Alot of guys here have also accepted their gynecomastia and choose to live happily with it. Read over the expanse of the forums and really evaluate the effect it has on you. No choice is the wrong one, and you will always find support here.

Offline alexharr24

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Thanks for the replies was talking to someone and they said that I might have a mild case. He said it because I am 18 it might go away but he is unsure. It also could be mostly fat so I am going to try exercising poor to see if it will help reduce the size and then I'll decide what I will do. Thanks.
Anyone know any exercise that are good for burning chest/stomach fat?

Offline Z31T

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Pull ups are fantastic for both. If you can condition yourself to do 20-30 of them at a time, it makes for a great workout of the entire upper body.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Exercise is a double edged sword. We have heard from people who praised it highly for having eliminated their "Problem." We have also heard from young men who were highly upset because their breasts were all the more obvious when perched atop a well defined muscle.

Offline alexharr24

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thanks ill keep that in mind...ill do a bit of working out and show results in a few weeks and see if it helped. thanks everyone all replies are great thanks


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