Author Topic: Do I have it? Pics included...  (Read 3095 times)

Offline notweakwilled

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Hi guys,

Been a browser of the discussion boards, but have never posted before. Here's a little background...I remember being slightly overweight as I went through puberty and have had man boobs ever since (probably for the past 10 years). I am now 22 years old. Up until I was about 20, I never really did anything to attempt to fix the problem. I was always a little overweight and a bit on the chubby side. However, when I was about 20 I decided to do something about it. I started to eat right and exercise. I was convinced that it was just stubborn fat. I would say for the past year and a half, I've become a health nut and have changed my lifestyle drastically (for the better). I go to the gym daily and lift weights generally 4/5 times a week, depending on my routine, and I do cardio 3-4 times a week. My diet is solid, eating 5-6 times a day, keep track of my macronutrient ratios, eat solid clean foods, and cycle carbs/calories depending on my workout routine. All around, I feel much better. However, some things still bother me. Most importantly, my man boobs. I do believe they have gotten better as I started working out and eating right, however they aren't exactly what I'm happy living with. I have been convinced that I have gyno, however, I still have some excess fat on my I always figured my belly and chest just had stubborn fat and it would come off there last. But...according to my Omron body fat analyzer, I only have about 8% bodyfat. From looking in the mirror, I feel like I'm much more than 8% BF. Do you think this is accurate? Does this seem like stubborn fat or is this gyno? I keep saying I'll know better when I get my belly fat gone, but it seems to be just as stubborn as my chest fat! The pictures of me sitting down you can tell that I still have belly fat. It's harder to tell on the ones of me standing up. Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time. Below are the links for the pics...Thanks.

Offline The_G0rn

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Your appearance is normal and you don't have the gyne.  Any average male has a bit of fat on their stomachs.  You have nothing to worry about in that department either.

Surgery done 18th March 2008

Offline angel_allen

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no man, you do not have breasts


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Nahhh, its all in your mind, you just can't accept the fact your a completely different person now so your looking for a 'drive' to keep you going to the gym and becoming fitter! thas all mate.

Your perfectly normal. Just carry on the way you are, and well done on the weight loss.  ;D

Offline notweakwilled

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Thanks for the replies guys. Maybe those pictures aren't that great, or maybe they really vary in size from time to time, but sometimes I really really feel strongly that I have it. No doubt, working out and diet has helped them dramatically, but there's still something I feel like. It can't be all just my head. What do you think? Anyone else have opinions?

Offline donnieosmond

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Looks like gyne to me. In the first pic and one of the other ones you can see it protruding.


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