Author Topic: Do I need surgery? Opinons please. 4 days post op photo...should I be concerned?  (Read 8668 times)

Offline theconz

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Okay have been working out hard starting to get some definition in mid area. But no matter what I do it seems like the fat and breast tissue and loose skin under my arms won't go away and one breast is larger than the other and they both sag.

I have already scheduled the surgery for 9/21 but I can still hold off. Am I being too self concious? It just seems like nomatter what I do the stuff inmy breats and the band under my arms won't go away.

Hope the pic is visible

« Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 07:43:22 PM by theconz »

Offline maineguy79

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Your situation is very similar to mine. I've lost weight, but my manboobs have stayed the same, and one is bigger than the other. It's very annoying.  :-\

Good luck with the surgery, though. Hopefully that will make a big difference for you.

Offline theconz

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Yes, correct I do not NEED it. Howver I would like for my chest to look better. But you are right these are wants no needs.

For me it looks crappy and I am self concious of it and Ihave been inthe gym 2-3 hours day andmy moobs and lovehandles don't want to go. eating 2000 calories a day good food 2 hoursof 70% MHR cardio still very little change.

$6800 just for chest. Perhpas so love handle contouring can be done. What do you guys thinkof the cost?

Thank you for wishingme luck itis greatly appreciated.

Offline jimmy663

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The conz,
DO IT!! My condition is very similar to yours. I am 6'-0" and weigh 200 lbs, down from 260 a year ago. I work out 4 days a week with weights and bike the other 3. Who is your ps.

Offline theconz

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Hey Jimmy my surgery is scheduled for 9/21, a week from Monday.

MY PS is Dr. Joseph Hundstad out of Charlotte, NC. He did some work on my neck this past February. I lost a lot of weight and had loose skin under my chin and neck andhe did a really nice job with a direct neck lift. I look like a new person.

So I decided to have him do the loose skin and breast/fat tissue in my breast area as well. Just had to save the $$$ to get it done. Now looking for real life experiences with recovery from gyno surgery. Will go to other section for that but will put up post op pics when swelling goes done. Nervouse but excited at same time.

Offline Revelation

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Hey Jimmy my surgery is scheduled for 9/21, a week from Monday.

MY PS is Dr. Joseph Hundstad out of Charlotte, NC. He did some work on my neck this past February. I lost a lot of weight and had loose skin under my chin and neck andhe did a really nice job with a direct neck lift. I look like a new person.

So I decided to have him do the loose skin and breast/fat tissue in my breast area as well. Just had to save the $$$ to get it done. Now looking for real life experiences with recovery from gyno surgery. Will go to other section for that but will put up post op pics when swelling goes done. Nervouse but excited at same time.

That's not loose skin, that's Fat, alot of it, you are most probably in the 25-30%+ bf range.
You said you workout everyday and still can't lose the weight, well sorry to tell you it's either one of two,
Your diet is way too messed up, lots of junk food and processed sugar, and you are way eating over your maintenance
or your not working hard enough, lifting 2lbs dumbbells isn't a workout.

It is scientifically impossible not to lose weight/fat when you are on a calorie deficit.

That's how loose skin looks like:

That's fat looks like (of course she's tighter then you, because she's at a much lower bf):

If you can pinch your skin, it's not loose skin, loose skin is paper thin.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2009, 09:08:37 AM by Revelation »

Offline Again

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To the above post, you are wrong.  Diet and exercise are not the only things that affect things like weight and gyne.  Hormones and body chemistry do as well.  I would be willing to bet that many people that have gyne have an under active thyroid.  Get the doctor to check out your hormone levels, especially the thyroid.  Testosterone too.

Your post is flat out ignorant, there is no other way to say it, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings.  You just don't have any knowledge of the human body and the OP should not listen to you at all.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2009, 02:55:04 PM by Again »

Offline Revelation

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I am sorry to tell you that you can't read right, and you have problems understanding what is written,

I never mentioned Gyne in my post, I was talking about his weight problem claiming he have loose skin, He DOESN'T,
now whether he have Gyne or not, he looks like he have it, but that doesn't rule out that he is at a high bf%, and needs to work on that.

And no don't worry, you cannot hurt my feelings)))

Offline kingboob

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I am sorry to tell you that you can't read right, and you have problems understanding what is written,

I never mentioned Gyne in my post, I was talking about his weight problem claiming he have loose skin, He DOESN'T,
now whether he have Gyne or not, he looks like he have it, but that doesn't rule out that he is at a high bf%, and needs to work on that.

And no don't worry, you cannot hurt my feelings)))

The flaw in your previous post is that BOTH pictures show someone *pinching* the skin/fat.

Yes this guy is obviously a bit over his ideal weight........ however his chest is still out of proportion with the rest of his body (in my opinion & his anyway), he could probably drop 40lb and still want/need surgery on the gyne.

A lot of time overweight people post on this forum asking for advice regarding gynecomastia surgery and they get bombarded by posters telling them to lose weight - fair enough logic I guess........ but does it ever occur to anyone that some guys might be HAPPY being slightly chubby but just hate the fact that they are carrying all the extra weight in their breasts?

I mean no one would tell a thin woman with tiny breasts to go gain 30lb before considering breast implants.

And then of course you have the guys who come on here having lost loads of weight who still have breasts and saggy skin and they get told they lost the weight too fast or there body fat % is still 19% instead of being a 3% bodybuilder in competition........ of course all their problems would just go away if they weren't such failures in life.   

Newsflash: not everyone wants or is capable of having rock hard 6-pack abs and a 9% bodyfat level. Plenty of fat guys don't have big boobs.

« Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 10:32:55 AM by kingboob »

Offline maineguy79

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Plenty of fat guys don't have big boobs.

This is a very good point, and bears repeating. A friend of mine is the same height as me (5'9"), but heavier than me (he weighs 270 lbs, I weigh 200 lbs). Despite the fact that he is far more obese than I am, his chest is basically normal looking. I went from 240 to 200 and not only has my chest not gotten smaller, but one side has actually gotten bigger. So, it stands to reason that I could lose another 40 lbs and still have a lot of fat in my chest.  And this isn't just an optical illusion due to my gut being smaller; I've actually measured them and can confirm that they haven't gotten any smaller despite the weight loss.

It's really aggravating to come to a site like this, hoping for support, and instead being told that "it's just fat" and "you just need to get off your ass and stop eating junk" -- as if that somehow makes my problem less legitimate than the skinny guys whose gynecomastia is entirely gland-based.  >:(  Here I was, thinking that we were all sharing basically the same problem, and that the cause or origin of the problem didn't mean that some of us were entitled to more or less support/understanding than others... clearly I was mistaken.

Offline kingboob

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Of course the really funny thing is that many of the skinny gym rats have gynecomastia that has been caused by messing about with prohormones, steroids and other supplements which are advertised as a quick way get BIGGER. 

Offline Revelation

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I am sorry to tell you that you can't read right, and you have problems understanding what is written,

I never mentioned Gyne in my post, I was talking about his weight problem claiming he have loose skin, He DOESN'T,
now whether he have Gyne or not, he looks like he have it, but that doesn't rule out that he is at a high bf%, and needs to work on that.

And no don't worry, you cannot hurt my feelings)))

The flaw in your previous post is that BOTH pictures show someone *pinching* the skin/fat.

Yes this guy is obviously a bit over his ideal weight........ however his chest is still out of proportion with the rest of his body (in my opinion & his anyway), he could probably drop 40lb and still want/need surgery on the gyne.

A lot of time overweight people post on this forum asking for advice regarding gynecomastia surgery and they get bombarded by posters telling them to lose weight - fair enough logic I guess........ but does it ever occur to anyone that some guys might be HAPPY being slightly chubby but just hate the fact that they are carrying all the extra weight in their breasts?

I mean no one would tell a thin woman with tiny breasts to go gain 30lb before considering breast implants.

And then of course you have the guys who come on here having lost loads of weight who still have breasts and saggy skin and they get told they lost the weight too fast or there body fat % is still 19% instead of being a 3% bodybuilder in competition........ of course all their problems would just go away if they weren't such failures in life.   

Newsflash: not everyone wants or is capable of having rock hard 6-pack abs and a 9% bodyfat level. Plenty of fat guys don't have big boobs.


Again, I wasn't talking about his Chest area,
I was talking about his overall condition, He doesn't have sagging skin (that at least should be a relief for him),

And yes, not everyone wants/capable of getting to sub 10% fat, but that doesn't mean he should stay at a high bf%, too much fat will screw up your hormones, in that case gyne will be one of his problems.
And yep I've seen many overweight/obese people who have remarkably flat chest, that's genetics and no two humans are alike.

Offline Revelation

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Plenty of fat guys don't have big boobs.

This is a very good point, and bears repeating. A friend of mine is the same height as me (5'9"), but heavier than me (he weighs 270 lbs, I weigh 200 lbs). Despite the fact that he is far more obese than I am, his chest is basically normal looking. I went from 240 to 200 and not only has my chest not gotten smaller, but one side has actually gotten bigger. So, it stands to reason that I could lose another 40 lbs and still have a lot of fat in my chest.  And this isn't just an optical illusion due to my gut being smaller; I've actually measured them and can confirm that they haven't gotten any smaller despite the weight loss.

It's really aggravating to come to a site like this, hoping for support, and instead being told that "it's just fat" and "you just need to get off your ass and stop eating junk" -- as if that somehow makes my problem less legitimate than the skinny guys whose gynecomastia is entirely gland-based.  >:(  Here I was, thinking that we were all sharing basically the same problem, and that the cause or origin of the problem didn't mean that some of us were entitled to more or less support/understanding than others... clearly I was mistaken.


Noone is judging you, or ordering you what to do, you asked for opinions, you'll get many answers and some may contradict eachother, you don't have to get confused, you take what sounds best and logical, and neglect the rest, it's your choice in the end, no one will live your life for you,

And yes you'll hear many asking you to stay away from junk food, why would you consider this a bad advice? many foods out there are contaminated with estrogenic chemicals which will mess with your hormones, thus emphasizing your main problem (am talking about foods/drinks wrapped/packaged in nylons and plastic materials).

No one knows what causes gyno, some say puberty some say hormonal imbalance, some say being too much overweight, and some don't know how it came in the first place,
I had very high estradiol levels when I was 12-13, and the problem started from there (I assume), over the years I started accumulating fat too much (mainly I think because of high estrogen and low tests) I had no hair on my body, I couldn't grow a beard or any remarkable facial hair,
I was given a drug, I don't recall its name, but I know that I hated it, so I never did proceed with it, but later on my diet has completely changed (from junk to whole natural food [If the food was made by man I would never eat it]) and without any medications or anything, things started to change, estradiol levels went low, tests went way up. And my boobs started to shrink with the lost weight.

My opinion is my experience with my body, I am very sure that my body is greatly affected by what I eat, that's what I have experienced...
You don't need/have to take my word, or build on it, do what you feel is right, you ask for advice, I'll answer you with what I know, this doesn't mean that it is right, or that it's wrong, it just means that there are many options to start with,
and as I time and again say, when you have gyne, it won't go after losing weight (at least I never heard of such a case) and eventually you need an op to remove the gland, but jumping into a healthy lifestyle will help with your mental condition far greater than what you could imagine, and your body will thank you for the change.

Offline kingboob

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Again, I wasn't talking about his Chest area,
I was talking about his overall condition, He doesn't have sagging skin (that at least should be a relief for him),

And yes, not everyone wants/capable of getting to sub 10% fat, but that doesn't mean he should stay at a high bf%, too much fat will screw up your hormones, in that case gyne will be one of his problems.
And yep I've seen many overweight/obese people who have remarkably flat chest, that's genetics and no two humans are alike.

He was talking about what he felt was loose skin under his arms, chin and on the chest area (btw it is impossible to tell if there is loose skin in two of those areas from the picture posted)..... you went in to a lecture on body fat levels.   Also loose skin is not always ''paper thin'' as your own pictures demonstrate.

Calories in vs calories out sounds very simple, but it is a whole lot more complex than that...... many people will be fighting a losing battle vs their own genetics.

Who are you to decide what arbitrary number qualifies as an acceptable bodyfat % ?

The guy wanted help with his chest not a freaking lecture on weight loss.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2009, 01:10:43 PM by kingboob »

Offline Revelation

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Again, I wasn't talking about his Chest area,
I was talking about his overall condition, He doesn't have sagging skin (that at least should be a relief for him),

And yes, not everyone wants/capable of getting to sub 10% fat, but that doesn't mean he should stay at a high bf%, too much fat will screw up your hormones, in that case gyne will be one of his problems.
And yep I've seen many overweight/obese people who have remarkably flat chest, that's genetics and no two humans are alike.

Calories in vs calories out sounds very simple, but it is a whole lot more complex than that...... many people will be fighting a losing battle vs their own genetics.

Completely disagree, the genetics thing is just an excuse. There are many factors in here, genetics is but one of many.

The guy wanted help with his chest not a freaking lecture on weight loss.

He started his thread by stating that he was working on losing weight/fat, and stated that he was considering some love handles lipo (re-read), and I gave my opinion, simple,
you don't like it, for some reason, I am not forcing you or the OP to follow my advice, this is an open forum, what I write is MY opinion, and am not going to change it for your satisfaction.
His weight and gyne problems are correlated as I see it.

Not going to waste my time more on this,
OP from the picture you posted, I don't see any loose skin issues,
do what you feel best, and what you want.


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