Author Topic: Fatty chest??  (Read 8970 times)

Offline karnik_y

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my pics available here:

Pls rate the pictures on a scale of 1 to 5.
2-not ok but not bad
4-very bad

also pls tell me what they look like in terms of shape:
1-no fat & no boobs
2-looks like some fat..
3-looks like  boobs at some angles but still not bad
4-looks like boobs at some angles but looks bad
5-looks like boobs at all but not bad
6-looks like boobs at all angles and bad

sorry for asking tooo many things..:(...
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 07:15:28 PM by karnik_y »

Offline jackanonymous

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somewhere between 3 and 4 - mine are similar  :'(

oh yeah and the second question- 6. Sorry. I'd talk to a surgeon if I were you (I already did and I'm getting surgery after I lose some weight in the next 6 months)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 04:27:06 PM by jackanonymous »

Offline RyanMace

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I'd rate it 6-7.

Looks mostly like fat, and some gland. Although, it's hard to tell, seeing as gland can stringy/soft-like tissue aswell.

Offline DenverGuy

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Hard to put a number on it but given that you're asking the question in the first place, try to save up for the possibility of surgery and then consult with a doc - one who's experienced and won't give you the "hard sell." The decision is yours.

Offline karnik_y

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will glandular excision solve my issue.. or would I need lipo also?


Offline RyanMace

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Def. need lipo aswell.

Offline johnnybot

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yea lipo and the knife

Offline karnik_y

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shaved my chest hair.. i see some improvement.. :)
my new pics:

What do u guys think?

do u see a fatty chest? or  breasts?

I would be less concerned if it looks like fatty chest to others...

Offline PhillyPUFF

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shaved my chest hair.. i see some improvement.. :)
my new pics:

What do u guys think?

do u see a fatty chest? or  breasts?

I would be less concerned if it looks like fatty chest to others...

Your chest looks proportionate to the rest of your body IMO. Goes right along with the belly fat  ;) I wouldn't look at you and think wow look at the man with breasts. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

Offline karnik_y

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Thanks PhillyPUFF.
guys, the other link is not accessible..
use this:

Offline karnik_y

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More opinions pls..
Thanks a lot.

Offline jackanonymous

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Hi again

theres a lot of improvement overall i think including in the chest but you still appear to have gyne and it isn't really proportional with the rest of your body
right now it looks a lot like my case and i still want to get my surgery soon..

this is only my opinion though

Offline Paa_Paw

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Both fatty and glandular tissue, which is common.

Grandpa Dan

Offline bamboocha

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Hi, new pictures are definitely much better, I think everyone should always post pictures showing the entire trunk. Close-ups of the chest can be very misleading, as with your earlier pics.
It doesn't look very bad to me. Did you trying losing some weight to see if that makes them smaller? Can you feel the gland under the nipple?

Offline karnik_y

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Paa_Paw, my question was whether my chest looks like breasts or a fatty chest? what's your opinion?..:)

bamboocha, you are right.. Close-ups of the chest can be very misleading.. I can definitely lose more weight..

here are a few queries:
1) I do feel the gland under the nipple.. I thought everybody has some gland under the nipple..
is it true that only ppl with gyne have glandular tissue?

2) In my case should I go for surgery first? or should I lose more weight first?
currently I weigh 145.2 lbs.

thanks a lot guys


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