Author Topic: First Bra Picture  (Read 2887 times)

Offline pastthepointofreturn

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I got my first bra today to see how it fits.  It is a 42A. I fill the cup up fine. It is a little tight around the band.  It has been recommended I try one and get used to wearing it.  I hope I never have to wear one every day.  It feels too emasculating, but I guess if I get bigger I will have to suck it up. 

Offline SideSet

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 That bra looks good on you. Fits like a glove 

Offline pastthepointofreturn

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it certainly keeps the breasts in place.  pulled them up and no jiggling.


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That looks really good! Nothing emasculating about wearing a bra. We all have breasts, male and female. And bras are for breasts, not men or women. Heck I'm a blacksmith and I am currently wearing a 36c, and filling the cups just fine... maybe its the size of my forearms or something, but I have had zero side looks or comments from anyone yet

Offline pastthepointofreturn

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I decided to try a 42B. The A felt good, but I was poking out around the side by my arms a little. The B cup feels much more comfortable.

I am kind of in disbelief i could possibly have B cup breasts.  I mean lots of females have smaller breasts than that.  I try to tell myself i am that big because of muscle, but if I am honest I know that is not the case.

I was thinking i was AA cup. Certainly not a B.

Offline SideSet

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B cup looks like it suits you.  As you say, many women are a B cup. They wear bras, so I can see why you would look and feel better in a bra, like a woman does
« Last Edit: September 11, 2021, 11:36:15 PM by SideSet »

Offline brock123

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The B cup pix look "more natural" to me and would appear to be more comfortable for you as a result.  The only thing that really matters is how you feel; whatever garment(s) you are the most comfortable wearing are going to affect your confidence. Confident people will attract less unwanted attention, and if that's your end goal you are seemingly on the right track!

Men with legitimate breast tissue will tend to be much more "side set" than women are, tend to have more significant muscle mass in their chest, and may also tend to carry more tissue closer toward their armpit(s) than women do.  The "bra sizes" A/B/C/D/DD/etc is female boob nomenclature, it's not really the same thing for us.  If you have found something that makes you more comfortable / more confident in yourself; you are on top of this!!

edit: you need to "do you".  If you like the way you are/look and are worried about female(s) accepting this; more than you think might will be fine with it (and many will be willing to "help"!).  If this causes you enough discomfort and/or you "hate yourself", surgery is probably your way out of this.  From my findings to date, most men are willing to accept gyne and it's not that big of a deal to them (surgery is serious business), but that depends a lot on how their opinion as to how their female companion(s) feel about it.  

Offline pastthepointofreturn

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I have been wearing a bra for a couple days at work. But I don't think I can do it regularly. It does feel kind of kinky wearing it and it is comfortable. But I am not ready for a bra mentally. If someone i knew noticed i would die. I don't think my B cups are big enough to requie one just yet.

I attached a pic for everyone's advice. 
« Last Edit: September 13, 2021, 05:11:27 PM by pastthepointofreturn »

Offline Rich meier

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you are on your way

Offline SideSet

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Your breasts look B cup female in that picture. Some women with B cup breasts like you go braless, but most wear a bra for comfort and appearance

Offline Goodnplenty

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The size or lack of size is not the only reason for wearing a bra.  Some here wear one because of the size of their breasts and they have a need for containment.   Others get nipple chafing or the jiggling bothers them.  I don't normally wear a bra until the weather gets cold and when it does I opt for a bra with some padding to keep my nipples warm.  My nipples have become painfully sensitive to the cold over the years.

Offline taxmapper

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"The size or lack of size is not the only reason for wearing a bra.  Some here wear one because of the size of their breasts and they have a need for containment.   Others get nipple chafing or the jiggling bothers them.  I don't normally wear a bra until the weather gets cold and when it does I opt for a bra with some padding to keep my nipples warm.  My nipples have become painfully sensitive to the cold over the years."

I have t agree with this statement. 
Technically, i still am not even filling up a "b" cup despite being over 4 inches wider around the bust than band. 

Today I put on one of the polo shirts and didn't put on the bra.. 

Oh that was a mistake!  

The pulling of the weight is enough to cause discomfort to the point that it feels like someone punched me under bust.   

You have to remember that a man's frame is typically (not always) wider than a womans. So because our chest is by genetics typically larger, the volume of the breast may be the same cup size as a womans by size charts, but is usually spread out further, making the volume spread out more over the chest and thus what looks small may in fact be much larger and thus the need for the bra. 


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