Author Topic: Going to Miami - Am I ok as I am?  (Read 3493 times)

Offline flex1appeal

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Ok guys, I have a week left and have been hitting the gym hard as hell the last 4 months and think I have tightened my skin as much as possible under my pecs. I think it will still improve significantly over the next 6 months with my hard training (And I train hard). But at this point, I have run out of time to improve before my trip next tuesday. Am I just paranoid or do I look ok? I mean can you tell? I think my chest looks deformed somewhat but that's just me. I'm my own worst critic. I will say I look 20x better than last summer and know I will even look better this time next summer. It's a patience thing and takes time to get rid of the self consciousness I've held onto.


Offline qwerty_123

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how was your surgery done? through the underam or areolar chest interface ? because i cant see any scarring at all...

i think i may have the same problem as you if i do the surgery... i started doing weights (age 15) when i saw the development of the gyn and as a result the nipple areolar complex has become ptotic (sagging) on my well developed chest wall...i only have a small amount of gyn directly under the areolar and no fat (very lean) however the enlarged pectoral muscle has stretched trhe skin a bit so there is an excess...

if i do the surgery there is a chance that the skin will not recoil back totaly and there will be a need to get rid of skin... however i am young (20) so the PS rekons mine will recoil back.

in your case i would wait a while as i heard the skin can still tighten up more... it is the biggest organ in your body and adapts to your body shape

Offline braveboy

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Hey dude you look fine ,so enjoy yourself in Miami.I can't believe people are giving you advice about working out ,if i remember right you used to be a body buider.The only looks or comments you'll get are ones of envy .

Offline flex1appeal

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Thanks for the replies. My gyne surgery the first go around was lipo only thru the armpit. Obviously, I fell for the lipo only gag and wound up back for 2nds. The 2nd time, he did excision thru the areola and also lipo again thru the same incision marks as before. He did a good job on the incisions because I can barely tell myself. Not unless you really look for them anyhow. So I am thankful for that.

I was a bodybuilder 10 years ago and got myself into this predicament thru steroids. My chest use to be much fuller and I will agree with everyone here about the need to pump up the chest more. That's what I've been trying to do too. It takes time unfortunately especially when you do it naturally. LOL. I am fine with taking the time though. I really just want to make sure I look good enough that anyone won't second look me like my chest is messed up. And the funny thing is, I am not worried that they will loook now cause I have gyne. I know I don't. I am worried cause of how sunken in my chest looks and because of the skin wrinkles now. That's my current problem. Do you think anyone would 2nd look that or am I fine? I agree with you maywest that I have a sort of "anti gyne" look now.

Offline flex1appeal

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Hey Blatino, what exactly do you mean by tightly pulled? I can see what you mean by sunken in. I am not worried about someone being envious of my chest. I just want to know if I'd pass walking around the beach topless? What would you honestly say if you looked at me on the beach?

Offline flex1appeal

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That's interesting Blatino cause I kinda thought I looked like my skin was "loose" and night tightly pulled. I mean, that's why I posted this to begin with. I have loose skin under my pecs and armpit from where the fat and glands use to be. I am flexing and that seems to be the only time I am able to tighten my skin. Anyhow, thanks for the feedback and I appreciate your honest opinion. I appreciate everyone's feedback very much. Thanks fellas!

Offline PeterBateman

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assuming ur not walking on the beach in your arnold pose, maybe posting a pic standing naturally, from a few angles would help u get better truer responses. 

im sure its fine just standing normally

Offline Punta

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I am sure you are on the beach right now in a pink G!!

Serioulsy, wouldn;t think anyone would give your chest a second look. You are looking fuller which I am sure you are happy about.

Just hope you don't run into Blatino..


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