Author Topic: Is the gym helping?  (Read 4242 times)

Offline samx1

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I have been working out for a few months in hopes of losing some of my chest fat. Do you think surgery would be the best option for me at this point? I still have more fat to lose but I still have the puffy nipples.

Offline Blackman820

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Yea dude. It's not that noticeable, and most people would just think that you have oddly shaped pecs and not gyno. I have fairly obvious one sided gyno but I work out a lot (collegiate athlete) and my "moob" is often a joke on the team but usually in a positive light. All my friends say "you're still jacked as all hell." or "so the man juice is the source of your speed." If you look good, and you feel good then the gyno doesn't really matter. Just learn to like working out and get huge my friend.

Offline samx1

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Thanks, I will keep up the workouts and follow up.

Offline pythose

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If you can feel/move gland around behind your nipple then I don't think the puffiness will ever go away regardless of muscle.

Offline hang_lo

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Good Grief! Your body looks fine. The muscle, shape. Nipples are no problem.
Some folks just get fixated with some sort of distorted body image because
they don't look like their perfect ideal that really doesn't exist. You look fine.
Keep up the work. Not to worry.

Offline henry 41

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perfectly normal chest. there is no hint of gynecomastia.

Offline NativeTexan

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I disagree. My gyno is more pronounced than yours, but when your chest does not look tight and muscular like everyone else's that works out (especially when you work out harder than most to ovecome the issue but it does not work out), then you feel different and get disappointed in the gains you make in the gym (especially if you have glands behind your nipples). You cannot get rid of glands with out surgery, and to my knowledge (not a doc) a person's gyno will increase with working out, if the glands are not removed working out naturally increases testosterone which turns into estrogen. If you have the receptors/glands, it will continue to get worse. It's a cost benefit analysis that only you can make. I have seen pics on other surgeous wesites of guys that only have poofy nipples (I have that in addition to gyno). They have pics of body builders with great chest and their only issue is poofy nipples. After the surgery, their chest looks 2X better. I would never want to encourage unecessary surgey, but do your homework. Do what makes best sense to you.

Offline hang_lo

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You're doing fine. Nothing to worry about. Drop the tiny bit of fat% and you'll be fine.
Don't sweat the small stuff. Enjoy life!


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