Author Topic:  Gyno and weight loss.  UPDATED  (Read 13864 times)

Offline gynesuxarse

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**UPDATE**  I've lost around 15lbs and gained some lean mass since the below pics.  Gyne is slightly improved.  I'm still around 30% BF according to caliper test so I'm hoping once I'm at 18% or so I may not need surgery!  Will post updated pics soon!

31yo male, weight 245, 5'11"

I've lost 55 pounds since the first of the year doing cardio, weights, and keto diet.  I was 300lbs and believe me it was a b1tch to get it off!  I feel so much better! gyno has improved slightly too.

I've had gyno since puberty.  My gyno is mostly a generlized "chest fat" rather than glandular nipple gyno.

The lowest I've weighed since I was fully grown was 185(i've struggled up and down with my weight for years) I remember at that weight(years ago) that my gyno was pretty much negligible.  I still had a tad too much chest fat compared to the rest of my body but it looked pretty decent.  

My weight loss goal is to hit around 190-200lbs.  I've gained quite a bit of muscle on my exercise regimen so I think my bodyfat should be pretty decent at that weight.  I'm not interested in starving myself down to 5% bodyfat to see if the gyno disappears, however.

Looking at my pics, do you guys think weight loss will put my gyno in a liveable state?  I'm ok with some moderate chest fat as long as its not like it is now.  

If I reach that weight and its still bad, should I try to lose even more or would surgery be ok at that point?

thanks in advance for your opinions!

« Last Edit: October 15, 2003, 04:22:28 PM by vortex72 »

Offline njknight

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I think that weight loss will help your case.  In any case, I would definitely try weight loss before doing anything else.  I'm very similar to you although I do believe that I have some gland but mostly fatty tissue.

I'm about 245 now and I am trying to get down to about the same as you, 200-210.  I'm about 6'3", I workout too and have gained some muscle, too.  I'm actually pretty lean except for my chest and some fat around my waist, which I'm working on.  I'm decided to lose about 35 pounds and then go for the surgery, i have always been up and down with my weight, but I always remember having these titties.  Well, good luck man.

Offline gynesuxarse

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thanks for the reply, it makes me feel better that you think weightloss will help.  It may not be enough, but if its close, I may be able to avoid surgery.

Hell, I dont expect to look like an underwear model, just to be able to swim and wear a thin white Tshirt out of the house!  Its been years!

If a mod would like to host these pics, I have emailed them to the mods address.  I know its annoying to copy and paste them.

Offline gynefree4me

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I'm not a mod but I've hosted them for other guys here.
I've added them to my webspace and will give link as soon as I get it setup

edit:  here's the link to the pics in a more permanent    

This way you can remove your FTP location and won't have problems with em disapearing ;)

If ya need anything else, please let me know

Take Care
« Last Edit: August 13, 2003, 07:26:14 PM by mr-niples »
Excision & Lipo - 14 Jan 2003 - Independence Day!

Offline gynesuxarse

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thanks paul.

I added ur link to my post.  The geocities tool was acting up for me so I coiuldnt get them to work.

Its good of you to still be so active on the site since you've been "cured"  ;D

Offline workinghard

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Finally someone who's (or is it whose?) case looks like mine! I'm 18, 6'4" and 310. I have started weight loss now and hope to get down to 200 as well. Mine a re a bit worse than yours; however, I just started losing weight so hopefully my case will better as I go along.

I plan to take a pic of myself every 2 weeks during the weight loss to see if there's much of a difference. May I ask what you do for cardio and lifting please? And what's that diet you were talking about? Is it like the Atkins?

thanks in advance,


Offline gynesuxarse

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May I ask what you do for cardio and lifting please? And what's that diet you were talking about? Is it like the Atkins?

I do a basic routine of lifting and cardio. I go to the gym around 4-6days a week.  2 days a week I do upper body except abs followed by 30minutes cardio.  I do around 3 sets of 10, sometimes 4 sets of 10 for each muscle(chest, shoulders, back, arms)

The other 2 days a week I do abs and legs- same sets for those.  I follow this routine with cardio.  On non-lifting days I do just cardio.  I rest anywhere from 1 to 2 days/week.  

My diet is basically a loose Atkins.  I keep my calories around my Basal Metabolic Rate (around 2000-2500) and take in around 40g carb/day  150-200g protein, and 100g fat.  I split my meals to take in at least 3 meals/day, but 4 or 5 is even better.   A low carb high protein/fat diet is great for controlling hunger and losing weight.  I rarely go around feeling like I am "dieting"

Whats really depressing is that my chest is muscular as hell but this damn fat on it keeps it from looking good.

If I can do it, you can too because I DONT lose weight easily, I've had to work my tail off.

I also take an ephedrine supplement but this isnt for everyone and I dont abuse it.  Its called Thermonex.  It has several metabolic enhancers with caffeine/ephedrine/yohimbe.  I think this helps with my energy and appetite a bit, but there is no substitute for hard work!

I also allow myself "cheat days" every couple weeks where I allow myself one meal to eat whatever I want.  Believe me, I can eat a TON if I let myself(I didnt get over 300lbs by osmosis)  

« Last Edit: August 20, 2003, 04:35:31 PM by vortex72 »

Offline headheldhigh01

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(I didnt get over 300lbs by osmosis)

lol  :D

always had respect for people who can maintain a routine like that.   lazy me, i tend to go for the long walks or rides or hikes instead.
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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We are about the same chest size, looks like about a 42BorC.  Good luck on the diet.  I would suggest about half of the fat grams & cut down on sugars.

The chest & under arm fat will probably be the last to go away.  It seems that you have the right attitude & determination get you weight & fat off.  Remember that muscle weighs more than fat & takes less room.

So if you hit a flat place in the weight loss it may be you are just gaining muscle while losing the fat.

For most guys the pec exercises make the breasts more pronounced by enlarging the muscles behind them.

You may want to avoid thse exercises.

Do not increase the ephedrine dosage byeond the levels recommended or maybe even a little less.

Good luck,


Offline gynesuxarse

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Do not increase the ephedrine dosage byeond the levels recommended or maybe even a little less.

That's not the only thing you should do concerning ephedra. From

" probably have seen some dissipation with the product, which is normal. Let me guess when you first started taking the product 1-2 tablets were enough to get you blasting through your day. About two weeks later you needed to add more to the mix to get the same effects. This keeps going and going and now you do not even feel a huge rush when you pop those bad boys into your mouth. Do not get me wrong, you know that they are in your system, but they just do not do what they used to do for you. Right? Well what has happened here is a clogging of the receptors. Your receptors for the substances in the product are loaded down. You need to cycle down and let them open wide up again. Typically 4-6 weeks should do it.

After staying "clean" for that long, which is really a short period of time, you will feel like you are flying again when you re-introduce the substance to your system.

Offline gynesuxarse

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as you can see after working out and losing 15lbs and around 3% bf the gyne is slightly improved.  I lost some fat on my chest and the overall contour improved.  If you look specifically at the breast in the background, you can see that it curves out less and has a more "straight down" appearance.  The foreground breast is also better but difficult to tell from pic.

I still need to lose at least 30 more lbs before I get at a good bf.  I seem to remember that once I get down to 200lbs, all the fat comes off my chest(last place to go)  I hope there isnt much gland left and I wont need surgery.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2003, 04:27:50 PM by vortex72 »

Offline ihatemyselfalot

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u look fine u got no reason to worry

Offline crow

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**UPDATE**  I've lost around 15lbs and gained some lean mass since the below pics.  Gyne is slightly improved.  I'm still around 30% BF according to caliper test so I'm hoping once I'm at 18% or so I may not need surgery!  Will post updated pics soon!

31yo male, weight 245, 5'11"

I've lost 55 pounds since the first of the year doing cardio, weights, and keto diet.  I was 300lbs and believe me it was a b1tch to get it off!  I feel so much better! gyno has improved slightly too.

I've had gyno since puberty.  My gyno is mostly a generlized "chest fat" rather than glandular nipple gyno.

The lowest I've weighed since I was fully grown was 185(i've struggled up and down with my weight for years) I remember at that weight(years ago) that my gyno was pretty much negligible.  I still had a tad too much chest fat compared to the rest of my body but it looked pretty decent.  

My weight loss goal is to hit around 190-200lbs.  I've gained quite a bit of muscle on my exercise regimen so I think my bodyfat should be pretty decent at that weight.  I'm not interested in starving myself down to 5% bodyfat to see if the gyno disappears, however.

Looking at my pics, do you guys think weight loss will put my gyno in a liveable state?  I'm ok with some moderate chest fat as long as its not like it is now.  

If I reach that weight and its still bad, should I try to lose even more or would surgery be ok at that point?

thanks in advance for your opinions!

I think u couls lose some whieght and u probbably have gyne but not a doctor so keep up what your doing and got a a Ps..............

All the best 8)
This is a great site and all should be proud to take part........

Offline ddaavviidd

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Just be lucky you don't have puffy nipples


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