Author Topic: Is it Gyno? What to do  (Read 1996 times)

Offline alterboy554

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5"10, 33/yo dropped from ~170lb to ~150lb (was never really fat).... All areas of my body look great excpt for my chest.
Is it Gyno? Should I keep trying to lose weight?
Also been on propecia for a few years, could it be related? Should I stop?

Offline igotum

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Propecia is a known breast maker!!! 


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Methinks you are way too focused on appearances. Working out for health is great - working out to look like a model when your career is something else is just a waste of time IMHO.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I cannot really tell from the photos.  
Grandpa Dan

Offline rodblago

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This is probably the most similar physique I have seen to mine.

I am currently age 36, 5'10 and have taken propecia daily since 1998. The contour of your chest is similar to what I had when I was in better shape. I am 200+ lbs now with puffy nipples and a sagging chest, but ten years ago (in my 20s), I was about 160 lbs. I was fit, but my pecs were disproportional to my entire body like yours. I was slightly heavier and my arms were bigger than yours. Still, it was enough to be insecure about my chest. If you don't mind a more buff look, just put on quality muscle on your arms and keep your stomach lean. Only do moderate chest training, high rep sets. You will still look shredded. However, if you want that cut slender look (like Brad Pitt), I don't see how more cardio or dieting would reduce the fat/muscle tissue on your pecs. It didn't work for me no matter how hard I trained. Sometimes it would look even worse the harder I exercised. For me, it bothered me when I even wore a t-shirt. If you want better advice, try uploading a couple more side pics of your chest while you are wearing a white t-shirt. That bothered me the most, even when my chest didn't sag that much at the time.

Are your nipples ever softer/harder when they are warm/cold?

The reason I ask is that could make all the difference to whether you have a mild problem or not. By the photos, I would say don't get surgery. However, you have to commit to a strict diet for the rest of your life, because your chest is very prone to sagging. If you can take some side shots of your chest with a light colored t-shirt, I could give you my honest opinion whether you should consider surgery or not. That's my opinion.

Anyway, good luck.

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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I don't really see a problem here.  I think you look great - nice pec muscle contour.
Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261


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