Author Topic: Gyno or?  (Read 10643 times)

Offline Passant

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Hello :) I just came across this forum yesterday and registered immediately.  I'm new here, so I'd beg for help.  Is it gyno in my case or something else?  I am 47 years old and my breasts have always been growing.  A little bit, but I have a feeling that lately that growth has been quite intense.  The pictures are without embellishment, such are my breasts.  I was surprised when I saw the pictures, because in reality I didn’t have a feeling they looked like that.  If it's gyno, what do you advise.In a sweater, the breasts also stand out. As you can see, the sweater is a little thicker, and I have another T-shirt underneath. breasts are not typical men. Nipples are sensitive and can turn me itchy.  I apologize in bad English.  I'm from Central Europe.

Offline Passant

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And my sweater

Offline curiousk

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Welcome to the forum.   It appears that you have feminine breasts with enlarged nipples.   If you are accepting of your breasts and are ok with having them, then I suggest wearing a bra for support and comfort.   If you aren't comfortable, then possible that a surgeon can help you.  Maybe seeing your doctor about the increased size of your breasts would be helpful as well.

Offline Passant

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Thanks for the quick reply and for the welcome :)
I have complexes before. For a while, I glued my nipples with duct tape and thought about surgery. However, I changed my mind. Those breasts are a part of me and I don’t look at them as something ugly anymore. I love my breasts :) Given the genetics, I guess I’m slowly entering the years where they will start and grow faster, and I feel that in them. They become more sensitive, they shake when I walk, especially when I run, they can ache and itch. Each breast fits into my fist with no problem.

Tonight I was surfing the internet and I concluded that I had gynecomastia caused by the growth of mammary glands. They are hard and there are plenty of them. The pressure hurts.
I wonder if their growth in men is different than in women, whether it is more intense or it depends on many factors. Of course I would love to know what to expect in the near and distant future. But it’s hard to predict.
Men on both sides of the parents developed some form of breast, but not as much as I do. They were of a different build, wider shoulders, I am narrower, narrow shoulders. Protruding nipples have always been a part of me, and back a few years breasts have taken on a feminine shape. Also, I take high blood pressure pills and nothing else.

How could I measure the size for a bra? It’s all still unknown to me. I feel I need to have something to stick to them: D

Offline Dale Warnio

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You definitely have female breasts with prominent feminine nipples.  I congratulate you for not being in denial, and instead  wishing to wear a bra, like other women do for their breasts.

Wearing a bra will help with what you are experiencing, such as breast jiggling and nipple sensitivity.  The picture you shared of you wearing a top clearly showed how noticeable your breasts already are.  A bra might make them slightly more prominent, but also you no longer will have the movement that makes them even more noticeable. Plus, no more concerns about nipping out.  I also suspect you will come to like the more uplifted, shaped look your bust will have.

As far as finding the right size bra, I suggest you go in for a fitting.  Soma is an accepting place, very helpful, with a wonderful selection of bras.  Not sure what stores are best where you live. C

You can call ahead for an appointment, if that makes you more comfortable. However, I guarantee, that if you go in braless, with your breasts jiggling and your nipples high beaming everybody, the sales associates will know you’re looking for a bra for yourself and that you need a bra as much as any woman who walks into the boutique    

Offline Passant

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Thank you for your support :)
I’m not sure how to measure breasts. I measured it on one calculator and got a measure of 90B, which I have shocked me because I was expecting a basket A. If I measured it well. The circumference over the chest and the circumference under the breast (I tightened it a lot there, because it was written in the instructions).
Also, I wonder if the bra shapes the breasts? Because one breast goes more to the left and the other to the right. Both take on a rounded female shape.

Offline Dale Warnio

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In those pictures,  you can see that you definitely have female breasts I need to be wearing a bra just like a woman does. 

I was going to guess B cup, so sounds like your measurement is good. 

Since you are still growing, you are almost certain to reach a C cup, maybe a D cup or more.   Your nipples will probably be getting bigger still as your breast continue to grow.  

Offline Passant

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Still notice that B is a cup?

I was aware that I had breasts, but I was not aware of their size. I hope they stay at that size, because as such I like them. They are smaller, they are hard, firm and upright. But since my breasts have grown 2.5 inches in the last 10 years, without weight gain, and I'm coming to the age when testosterone production is declining, I'm not running away from reality and it is possible that this growth will be faster and that the breasts will eventually start hanging. I am already slowly noticing these indications.

Offline Dale Warnio

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I noticed you earlier said you have used tape to cover your nipples to keep them from showing through your tops,but you might want to try something more comfortable like this:
Google Image Result for,255,255&fit=bounds&height=406&width=406&canvas=406:406

« Last Edit: January 05, 2021, 12:41:24 PM by Dale Warnio »

Offline blad

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It definitely sounds like it is time to try a bra and see how it works for you. Ideally, having a good fitting will give you the best results to evaluate the benefits of wearing a bra.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline Passant

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Thank you for your answers.
I struggled for a long time to accept my gynecomastia. If I could choose, of course I would choose a flat chest. My size is about 90B and I hope that if it grows, it will not go more than C size. But I can't influence that. Since I have already accepted her and in a way I loved her, I would like my breasts to be nicely shaped, regardless of the fact that I am a man :)
A bra would be useful for me primarily to reduce nipple irritation. After that to shape my breasts. And to be discreet ... maybe I'm asking a lot :D For a start, I would wear it home.
Do you have any suggestions for a bra that would meet my requirements? Unfortunately I have no one to turn to.

Offline Passant

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Hello everyone :)
It will soon be a year since I joined this forum.
As I expected, the growth continued. I was looking for reasons for my condition for a while, and I even suspected I had Klineferter syndrome. Because in addition to breast growth, I have other features that indicate this condition. However, the finding of hormones confirmed that my hormones were within normal limits and I eventually gave up on the karyotype test. Maybe one day I'll leave ... Yes, my breasts have grown. Size is 105.4 / 92 cm (41.5 / 36 inch). It’s a 38B cup and I got pretty close to a C cup. I didn't expect grow it be that big in a year. My breasts bounce a lot and are quite sensitive. I was often sore and itchy.
Luckily, I accepted my condition and I don't even mind that growth. I wear a bra at home, but not outside yet. I wear a tight undershirt under my shirt that keeps my chest under control. Here are two pictures to see what they look like now :)

Offline SideSet

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Your breasts are a handful and nice female shape 

Offline brock123

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Clearly you have Gynecomastia.  While I'm personally a bit "fuzzy" on details like if men can/will develop Copper's Ligaments to help support "them", IMO you would definitely benefit from a support garment of some type to remain comfortable.

If you continue to want to hide "them", I suggest a compression-type garment like a Sports Bra or a male-targeted garment like a compression tank.  The female garments available to you will target the chest exclusively and are likely to "ride up" and may tend to actually accentuate your bust if they are too big/too small, but the male garments would target your entire torso (chest/belly) and try to keep everything as flat as possible.  In my experience, female Sports Bras are the "better" option if your chest is the problem area; but finding one that won't crush your will to live by digging into your armpits all day is rather difficult to come by. Women "project" their chest forward; men do not.

If you don't care about "hiding them" anymore, I think you would greatly benefit from a Professional bra fitting. If you are indeed good with you, I think you should find a bra that you like and run with it.  People might look/notice, but ... who cares in the end?  Your personal comfort is more important than what strangers might think of you.  

You'd be surprised if you research how many "female" things started out as "male" things. Sadly, boobs aren't on this list, but I truly think that if you are able to accept and "own" your body type, caring about what others think will disappear.  I hope to get there myself someday :)

Offline Busty

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Thank you for the update showing the continued growth of your breasts. You started by asking if you had gynecomastia.  The responses then were that you did.  And your further development this year confirms it. 

So good you have accepted you have breasts like a woman and begun to wear a bra. 

Please keep us informed on your development and acceptance.  Everyone here is glad to help and share their experience 


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