Author Topic: Gyno or?  (Read 10098 times)

Offline blad

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It is no big deal to wear a bra daily if it gives you better comfort and control. It just becomes natural and you begin to forget you are even wearing a bra much of the time.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline Passant

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Thank you for your comments and advice :)
Yes, my breasts have a feminine shape. The only thing that distinguishes them a little from the full female form is that they are a little more widespread.
Breasts are not the only features on me. I have wider hips, narrow shoulders, I have little hair on my body, no muscle mass ... Because of all this, I suspected that I had Klinefert. The hormone findings surprised me, because everything was in the normal range. Probably genetics play a role, because everyone on the father's side, including him, has developed quite large breasts. And mine, in addition to genetics, is influenced by diet and lifestyle ... Also, I wanted to change. I went to the gym for a while, ate healthy, but the build remained the same except I lost fat, lost extra pounds, and gained very little or no muscle in some places. This is also one of Klinefert's characteristics. Eventually I got tired of it all and overnight I accepted my condition and now change no longer occurs to me. The only solution would be surgery and although I was thinking about that option, I gave it up.
I only wear a bra at home. At work, I still have an undershirt underneath, but still, my breasts can't be completely hidden. They are visible. Colleagues at work know about gynecomastia, but according to them, it is not so pronounced. Maybe they are just polite :D
Fortunately, my breasts still have no effect on my spine, although I can feel their weight and bouncing

Offline Busty

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As your breasts keep growing, pretty soon you will be too big to go out braless, both from appearance and comfort. 

Offline benusa

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Thats a lot of growth in a year! Have you been wearing a bra for a while or did you just start?

Offline Passant

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Hi benusa. I agree, the growth is quite intense in a year. I’ve been wearing a bra for a while now, but only at home. My job is such that I work with people and the rule of dressing at work is that I have to wear a T-shirt. My breasts are noticeable under the shirt, but the undershirt still covers my breasts a bit.

As for my breasts, there are small changes. For the last two months I have had intense chest pain. They even used to wake me up at night. My breasts were full and swollen. I felt them growing again. For the past week, the pain has subsided and stopped.
As much as my breasts used to bother me and I was ashamed of them before, now I have accepted them and they have become a part of me. I have to admit that I am curious and I am very interested in how much they will grow. I have a feeling my breasts aren’t done with growth yet.

Tonight I took a few pictures to you see what they look like now.
Here I was photographed in a T-shirt from several angles. I have nothing underneath.

Offline Passant

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And two pictures for you to see what they look like now

My left breast almost equaled my right :) Otherwise, the difference was quite visible.

Offline benusa

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Thanks so much for sharing. You can certainly see them with the tshirt but you wear it well even without anything underneath. I’m glad it isn’t causing you distress. 
I had surgery years ago but they’ve started to grow back. I’m not sure how much growth I’ll get but I was thinking about trying a bra at home too. Something I wouldn’t do before.

Offline Passant

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You're welcome :)
I was also thinking about surgery. But I eventually gave up. I always wanted to have male musculature. However, my body is a little different. Eventually I accepted myself and no longer have the desire to change. My body is like that and it’s a part of me.
As for the bra, I didn't want to wear it either. However, the transition of acceptance has also embraced the bra. Breasts need support, and since I have breasts and will probably continue to grow, it is natural for me that this support comes in the form of a bra.

Offline SideSet

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You are way too big to go around braless, both for comfort and appearance.  You made a good decision to wear one.

Offline blad

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It must be a bit miserable that you feel inhibited to wear your bra at work. Otherwise it sounds like you prefer to wear one.

Offline Passant

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So now that I'm too big, I'm not sure :D ... but for these breasts, a bra should go without saying. I have to admit that it’s hard for me to guess the size. I had one bra, there are a few pictures here where I took pictures. I outgrew him.

@blad Yes, I accepted my condition. I no longer push my head into the sand and am aware that I have breasts that are still growing. A bra is something that goes without saying. Facilitates posture and reduces back pain.

Offline Busty

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You had noticeable female breasts and nipples when you posted a year ago.  You have grown a lot over the past year and quite big now.  Are you still growing?  Seems like you probably are.  I am guessing you end up with one of the fuller busts on this site.

Offline Passant

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Yes, I'm still growing. In 2 months, my breasts have grown more than 1 cm. The right breast grew the most and visually approached the left breast. I have to admit that the growth shocks me a bit, because the growth has increased over the last two years. Although gynecomastia has been present for more than 20 years, it has not been so noticeable until now. On the other hand, I am very curious how long the growth will last and at what size I will end up. No matter what, I will accept any change in terms of growth. Because breasts have become a part of me and as such, they deserve care and attention from me :)
I have a question. Here I often read that someone’s breasts are female. What is the difference between male and female breasts?
By shape, size or something else?
Honestly, I don’t really understand much about that qualification. The only thing I noticed in myself was that I didn't have excess tissue under my arms, and I used to see that in the pictures on the net, that men have a lot of tissue under their arms that is connected to their breasts.

Offline Busty

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Male breasts, sometimes referred to as moobs, are all fat and typically are part of being overweight.  They look different from female breasts which are mammary glands and fat.  In addition to seeing the difference, you can also feel something solid behind the nipple which is the mammary tissue in female breasts.  I have female breasts with mammary glands, and including wider areolae and bigger nipples


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I have always compared mine to female breasts. They have always been a major a glandular development. Male or female, we all have mammary glands. Those of us that have higher amounts of estrogen, the receptors in the mammary glands collect the estrogen in our blood and respond to it stimulating growth. As with women, men with higher estrogen levels or those ,like myself are estrogen dominant have a natural tendency to have a higher body fat composition causing a greater breast size. The shape is unmistakably different.


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