Author Topic: Is this Gyno?  (Read 2281 times)

Offline dukat79

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I'm a 42 year old male. I have had prostate issues and been on a range of medication for about a year including beta blockers. I have noticed that my breasts now seem more pronounced and stick out. I'm a little over the weight I should be but not too much. Is this something I should be getting checked out?

Offline Rich meier

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I would say yes

Offline SideSet

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Most definitely yes, full female breasts. Have you tried a bra.  Now I am just waiting for some of the usual  here to say oh no, a manly, hard, chiseled chest, because that is what they always say. 

Offline blad

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In all seriousness, you may want to at least try a bra and see what you think. Ideally go in and get a fitting to experience the best results. 
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline dukat79

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To be honest it looks worse than it is. There is no soreness or hardness/ breast buds. They are easily hidden at the moment under a shirt and not noticeable. The nipples are constantly hard and poke out so I’m tempted to raise with a doctor. Not quite ready to get a bra - that seems to be a constant response from some peeps on here. That would be a last resort. Not sure what my partner would think!!!

Offline FredL

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Yes to gynecomastia - in my opinion. You have sizable breasts but your nipples appear to be small and more manly than womanly. I don't know if that has any significance, but in my mind it's a good thing.

You should talk to the Dr who is treating you for your prostate. Some prostate drugs, like Lupron for example, effect the hormones. Maybe a change or adjustment could have an effect. Or at least stop things from getting worse.

Offline Evolver

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To be honest it looks worse than it is. There is no soreness or hardness/ breast buds. They are easily hidden at the moment under a shirt and not noticeable. 
Then the question you need to ask yourself is, are you unhappy with them?

Offline SideSet

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I think the reason your nipples may be, as you said, constantly hard and popping is twofold.  First, as breasts are developing, like yours clearly are, your nipples are being stretched over the growing mounds on your chest, causing them to pop out more. Second, I suspect your breasts jiggle when you move and that jiggling is causing your nipples to rub on the inside of your clothes making them aroused or even chapped or irritated.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2021, 01:29:51 PM by SideSet »

Offline brock123

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Yes, and kind of "without a doubt".  If this condition is concerning to you I also very strongly suggest a visit to your doctor to try and determine what your options are moving forward.  Being honest with your doctor about how you this is very important.


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