Offline bob7375

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Judging by all the posts ive seen, no ones happy with JUST lipo, and what I dont get is, if the surgeons going to put your chest through such trauma, aint it best to just hit 2 birds with 1 stone and get lipo and exision done at the same time!?


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You know what, thats the reality of it ... not all surgeons are familiar with it! I mean look how much embarassment most of us go through in the first place to get to the stage of getting surgery ... its like 1 nightmare at a time to get to the stage of post-op.

Go to the doctors once you get the balls ... Then have endless tests ... Then get referred to a general surgeon ... Then to a plastic surgeon ... Then find out the NHS wont fund your operation ... Find a private surgeon ...

Offline flex1appeal

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I can tell you I was not happy with just lipo. I had a revision

Offline gettingrid

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I am happy *uptil now* at 4 wks with only lipo. As long as the contour doesn't change in the future. Not sure what other people think about the results. It could prpbably be more perfect but as long as the gyne is not noticeable I'll be fine with it.

btw, I never had puffy nipples or gyne looking chest when I was normal weight so it could be the ratio of fat/gland was 80/20 or 90/10 in my case. But most people are not happy with only lipo. After reading the board I did ask my PS and he said that in my case main cause was adipose tissue so I went with only lipo. Lipo cannot remove gland so the only reason for doing only lipo should be that the ratio of fat/gland is significantly on the fat side and there is no nipple prominence. I also had severe time constraints and no time to schedule with other people.

Offline gettingrid

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I don't think you had real gyne. I think You were just fat.

That is likely but real or not it looks as bad as real gyne :). The problem was that although I reduced 40 lbs over the last yr (came down to BMI of 26 preop) the weight came off from everywhere else.

Offline Bonefish

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This may be of interest.  This was taken right off a doctors bios from the referrals sections at this site.

Certified-American Board of Plastic Surgery
Past President-Dallas Society of Plastic Surgeons
Clinical Instructor-University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons
 By using special gynecomastia cannulas, liposuction alone can give a normal, natural shape to the chest, even when the breasts are large and fibrous. Excision is not needed, so incisions are minimized and contouring maximized.

Procedures offered
In 1995 I designed special liposuction cannulas for gynecomastia that remove not only fat, but the dense, fibrous glandular tissue as well. This eliminates the incision around the nipple/areola for removal of this tissue and permits better contouring of the chest. 

Years performing Gynecomastia Surgery
Average Number of Gynecomastia Procedures a year

Offline outertrial

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Id be interested to know what these special cannulas are supposed to be. I am a sceptical but ready to be convinced.

Offline jonbar123

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Hi All
Ive just had surgery(2 days ago) which consisted of only lipo, although the PS did say that with new specifically designed gynecomastia cannula's, incision can be avoided in moderate cases like mine. He says that due to the design of these cannula's he can break through and get rid of glad tissue using lipo. 

I am 6 ft 2', weigh 188 lbs, 85kgs. I have quite a muscular frame, but could be a little leaner. In the past I have been heavier and lighter, changing my approach to try and either rid myself of gyne or cover it up by bulking up.  I have been on reading posts on here for ages, in the run up to my surgery and was really worried due to people downplaying the effects on only lipo, when I knew that my PS was suggesting taking this option.

 So far though I am contented, in that from what I can see he has achieved a good result.  I am pleased to have no drains and my bruising so far is mild in comparison to some of the pictures I've seen on here.  I am wearing a compression band. I have also purchased a body-amour type vest from a sports store in a small size, which means its really tight on me. I am wearing it below the band which helps with  comfort. I intend keeping the band on for the first couple of weeks maybe and then using simply the amour vest.
Sleeping at night is a bit uncomfortable.  I can just about lie on my side but I need to gently ease myself onto it and generally lie on my back throughout the night.

I guess I am worried though that by having only lipo I run the risk of being left with unwanted gland tissue. That would be a nightmare, to have gone through the whole experience and still feel unhappy. However, I'm trying to be pragmatic about the whole thing...before I was really unhappy and now it will undoubtedly be better, so looking on the bright side is definitely what I'm trying to do.

Maybe this post will not be read again, but in case, i'll update it every week from now on to let you know how happy or unhappy I am with the results of just lipo and will maybe try and get some photos on, although I don't really know if I have any from before because although I have taken them i always delete them in case someone finds them on my laptop!!!
God Bess anyone who's struggling with this, getting surgery or recovering!

Offline b166f81

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I'm kinda new here, but here's my view of it.  I think anyone male who has large breasts considers it Gynecomastia.  All we know is we look different and are self-conscience about it.  I'm sure there are doctors out there that are not familiar with it or how to correct it, but in my case, I'm happy with liposuction only.  It's a newer type - I'm not real familiar with the particulars, but my PS - very well respected in Philly area - explained it and how well it works.  I trust him.  He said he would excise if necessary, but - after the surgery told my wife and me that it wasn't needed.  From that, I assume that it was mostly fat tissue, not glandular.  I'm happy with results and it's only been 10 days since the procedure. I'm still swollen and a little numb, but I'm sure it will only get better.

I consider myself lucky that it was mostly or all fat and he could remove it via lipo.  To say that lipo is incorrect or inadequate as a corrective procedure is unfair.  Each case has to be evaluated and treated individually.  Just be sure you deal with a P.S. who comes highly recommended.   

Offline BigLouJr

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I believe that gynecomastia, as this site is title, it has to do with enlarged breast tissue, hereinafter refer as mammary glands. I also believe that Pseudogynecomastia has to do with fat cells around your chest. Now, to make clear what I said earlier, with gynecomastia liposuction by itself will not work. The equipment itself is incapable of breaking hard tissues no matter what the doctor wants you to know.

Now, Pseudogynecomastia is a whole different thing. It involves only fat cells and not mammary glands; therefore, liposuction may work but not to remove the glands. If you have glands, you can do liposuction 5 times a year and they will never go away. Unless there is a liposuction cannula with a scalpel on the tip, lipo will not work for true gynecomastia, but if such equipment exists your life would be in danger.


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